Open Access
Comprehensive Review and Analysis on Facial Emotion Recognition: Performance Insights into Deep and Traditional Learning with Current Updates and Challenges
1 Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics Lab, College of Computer & Information Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, 11586, Saudi Arabia
2 MIS Department College of Business Administration, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia
* Corresponding Author: Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj. Email:
Computers, Materials & Continua 2025, 82(1), 41-72.
Received 03 September 2024; Accepted 26 November 2024; Issue published 03 January 2025
In computer vision and artificial intelligence, automatic facial expression-based emotion identification of humans has become a popular research and industry problem. Recent demonstrations and applications in several fields, including computer games, smart homes, expression analysis, gesture recognition, surveillance films, depression therapy, patient monitoring, anxiety, and others, have brought attention to its significant academic and commercial importance. This study emphasizes research that has only employed facial images for face expression recognition (FER), because facial expressions are a basic way that people communicate meaning to each other. The immense achievement of deep learning has resulted in a growing use of its much architecture to enhance efficiency. This review is on machine learning, deep learning, and hybrid methods’ use of preprocessing, augmentation techniques, and feature extraction for temporal properties of successive frames of data. The following section gives a brief summary of assessment criteria that are accessible to the public and then compares them with benchmark results the most trustworthy way to assess FER-related research topics statistically. In this review, a brief synopsis of the subject matter may be beneficial for novices in the field of FER as well as seasoned scholars seeking fruitful avenues for further investigation. The information conveys fundamental knowledge and provides a comprehensive understanding of the most recent state-of-the-art research.Keywords
Facial expressions play a crucial role in interpersonal communication as they enable us to comprehend the intended messages of others. Individuals often rely on the intonation of their speech and the facial expressions of others to deduce their emotional states, such as happy, sadness, or anger. Several studies have shown that nonverbal communication makes up around 67% of human communication [1,2]. Verbal communication constitutes just 33% of human communication. Facial expressions play a crucial role in interpersonal communication since they are one of the many nonverbal cues that convey emotional significance. This is because they are one of the several signs that convey significance. As a result, it is unsurprising that the study of facial expressions has gained popularity in recent decades. Facial expressions have a wide range of possible uses in areas such as emotional computing, computer animation, cognitive science, and perceptual research. The identification of emotions via facial expressions is a recently growing and captivating subject of research in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, and mental health [3].
Automated emotion recognition from facial expressions is a critical element in various fields, such as smart home technology, healthcare systems, diagnosing emotion disorders in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia, human-computer interaction, human-relational intelligence, and social services programs. The research community is now focusing on this field because of the abundance of potential applications for facial emotion recognition [4]. The primary objective of facial emotion recognition is to create a link between different facial expressions and the corresponding emotional states they transmit. The conventional facial emotion recognition approach involves two core procedures: emotion detection and feature extraction. Preprocessing images is critical and involves several tasks such as cropping, scaling, normalization, and face recognition [5]. By removing the background and other non-facial elements, face detection decreases the accessible area inside the picture for the face. The extraction of features from the processed image is the essential element of a standard facial expression recognition system. The suggested strategy utilizes many techniques, such as linear discriminant analysis and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) [6].
The next phase will categorize the obtained data using machine learning techniques, such as neural networks (NN), to analyze emotion facial photos, pre-processing is required for both face recognition and rotation correction [7]. AdaBoost [8] have demonstrated the reliability of cascade classifiers, such as the one they use, in performing the previously mentioned task. It is customary to include artistic and geometric elements. The first phase involves extracting the locations of different facial features. Afterwards, authors interconnect these positions to construct a feature vector that encompasses the geometric details of the face, such as the angle, coordinates, and location [9]. To accurately replicate the many appearances of a face, the use of external features rely on extensive geographical study [10]. An essential part of expression recognition is leveraging the characteristics of the motion data. The last stage involves using the discovered attributes to build a robust classifier capable of recognizing a diverse range of facial expressions [11].
The first step in the Facial Expression Recognition technique is face detection, which entails recognizing a face or its characteristics in a video or single picture. The images showcase elaborate surroundings instead of just portraying people [12]. While humans possess the ability to reliably discern facial expressions and other traits from an image, robots without extensive training experience difficulties in doing the same [13,14]. Face detection primarily aims to differentiate photographs of faces from irrelevant background elements. The face detection domains include gesture recognition, video surveillance, automated cameras, gender identification, facial feature recognition, face recognition, tagging, and teleconferencing [15,16]. The primary prerequisite for these systems is the ability to recognize features as inputs. It captures color pictures in any area where a color sensor is available for image acquisition. Consequently, the bulk of face recognition algorithms now in use rely mostly on gray scale images, with just a limited number capable of handling color shots. To improve their performance, these systems use either window-based or pixel-based approaches, which are the two main types of face recognition methods. The pixel-based technique is slow in accurately distinguishing a person’s face from their palms or other areas of skin [17,18]. In contrast, the window-based technique lacks the ability to analyze characteristics from many viewpoints. In facial expression recognition model matching techniques are the most commonly used methods for detecting faces.
