Computers, Materials & Continua

A Computational Analysis to Burgers Huxley Equation

Muhammad Saqib1, Muhammad Shoaib Arif2,*, Shahid Hasnain3 and Daoud S. Mashat4

1Department of Mathematics, Numl University, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
2Department of Mathematics, Air University, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
3Department of Mathematics, Air University, Multan Campus, Multan, 66000, Pakistan
4Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author: Muhammad Shoaib Arif. Email: shoaib.arif@mail.au.edu.pk
Received: 24 September 2020; Accepted: 04 December 2020

Abstract: The efficiency of solving computationally partial differential equations can be profoundly highlighted by the creation of precise, higher-order compact numerical scheme that results in truly outstanding accuracy at a given cost. The objective of this article is to develop a highly accurate novel algorithm for two dimensional non-linear Burgers Huxley (BH) equations. The proposed compact numerical scheme is found to be free of superiors approximate oscillations across discontinuities, and in a smooth flow region, it efficiently obtained a high-order accuracy. In particular, two classes of higher-order compact finite difference schemes are taken into account and compared based on their computational economy. The stability and accuracy show that the schemes are unconditionally stable and accurate up to a two-order in time and to six-order in space. Moreover, algorithms and data tables illustrate the scheme efficiency and decisiveness for solving such non-linear coupled system. Efficiency is scaled in terms of L2 and images norms, which validate the approximated results with the corresponding analytical solution. The investigation of the stability requirements of the implicit method applied in the algorithm was carried out. Reasonable agreement was constructed under indistinguishable computational conditions. The proposed methods can be implemented for real-world problems, originating in engineering and science.

Keywords: Burgers Huxley equation; finite difference schemes; HOC schemes; Thomas algorithm; Von-Neumann stability analysis

1  Introduction

This paper describes the multiplex schemes solution for two dimensional non-linear Burgers Huxley equation. Such an equation serves as the coupling between the images diffusive terms and Z(Zx + Zy) the convectional phenomena. This equation is of high importance for showing a prototype model describing the interaction between reaction mechanisms, convection effects and diffusion transports. It is the combination of both Burgers & Huxley phenomena with non-linear term means reactions kind of characteristics behaviour, to capture some features of fluid turbulence which caused by the effects of convection & diffusion [13]. It is a quantitative paradigm which deals with the flow of electric current through the surface membrane of a giant nerve fibre. Nerve pulse propagation in nerve fibres and wall motion in liquid crystals. Recently research has been measured to investigate two dimensional Burgers Huxley phenomena for understanding the various physical flows in fluid theory [46] which leads to implementing a novel methodology for studying new insights [7,8]. It is worth mentioning that there is a vast amount of different approaches available in the literature to calculate the solutions of non-linear systems of partial differential equations. Seeking the Burgers Huxley equations numerical solution, wavelet collocation methods for the solution of Burgers Huxley equations [9] have already been studied in combination with variational iteration technique [10,11]. Moreover, the propagation of genes (Burger & Fisher) and Reaction-Diffusion (Gray Scott) models [12,13] investigated largely by the technique of computation [14]. On the other hand, optimal homotopy asymptotic & homotopy perturbation method was carried out to find the approximate solution of Boussinesq-Burgers equations [15]. Finally, some novel techniques also take into account like chaos theory [16], non-linear optics and fermentation process [17,18]. Wazwaz obtained the solitary wave solutions of one dimensional Burgers Huxley equation using tanh-coth method [19]. Hashim et al. [20,21] using Adomian Decomposition Method. Molabahrami et al. [22] used the homotopy analysis method to find the solution of one dimensional Burger Huxley equation also Efimova et al. [23] find the travelling wave solution of such equation. Batiha et al. [24] used Hope-Cole transformation with Gao et al. [25] find the exact solution of the generalized Burgers equation.

This research aims to deal with higher-order compact schemes with the finite difference methodology [8]. Our primary focus is to attain a compatible scheme which is highly efficient and easy to implement with better accuracy. Although, Burgers Huxley equation can be in three dimensions still some features kept unexplored in the two-dimensional scenario. Let us explorer some new insights in BH equation which consists of the two-dimensional domain which can be written as:


where images is the unknown velocity & images. Laplacian can be defined as


with two dimensional behavior,


also images is a non-linear reaction term. The coefficient images are advection and reactions coefficients accordingly with images & images. These parameters describe the interaction between reaction mechanisms, convection effects & diffusion transports [26,27]. Let us consider the initial condition,


which can be seen from the upcoming Eq. (12). The Dirichlet boundary conditions are given by,


where images is a rectangular domain in R2 & images are given sufficiently smooth functions, and images may represent unknown velocity, whereas images represents convection terms along with linear diffusion images. Such phenomena perpetuate the ionic mechanisms underlying the initiation and propagation of action potentials in the squid giant axon [28,29].

