Open Access
A New Fuzzy Adaptive Algorithm to Classify Imbalanced Data
1 School of Information Technology & Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 632014, India
2 Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Cluj Napoca, 400114, Romania
* Corresponding Author: Dharmendra Singh Rajput. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Data Science)
Computers, Materials & Continua 2022, 70(1), 73-89.
Received 21 January 2021; Accepted 30 April 2021; Issue published 07 September 2021
Classification of imbalanced data is a well explored issue in the data mining and machine learning community where one class representation is overwhelmed by other classes. The Imbalanced distribution of data is a natural occurrence in real world datasets, so needed to be dealt with carefully to get important insights. In case of imbalance in data sets, traditional classifiers have to sacrifice their performances, therefore lead to misclassifications. This paper suggests a weighted nearest neighbor approach in a fuzzy manner to deal with this issue. We have adapted the ‘existing algorithm modification solution’ to learn from imbalanced datasets that classify data without manipulating the natural distribution of data unlike the other popular data balancing methods. The K nearest neighbor is a non-parametric classification method that is mostly used in machine learning problems. Fuzzy classification with the nearest neighbor clears the belonging of an instance to classes and optimal weights with improved nearest neighbor concept helping to correctly classify imbalanced data. The proposed hybrid approach takes care of imbalance nature of data and reduces the inaccuracies appear in applications of original and traditional classifiers. Results show that it performs well over the existing fuzzy nearest neighbor and weighted neighbor strategies for imbalanced learning.Keywords
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