The research examines novel deep learning architectures and techniques to identify and detect facial expressions [19]. The paper also discusses the advantages of CNN systems in comparison to other prominent architectures such as RNNs and SVMs. It also addresses their shortcomings, contributions, and model efficacy. A substantial sample with accurate expression IDs may significantly enhance the rate of expression identification throughout the training phase [20]. Facial expressions are a crucial aspect of nonverbal communication since they convey an individual’s internal emotions. The authors of the research [21] proposed a successful deep learning approach for determining age and gender based on facial movements and expressions in images of faces [22]. Intelligent cameras equipped with integrated facial recognition systems can consistently capture images of a patient’s face in a smart home under standard lighting conditions and transmit them to a cloud server. In this manner, physicians and nurses may consistently transmit notifications [23]. The inherent capabilities of FER technology, compatible with resource-limited devices such as the Jetson Nano, might significantly assist law enforcement in identifying suspects via facial expression analysis [24]. Previous research on FER has shown that deep learning techniques, particularly those using CNNs, are the most sophisticated. Research outlines the use of a bespoke CNN architecture for the recognition of fundamental face emotions in static images [25]. To enhance the efficacy of automated facial emotion recognition (FER), a methodology including two hidden layers and four convolutional layers should be used [26]. The preprocessing technique eliminates noise from the supplied image. During the pretraining phase, which includes feature extraction [27], face recognition may become evident. The research aimed to investigate the relationships among gender, occupations, activities, and emotional expression inside a robotics workshop, akin to a dynamic classroom [28].
Several sectors have seen a surge in demand for facial recognition technology (FER), which has greatly improved human-computer interaction. In addition, the user brings up marketing strategies, security protocols, and health care systems. Facial Emotion Recognition, or FER, improves HCI interactions by making them more accurate and transparent [29]. It lets computers correctly detect and understand human emotions and behaviors. For example, educational apps may now adjust the difficulty level based on students’ facial expressions, making learning more engaging and participatory. FER provides better and more engaging experiences by creating systems that adapt in real-time to users’ emotions [30].
Facial Expression Recognition, or FER, is a powerful resource for mental health problem detection, sickness treatment, and monitoring in the healthcare industry. Contributing significantly to the field of mental healthcare, the system is capable of independently detecting emotional signals that might indicate the existence of melancholy, worry, or stress. Subsequent treatment sessions benefit greatly from these non-verbal cues. For example, people with mental illness or other emotional disorders may benefit from using facial expression recognition (FER) to monitor their emotional state and spot signs of anxiety. Importantly, many individuals need care for an extended period of time.
In surveillance systems, the field of security uses facial expression recognition (FER) to detect when a person displays certain micro expressions or facial expressions that might be a sign of potential danger. This technology’s goal is to make you healthier by giving you the power to protect yourself before things like airplane detection operations or accidents happen [31]. For example, FER may be used to assess the overarching emotional states communicated during an event, which can then be discussed. It enhances the comprehension of spoken language. To instantly boost their effectiveness, marketing firms use facial emotion recognition (FER) technology to assess customer emotional reactions to products and services. Improving customer service, customizing marketing techniques, and handling questions arising from emotional statements are all areas where this shines.
Review Motivations:
Facial expression recognition has emerged as a crucial component of human-computer interaction, exerting a substantial influence in domains like mental health surveillance, security, statistical analysis of behavior, and tailored user experience. Accurate interpretation of human emotions as conveyed via facial expressions is crucial for the development of intelligent systems capable of adapting and responding to users’ emotional states.
Conventional machine learning techniques are extensively used for the identification of face emotions, drawing on artifacts and fuzzy learning algorithms. A comprehensive understanding of these methods is frequently necessary to effectively manage the intricate and varied range of human emotions. However, deep learning techniques, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have shown strong performance at acquiring supplementary processing characteristics straight from unprocessed data. The capability to acquire high-resolution photographs of face profiles has resulted in substantial improvements in precision and dependability.
Nevertheless, deep learning models have several constraints, like the need for extensive data labelling and substantial processing resources. Hybrid methodologies that integrate machine learning and deep learning capabilities have arisen as viable avenues to address these obstacles. Through the integration of artefacts with deep learning layers or learning models, hybrid models have the potential to enhance generalization and scalability, particularly in tasks that involve limited data or intricate emotion identification. Due to the complex nature of facial expression identification, it is necessary to conduct a thorough evaluation of various techniques in order to determine the most efficient ones, analyze their constraints, and direct future research. This paper presents a meticulous evaluation of machine learning, free-learning, and hybrid approaches, emphasizing their advantages and disadvantages, and delineates their implementation and efficacy in the domain of face emotion identification.
