Guest Editors
Dr. Tallha Akram, COMSATS University, Pakistan.
Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan, HITEC University Taxila, Pakistan.
Dr. Shuihua Wang, University of Leicester, UK.
Dr. Khursheed Aurangzeb, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
The recent progress in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), in addition to significant advancement in image/vision processing, enabled us to develop advanced and intelligent surveillance systems, which help in enhancing and monitoring the different operations of smart cities.
The development of advanced and robust AI/ML models for surveillance applications is highly desired due to its direct impact on our lives and lifestyle. There are stringent limitations on the ML and AI models' performance, which in turn leads to numerous challenges and opportunities for applying the latest developments in these fields for the betterment of our lifestyles and safe/secure society.
This special issue welcomes the latest advances and trends related to developing and exploring vision transformers and other emerging next-generation AI tools including ChatGpt for smart city applications. It will attract the attention of the research community from around the Globe, addressing genuine issues, emerging applications, and useful solutions for open problems related to the development of powerful AI tools and advanced algorithms for making society safe/secure and cognitive. Therefore, we welcome the submission of original contributions, surveys and review articles including, but not limited to, the following topics:
• Exploration and development of vision transformer for efficient image and vision processing
• Applications of vision transformer for surveillance in smart and cognitive societies
• Sophisticated machine vision, signal processing, image processing, and evolutionary techniques and algorithms targeting different smart cities applications
• Aiming to use ChatGPT for improving numerous services in smart cities including parking lots, airports, stadiums etc.
• Vision Transformer in Medical Image Processing
• Importance of Vision transformers and GAN in Agriculture
• Next Generation AI in Medical, Agriculture and surveillance
Smart cities, artificial intelligence, machine learning, surveillance, ChatGPT, Vision Transformer.
Published Papers