Special Issues

AI and IoT Empowered Unmanned Autonomous Systems

Submission Deadline: 04 November 2023 (closed) View: 29

Guest Editors

Dr. Zain Anwar Ali, Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan.
Prof. Tarik A. Rashid, University of Kurdistan Hewlêr, Iraq.
Prof. Muhammad Salman Pathan, National University of Ireland, Ireland.


In the past few years, there is a great evolution noticed in the field of computing and its applications. This evolution and rapid growth have improvised various fields over time. In recent epochs, unmanned autonomous systems are empowered with these modern tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced technologies for better guidance, navigation, formation control, and swarm robotic systems. This rapid development in computing, machine learning, and particularly, AI and IoT techniques have enabled unmanned autonomous systems to become more and more maneuverable for difficult, dirty, dull, and dangerous conditions and tasks. Therefore, the applications of this type of research are also expanding. Keeping the same theme, this special issue is proposed as “AI and IoT Empowered Unmanned Autonomous Systems”.  


One may not only see the expansion of unmanned autonomous systems by embedding various features such that recognition of jurisdiction, collision avoidance, tracking, formation control, Simultaneously Localization, and Mapping but may also notice some of the major improvements by empowering these systems with AI and IoT. This issue is intended to explore the capability of such unmanned autonomous systems when empowered with AI and IoT. Thus, this special issue will develop and apply advanced strategies for unmanned systems based on highlighted inventions or current limitations of the field. Moreover, this issue welcomes original, state-of-the-art studies in the areas that contribute to academia and industry. The Special Issue will cover but is not limited to the following topics:

• Intelligent Control Algorithms

• Collision Avoidance and Tracking

• Environment Monitoring

• AI and IoT-based Fault diagnosis and tolerance,

• Adaptive Control Techniques for Unmanned Systems  

• Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT)


This special issue seeks researchers from both academia and industry to contribute their cutting-edge works and achievements. The original papers are followed on topics of interest that include, but are not limited to, the following:
·AI Empowered Unmanned Autonomous Systems
·IoT Empowered Unmanned Autonomous Systems
·Unmanned autonomous systems
·Advanced technologies in Unmanned Autonomous Systems
·Machine learning in Unmanned Autonomous Systems
·Formation control
·Swarm robotic systems
·Intelligent control algorithms
·Collision avoidance
·Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT)

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