Review Contributions:
In recent years, there has been a rapid and substantial growth in the field of face emotion recognition research, specifically in the domains of datasets, detection, and recognition. Most scholarly review studies have concentrated on specific methodologies that used deep learning or machine learning techniques. Previous studies did not adequately explore the recognition of facial emotions [30,31]. Although there are many new insights, technological advancements such as recurrent models, vision transformers, and self-supervised learning provide new information that strengthens the focus of our work on FER networks. So, there is a need to conduct a more thorough review of new approaches.
The aim of this work is to analyses and assesses the existing research on face emotion recognition analysis, with a particular emphasis on machine learning and hybrid methods. Datasets, preprocessing, augmentation, feature extraction, and approaches used in emotion categorization are the primary areas of concentration. This review paper has some important contributions:
• This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of FER frameworks, including preprocessing, feature extraction, and augmentation approaches. Furthermore, this paper compares the sophisticated techniques used for FER and their comparative analyses. Also, this paper contains an elaborate overview of current FER datasets.
• We have compared and validated state-of-the-art deep networks in relation to FER classification methods. We have examined deep learning, hybrid, and conventional machine learning models independently; we have provided comprehensive evaluations of all three. Their inclusion serves to provide researchers and medical experts with aspirations with little experience a comprehensive view of the subject’s corpus of study.
More importantly, Sections 2–4 provide the required context on the use of machine, deep, and hybrid models in the identification of facial expressions. Section 5 presents an in-depth examination of the FER datasets. The results of the continuing inquiry are explored in Section 6, while a thorough evaluation is provided in Section 7, which closes the summary.
2 Machine Learning Based Approaches
Several research scholars utilized mostly Support Vector Machine (SVM), K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest (RF) approaches for the face emotion recognitions. The study used facial expression recognition and machine learning to categorize customer satisfaction with products and services. The recommended framework has three key steps. The initial step is collecting user satisfaction, gender, age, and facial expression data. Machine learning algorithms classify data. The last step is model assessment, which verifies model accuracy. The classification model may categorize user satisfaction by gender, age, and facial expression [32]. The two primary aspects of this endeavor are as follows: The initial stage involves the implementation of a revolutionary geometrically based extraction method. This approach calculates six distances to determine the facial characteristics that most effectively convey an emotion. The second stage involves the application of a decision tree, an automated supervised learning technique, to the dataset JAFFE [33]. The goal is to create a face expression categorization system that can take in six distances as input, which can be either the standard Euclidean, Manhattan distance. The system is capable of distinguishing between seven discrete emotions, including neutral. The JAFFE database achieved a recognition rate of 89.20%, while the COHEN database had a recognition rate of 90.61% [34]. For face analysis, researchers used PCA to recognize faces with few attributes and KNN to extract features. Researchers employed the Japanese Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) dataset, which included 10 female expressers and seven facial emotions: pleasure, sorrow, surprise, wrath, disgust, fear, and neutral. 210 images: 140 warm-ups, 70 final tests. Image preprocessing includes scaling, normalization, and gray-scale conversion. PCA identified image features. The KNN algorithm can recognize neutral, happy, sad, shocked, angry, disgusted, afraid, or disturbed facial emotions in pre-processed photos. They tested the approach using MATLAB script codes and three metrics: inaccurate, right, and erroneous categorization. This research included 60 correct, 10 incorrect identifications, and 85.71% accuracy [35].
The study used fivefold cross-validation and a one-way analysis of variance with a significance level of p < 0.01 to ensure that the features obtained are accurate. Lastly, system employs these cross-validated features to train KNN and DT classifiers to map six different facial emotions. To measure how well the classifier does at identifying different emotions, KNN uses four distance measures. On average, KNN has a 98.03% accuracy rate in emotion classification, whereas DT achieves a 97.21% rate. Due to an optical flow algorithm’s ability to correctly detect facial emotions, a wide variety of real-time systems are now within reach [36]. According to a detailed analysis of the experiment data, the provided technique performs best when trained using SVM as the classifier; the recognition rate decreases to 79.99% when trained with KNN and increases to 82.97% when trained with MLP [37]. The Eigenvectors that result from extracting the effective Haar face features using the principal component analysis (PCA) approach are then used to reduce dimensionality. One can detect fundamental human emotions like joy, sadness, and fear by using a kernel function and SVM classifier [38]. The authors combined SVM, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and KNN algorithms. SVM (36%), Logistic Regression (64.2%), and Naive Bayes (38.1%) exhibit varied degrees of accuracy. Random Forest was 51.7% accurate [39]. Data preparation, grid search application for optimization, and classification were the three main steps of the FERM. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifies the data into eight categories: neutral, joyful, sad, surprised, fear, disgust, angry, and contempt. Applying LDA had clearly enhanced SVM’s classification performance. The proposed improved SVM approach achieves 99% accuracy and 98% F1-score. The authors of [40] devised a method for determining the sentiments of individuals by utilising two novel geometry features: vectorised landmark and landmark curve. These characteristics are determined by examining a variety of facial regions that are associated with distinct components of facial muscle activity. The optimal features and parameters are selected across a variety of characteristics with SVM. Active learning and SVM methods were employed to identify human facial emotions by the authors of [41], who also categorised facial action units into classifications. Fig. 1 illustrates the SVM structure.
Figure 1: SVM
Normal, happy, sad, sleepy, wink, left light, surprised, no glasses, right light, glasses, and centre light are eleven human facial emotions included in the photographs of the faces taken from the Yale Face dataset. Precision, sensitivity (recall), accuracy, F-measure (F1-score), and G-mean are the performance evaluation criteria for the suggested system. The proposed BGA-RF method achieves an accuracy of up to 96.03%. In addition, the proposed BGA-RF has shown superior accuracy when compared to its peers. The experiment results demonstrate that the suggested BGA-RF method is effective in recognizing human facial expressions from pictures [42]. Most of these systems work well with controlled-environment picture datasets. These datasets become less successful with harder datasets because of increased picture variance and incomplete faces. This research method is based on the Histogram of Orientated Gradient (HOG) descriptor. The technique begins by preprocessing the input picture to establish the datum region to extract the most important information. The next step was training a face emotion classifier using RF. Researchers used JAFFE, the Japanese Female Facial Emotions Database, to analyze the methods. The experiment demonstrated the effectiveness and accuracy of the suggested method for face emotion recognition [43]. There has already been a performance demonstration and review. Both were based on the uncertainty matrix and the classifications correctness. SVM, PCA, and LDA features work well together to accurately identify and classify facial expressions [44].
Overview abstract of machine learning approaches for the FER system is shown in Fig. 2. This involves data collection, preprocessing, feature extraction using several methodologies, application of machine learning classifiers, followed by model fine-tuning and training. Once the models are completely trained, they are evaluated for emotion recognition. In addition, Table 1 presents the critical analysis of machine learning for FER system.
Figure 2: Overview abstract of machine learning approaches for the FER system
3 Deep Learning Based Approaches
Computer vision and artificial intelligence researchers have made significant progress in the area of facial expression recognition (FER) over the last two decades. Human-computer interaction cannot occur without facial expression recognition (FER). Regarding expression recognition, it is an established fact that the backdrop or non-facial elements of an image are reliable. Efficient and instantaneous networks are becoming increasingly important in the mobile network era. However, many expression recognition networks fail to satisfy real-time demands because of their excessive parameter needs and computational complexity. Their proposed strategy addresses this challenge by integrating supervised transfer learning with an island loss and a joint supervision technique. This approach is crucial for face-related tasks. MobileNetv2, a recently created CNN model known for its speed and accuracy, generates rapid and precise real-time output when combined with a real-time framework. This approach outperforms other advanced techniques when evaluated on the CK+, JAFFE, and FER2013 facial expression datasets [48]. The authors propose a model called A-MobileNet, which is lightweight. Initially, authors will integrate the attention module into the MobileNetV1 model in order to enhance the process of extracting local features from face expressions. Authors combine the center loss and softmax loss to optimize the model parameters. This increases the distance between different classes while reducing the distance within each individual class. Their strategy significantly enhances recognition accuracy while maintaining the same number of model parameters as the original MobileNet series models. During the evaluation on the RAF-DB and FERPlus datasets, the A-MobileNet model demonstrated superior performance [49]. This strategy works well in certain countries, but worldwide adoption is difficult. Teamwork is the recommended remedy. This study aims to demonstrate that a comprehensive model for very accurate facial emotion identification is attainable. Mixing datasets from several nations into one coherent collection with uniform distribution is one technique. This study uses JAFFE and CK databases to achieve its purpose. They produce a convolutional neural network model after optimizing model complexity, training time, and processing resources [50]. This comparison is based on a subjective assessment approach that prioritizes the end user’s happiness and approval. Both the laboratory and real-world findings demonstrate the method’s excellent knowledge of emotions. Evidently, deep learning has enormous promise for facial emotion identification [51]. Mostly employed MobileNet Model for FER System, Used by Various Researchers is shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Mostly employed MobileNet model for FER system, used by various researchers
The authors examine the VGG16 network and propose improvements. To make things easier to grasp, replace the three fully connected layers in the network with two convolutional layers and one fully connected layer. Prior to training the network using the RAF-DB and SFEW facial expression datasets, switch the network’s maximum pooling to local-based adaptive pooling. To recognize facial expressions, the network may then choose the most suitable characteristic information [52]. Accuracy and recognition rates increased by 7%. This study proposes a deep learning-based method that analyzes facial expressions to measure online learners’ engagement in real time. Using facial expression detection, researchers can predict a user’s “engaged” or “disengaged” status and compute their engagement index. Choose the best predictive classification model for real-time engagement detection by comparing deep learning models like Inception-V3, VGG19, and ResNet-50. To evaluate the proposed technique, they use benchmark datasets such as CK+, RAF-DB, and FER-2013. The suggested system performs 92.32% of the time for ResNet-50, 90.14% of the time for VGG19, and 89.11% of the time for Inception-V3. ResNet-50 surpasses all other models in real-time facial emotion classification with 92.3% accuracy [53]. Face recognition software verifies and distinguishes facial characteristics. However, in real time, haar cascade detection evaluates face traits. The sequential technique involves the detection of a human face from the camera, followed by an analysis of the collected input using Keras’ convolutional neural network model, which analyzes data based on features and a database. The first step involves evaluating a human face to define emotions including happiness, neutrality, anger, sorrow, contempt, and surprise. The suggested study seeks identification, emotion categorization, and facial detection. Python, OpenCV, and a dataset enable this study’s computer vision methods. To demonstrate the procedure’s real-time applicability, a group of students evaluated their subjective feelings and observed physiological reactions to diverse facial expressions [54]. Authors offer a method for extracting features from deep residual networks (ResNet-50), which employ convolutional neural networks for facial expression detection. Compared to the most popular models for identifying facial emotions, this model performs better in the experimental simulations using the given data set [55].
The authors create a residual masking network by combining the widely used deep residual network with a design similar to Unet. The suggested technique preserves state-of-the-art accuracy on the well-known FER2013 and private VEMO datasets [56]. The proposed methodology was evaluated using a set of twenty-five cutting-edge techniques and five standard datasets: Japanese Female Facial Expressions, Extended Cohn-Kanade, and Karolinska. The publication, titled “Directed Emotional Faces, Real-world Affective Faces, and Facial Expression Recognition 2013,” is about the study of facial expressions and their recognition in real-world scenarios. The databases include seven primary emotions: disgust, shock, anger, sadness, fear, and neutrality. Researchers used four assessment criteria, namely accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, to compare the proposed strategy with alternative techniques. The findings indicate that the suggested approach performs better than all other advanced methods on all datasets [57]. The FERC model identifies five distinct facial expressions using an expressional vector (EV). A database containing 10,000 photos, representing 154 persons, provided the data for the supervisory set. Researchers attained a 96% level of accuracy in discerning the mood, with a 24 value EV. At each iteration, the last layer of the two-level CNN modifies the exponent and weight values [58]. The common CNN architecture utilized for the classification and recognition of facial emotions is depicted in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: The common CNN architecture utilized for the classification and recognition of facial emotions
The methodology produced very precise outcomes on both datasets by using pre-trained models. DenseNet-161 earned the highest FER accuracy on the KDEF and JAFFE test sets, with values of 96.51% and 99.52%, respectively, using a 10-fold cross-validation method. The results demonstrate that the proposed FER technique outperforms the existing methods in identifying emotions. The profile views success on the KDEF dataset as promising due to its clear demonstration of the necessary competencies for real-world applications [59]. The authors provide a deep learning strategy based on attentional convolutional networks that significantly outperform previous models. This technique can accurately identify and focus on significant face characteristics within many datasets, including FER-2013, CK+, FERG, and JAFFE [60]. The primary objective of this project is to construct a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) model capable of accurately identifying five distinct emotional emotions shown on the face. In order to train, test, and verify the model, they used a manual compilation of photographs [61]. Another study demonstrated the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to train a deep learning framework for the purpose of identifying emotions in photographs. They rigorously tested the recommended approach by applying it to the Facial Emotion Recognition Challenge (FERC-2013) and the Japanese Female Facial Emotion datasets (JAFFE). The proposed model achieved an accuracy rate of 70% on the FERC-2013 dataset and 98.65% on the JAFFE dataset [62].
Deep learning methodologies are garnering increasing interest from researchers. Deep learning methodologies are becoming significant in the realm of categorization [63]. A facial emotion identification method for masked facial images employs convolutional neural network feature analysis of key facial features and low-light image augmentation [64]. Facial emotions and expressions Real-time recognition has several applications, including security, emotion analysis, healthcare, and safety assessments [65]. A study developed an emotion detector system capable of identifying individuals with autism in real time [66]. The study [67] presents a novel approach for constructing a real-time engagement detection system based on deep learning models. Evaluating the learner’s facial expressions during online education allows an automatic measurement of their level of engagement. The FERC model employs an expressional vector to classify typical facial expressions into five distinct categories. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to identify significant face landmarks for the purpose of exhibiting the emotional attributes extracted from the photos [68]. The research article [69] proposes a technique for emotion detection via feature extraction and convolutional neural networks.
The need for enhanced model recognition rates and stability is increasing as an increasing number of people pursue deep learning for innovative biomedical applications [70]. The domain of facial expression analysis has undergone much investigation. Facial expressions are complex and dynamic, complicating the mastery of their identification despite much work in this domain [71]. Authors can improve the accuracy of FER’s classification in challenging scenarios by utilizing a MobileNetV1-based method [72]. The objective of the project is to develop a system for facial expression recognition using convolutional neural networks and other data [73]. This method can categorize seven basic emotions using visual data. The study [74] demonstrates the efficacy of a hierarchical attention network that integrates progressive feature fusion for practical facial emotion identification. The varied feature extraction module integrates several complementing properties. The qualities include both low and high levels, features that are gradients and hence stay invariant under varying lighting circumstances and features that include context on both local and global scales. Proposed an alternate approach for drone-based face detection and identification that would enhance the accuracy of facial recognition in low-light or airborne conditions [75]. The integration of CNN and VIT architectures with a CoT module enables precise detection of facial expressions in intricate situations. By instructing on intricate relationships among attributes in specific areas, this facilitates the recognition of small variations [76]. This study presents an innovative method for face emotion identification via a selective kernel network [77]. The Cross-Centroid Ripple Pattern (CRIP) is an innovative feature descriptor for computer-generated face expression identification [78].
Overview abstract of deep learning approaches for the FER system, utilizing preprocessing, augmentation, CNN models with transfer learning weights, training and tuning, and recognition for more than 5 emotions is presented in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Overview abstract of deep learning approaches for the FER system, utilizing preprocessing, augmentation, CNN models with transfer learning weights, training and tuning, and recognition for more than 5 emotions
Table 2 shows the critical analysis of deep learning for FER system. The existing models for facial expression recognition are inadequate for the complex situations encountered in daily life. These concerns include face occlusion, fluctuations in illumination, image noise, and other related problems. The answer to these challenges is the incorporation of the CoT function into the CNN and ViT systems. It enhances the model’s sensitivity to diverse lighting conditions, augments its capacity to discern nuanced correlations among local attributes, and elevates the probability that those features will align with the global representation. The authors refine models derived from the ConvNet architecture, such as ConvNeXt, capable of recognizing and categorizing faces exhibiting a range of emotions with the IMED Dataset. These iterations include Swin Transformer v2, Vision Transformer, and other variants. Each model undergoes testing with several configurations using improved hyperparameters [79].
4 Hybrid Learning based Approaches
Extensive empirical studies have shown that the act of concealing mouths significantly complicates the interpretation of facial emotions. Recent research has shown that the majority of emotional facial expressions are attributed to the concealment of the lips, perhaps elucidating the reason for the limited assurance in reaching this conclusion. VGG-16 and AlexNet are the two predominant deep learning models used for feature extraction. The study used many classifiers for FC6, FC7, and FC8 after feature extraction in order to enhance the predictive accuracy of concealed facial emotions [80]. This study shows the first results of a system that uses both CNN-based facial geometry displacement classification and SVM-based facial motion classification to sort facial motion flows into groups. In terms of performance, the system is state-of-the-art. Compared to using individual classifiers, the hybrid model achieves much higher performance when it comes to facial expression categorization [81]. Researchers used facial recognition software to extract network difference features (NDF) from the relationships between nearby locations. In preparation for testing, the researchers created a random forest classifier that could classify facial expressions into seven separate groups [82].
Cross-database studies provide encouraging results compared to state-of-the-art models, further demonstrating the enormous potential of integrating shallow and deep learning features [83]. This combined approach makes use of the energy-entropy-based dual-tree m-band wavelet transform (DTMBWT) method to achieve a high level of precision. Also, it uses a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for classification purposes, which allows it to accurately identify facial emotions in database photographs. Using the DTMBWT dataset, one may extract many expression characteristics from levels 1 to 6. It is also feasible to get the homogeneity and contrast indices in addition to the GLCM characteristics. In the end, the GMM classifier makes it easier to classify and identify certain traits [84]. This research proposes a state-of-the-art deep learning method for emotion prediction by analysing photographed faces using CNN. CNN for analysing the main emotion (happy or sad) and another for predicting the secondary emotion make up the model of this study [85]. The paper presents a technique for emotion recognition using lighting, occlusion, and posture in a range of face photos. Facial expression identification using a hybrid approach has not been the subject of any previous studies. In spite of training on a dataset of static head poses and illuminations, their model can adjust to variations in head postures, color, contrast, and light [86]. Overview of Hybrid learning approaches for the FER system, utilizing preprocessing, augmentation, feature extraction, classification, training and tuning, and recognition is depicted in Fig. 6.
Figure 6: Overview of hybrid learning approaches for the FER system, utilizing preprocessing, augmentation, feature extraction, classification, training and tuning, and recognition
To characterise the relative geometric position interaction of face landmarks, a deep geometric feature descriptor is the appropriate choice. Basic geometric features may be acquired by categorising the landmarks into seven distinct groups. Adaptive relevance estimation of several landmark sites is achievable using the attention module in ALSTMs. The integration of ALSTMs and SACNNs enables the development of hybrid features for expression recognition [87]. In the domain of subjective evaluation, the GMM-DNN model yields results that are equivalent to those of human assessors. Furthermore, they conducted tests on the classifier in both quiet and noisy conversation environments, as well as on two distinct emotional datasets [88]. Given situations where facial expressions are inherently misleading, the provided paradigm demonstrates significant utility in identifying the accurate emotional condition. This work surpasses or compares favorably the accuracy of the reference subject-independent multimodal emotion recognition research in the available literature [89]. DBN averages segment-level characteristics of a video sequence to build a global video feature representation with a given duration. A linear SVM trained on global video feature representations can classify face expressions [90]. This study compares deep learning with transfer learning methods for categorizing facial emotions as happy or angry. These include CNN, LSTM, Inception, ResNet, VGG, Xception, and InceptionResnet. Deep hybrid learning (DHL) uses DL and transfer learning to recognise face emotions [91]. Critical analysis of Hybrid learning for FER system is presented in Table 3.
5 Facial Emotion Recognition Datasets
The authors utilized various FER datasets for the classification and recognition of human emotion with different methods. A brief explanation and each dataset samples are illustrated in Table 4.
6 Comparative Analysis of Different Learning Methods
Machine learning, deep learning, and hybrid learning are present distinctive advantages and challenges, particularly in the areas of data augmentation and feature extraction. The foundation of machine learning is manual feature extraction and simplified algorithms that are beneficial for tasks that necessitate profound knowledge, but have limited data and computing resources. Conversely, DL autonomously extracts features through the use of sophisticated neural networks. This approach is more advantageous for large and intricate data sets, despite the fact that it necessitates a greater amount of computing capacity and may offer inferior accuracy. Fuzzy learning is a complex and resource-intensive technique that integrates machine learning and Hybrid learning techniques. It leverages their shared assets to solve more complex problems and increase efficiency. In all applications, data augmentation is advantageous due to its ability to enhance model flexibility, prevent overfitting, and generally enhance model accuracy by artificially increasing their training data. Therefore, comparative Analysis of different learning methods is shown in Table 5.
Although current reviews have mostly concentrated on face emotion recognition in different situations, they have overlooked some groundbreaking ideas and neglected to include all types of models for classification. The main goal of this study is to analyses the deep model that can precisely recognize different facial emotions. The training, evaluation, and validation of the model necessitated the use of a manual imagine collecting protocol [52]. A separate research paper showcased the development of a deep learning framework that harnesses CNN to accurately identify emotions in photographs. This study provides a thorough analysis of several machine, deep, and hybrid fuzzy systems. Furthermore, this study examines a broad spectrum of applications and accompanying difficulties related to FER systems. The aim of this study is to do an extensive search for relevant papers published in the past and identify the prevailing classification and recognition architectures used for emotion recognition on datasets of facial expressions, using methods for processing face images. Fig. 7 presents the most employed models and its performance regarding different face emotion datasets.
Figure 7: The most employed models and its performance regarding different face emotion datasets
The analysis began by using traditional machine learning approaches. The SVM, KNN, RF, and DT are the most often used models throughout the review process. By using these approaches with different hyper parameter ranges, the authors achieved divergent outcomes on separate datasets. RF achieved a statistical accuracy of 99.6% on the CK+ dataset and 57.1% on the RAF dataset when using the SVM model.
The work presents a succinct summary of many CNN architectures, focusing particularly on deep learning models. This research evaluates the performance of several CNN, VGG-16, MobileNet, and ResNet models, including both simple and complex architectures, in the FER domain. The task of comparing responses is complicated by the use of several databases for training and testing, some of which included sequences and others contained images. The range of images used for training and evaluating specific solutions was somewhat restricted. Fig. 8 presents the overall graphical abstract of different models and its performance regarding different face emotion datasets.
Figure 8: The overall graphical abstract of different models and its performance regarding different face emotion datasets
Experimental testing has demonstrated that deep and hybrid learning-based FER techniques are highly accurate. Nevertheless, there are a few lingering problems that require further investigation. As the framework’s complexity increases, data preparation necessitates a substantial dataset and computational resources. Experiments and testing necessitate a substantial quantity of memory that consumes time, as well as a significant number of manually created and annotated datasets. The model capacity required by the techniques enumerated above, particularly those that employ deep learning, is substantial. Moreover, these methodologies aim to classify specific emotions, making them unsuitable for classifying other emotional states. Therefore, the development of a new framework that is generalizable to encompass the entire range of emotions would be highly relevant and potentially expandable to encompass the classification of intricate facial expressions.
1. The FER system is compromised when portions of the face are concealed by hands or similar obstructions. In contrast to the actual world, it is not always feasible to visualize the whole spectrum of face traits.
2. Alterations in head position, such as leaning or lateral gazing, induce tension on face nerves, complicating the process. Most facial emotion recognition systems operate well when the occupant is seated in the front passenger seat.
3. Variations in brightness may influence the precision of facial tracking and detection. Insufficient or excessive brightness may conceal significant details and become distracting.
4. Numerous FER systems exhibit culturally unique activation of emotional expressions that was implementing at home. This results in diversity in emotion perception across many cultural situations. Due to substantial variations in face expressions throughout various geographies.
5. Although conventional manual and automated procedures are successful in execution, they are not straightforward to deploy. In complicated or unstructured situations, they often provide varying predictions depending on certain characteristics or datasets.
Future investigations into FER must address current challenges, mitigate biases, and improve the model’s applicability to real-world contexts. The fundamental objective is to provide more inclusive and diverse datasets that include a range of facial expressions from many locations, cultures, and ethnicities. Moreover, multimodal approaches improve the precision of emotion recognition by integrating facial expressions with other cues such as vocal tone and body language. Real-time FER systems are crucial for advanced applications requiring storage precision and optimisation in unstructured environments. Mitigating bias problems necessitates the formulation of strategies to reduce population bias in sample performance and provide objective results. The understanding and reliability of FER systems may be improved by the use of explainable artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies, especially in resource-constrained areas. Moreover, developments in practical applications may be effectively represented by improving temporal dynamics in forthcoming models like as Transformer or LSTM. Finally, advanced research indicates that FER techniques are secure in certain applications, whereas unsupervised and self-supervised learning methods reduce the need on large data sets.
This work provided a brief review of the facial emotion recognition framework, leveraging a combination of behaviors from user evaluation. This approach has the ability to differentiate between seven unique emotional states: joy, anger, neutral, disgust, fear, surprise, and sad. Artificial intelligence methods have a wide range of practical applications across many sectors. Notably, automated machines are already capable of understanding and interpreting facial emotions. This review analyzes and compares datasets collected from various sources, preprocessing, augmentation approaches, feature extraction, machine learning, and deep and hybrid learning frameworks. It is much less necessary for deep-learning-based face-entity recognition systems to use face-physics-based models and other pre-processing methods because they can learn directly from the photos that are fed into them. RF, SVM, KNN, and DT are among the classification algorithms used in traditional FER. CNN, a subtype of deep learning, uses graphic representations of input images to facilitate the understanding of models developed on various FER datasets. This showcases the effectiveness of networks trained on emotion detection across datasets and other FER-related tasks. Using hybrid methodologies could potentially overcome the issue of CNN-based FER methods not effectively capturing the temporal variations in face components.
Researchers mostly used LSTM and SVM to handle the temporal characteristics of successive frames and a CNN to handle the spatial features of individual frames. Compared to previous traditional methods that calculated the average of data across time, the use of hybrid approaches has demonstrated encouraging outcomes. Regrettably, deep learning-based FER methodology still has several drawbacks. Specifically, these techniques need extensive datasets, substantial memory and processing power, and a considerable duration for both training and testing. Despite the enhanced performance of hybrid architecture, the task of managing facial expressions, which refer to modest and involuntary facial movements that happen spontaneously, remains challenging? Researchers have established the criteria of identification accuracy and recall as the benchmarks for evaluation after extensive testing.
Recently, existing artificial intelligence techniques are unable to replicate intricate human emotions, such as empathy and the capability to understand context. Given that emotional intelligence facilitates the production of common human emotions, researchers are striving to suggest that systems with the ability to integrate it would attain much higher levels of success in the future. Researchers are currently conducting an ongoing investigation to develop continually improved techniques to address computational complexity, poor performance, and training difficulties with the goal of establishing an optimized architecture suitable for real-time applications.
Acknowledgement: The authors are thankful to the AIDA Lab, CCIS, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for support.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: Amjad Rehman, Muhammad Mujahid, Alex Elyassih, Methodology: Amjad Rehman, Bayan AlGhofaily and Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj; Software: Amjad Rehman, Muhammad Mujahid, Alex Elyassih; validation: Amjad Rehman, Muhammad Mujahid, Alex Elyassih; writing—original draft preparation: Amjad Rehman, Muhammad Mujahid, Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj; writing—review and editing: Amjad Rehman, Bayan AlGhofaily and Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj; visualization, Bayan AlGhofaily, Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj, Alex Elyassih; supervision: Amjad Rehman, Alex Elyassih, project administration: Bayan AlGhofailiy, Alex Elyassih, Saeed Ali Omer Bahaj. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Availability of Data and Materials: The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article in Section 5.
Ethics Approval: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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