More generally, it is a challenging task for determining and preservation of physical properties like accuracy, stability, convergence criteria and design efficiency for the given two-dimensional problem. This equation can be an effective procedure for the solution of various deterministic problems in physics, biology and chemical reactions. Also, deals in the investigation of the growth of colonies of bacteria consider population densities or sizes, which are non-negative variables. Most non-linear models of real-life problems are still very challenging to solve either numerically or theoretically. There has recently been much attention devoted to the search for better and more efficient solution methods for determining a solution, analytical or numerical, to non-linear models [30,31]. In [3134] authors present a method used to solve partial equations with the use of artificial neural networks and an adaptive strategy to collocate them. To get the approximate solution of the partial differential equations Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has been used, which shows impressive results in areas such as visual recognition [35]. Recently in [36], authors develop a numerical method with third-order temporal accuracy to solve time-dependent parabolic and first-order hyperbolic partial differential equations. We focused on elaborating further by comparing analytical and numerical techniques.

2  Tanh-Coth Method

The dynamical balance between the non-linear reaction term and diffusive effects which constitute stable waveform after colliding with each other. In (1) the negative coefficients of images and Z3 follow the physical behaviour of two dimensional BH Eq. (1). Such an equation can be converted into the non-linear ordinary differential equation which is as follows:


Let images, the wave variable which balances the non-linear reaction term (images) where images are index values and diffusion transport (the highest derivative involved), we have images. This enables us to set: Put M = 1 in (6) we get


Let images, and images


Substitutes aforementioned in Eq. (6), we have the following solution to (7)


Arranging the coefficients of images, and equating these coefficients to zero, the system of algebraic equations in images and e are obtained. By solving the following set of the algebraic system of equations, we have the following form:


In Eq. (10), the solution is of the form:

Case 1: We found that b1 = 0,


Case 2: We found that a1 = 0,


From Cases 1 and 2, the kink solution is of the form:


Now by solving (1) using the tanh-coth method, the analytical solution (kink solution) is in a compact form in both cases is as follows:


with initial condition:


where Z is the unknown velocity, and images are wavenumbers which are developed during the solution of BH equation.

3  Description of Compact Schemes

Let us discretize the spatial domain which consists of N and M positive integers, such that hl and hm present step sizes along with l and m directions, respectively [37]. The spatial nodes can be denoted by images, namely, li = ihl, images & mj = jhm, images. For the temporal domain, let us take dt as time-step discretization, images, with images. Also images with images [3739]. Where images is the temporal step size. Set images, for any images, with some more notations:


for images.

Implementation Procedure:

Let us we divide (1) into two parts such as:


Now considering one-dimensional steady convection-diffusion equation in the following form:


where images are the constants while images are the convective velocities. images is the smooth functions of l and m may represent the reaction, vorticity. Now the three-point scheme is as follows:


Now applying the Taylor series expansion to Eq. (14) we have the following results:



where images and the truncation error is


By adding Eqs. (17) and (18) we have the following form (1) which yields:


where images, images

Apply Crank–Nicholson time discretization, which leads to:


where images represents the truncation error [3639]. The existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the scheme (21) can be easily found by positive definite property. By applying operators and simplifying the (21) in compact form, The scheme is a system of linear equations based on variable images, then after applying operators 21 can be written in the following way:


where images are all constants coefficients of images and images which includes images and constant values. Let imagesimages where images. The matrix form of the compact scheme is as follows


By calculating and simplifying the terms, we have the following tridiagonal matrix if of the form:


where D11 matrix is the same as the matrix D33. The Eq. (23) is a tridiagonal block matrix.


The matrix we have generated is diagonally dominant and can solve through Thomas algorithm. Which authenticate the consistency & accuracy of the solution of the form images.

4  Description of Six order Compact Finite Difference Scheme

For complex systems the results will be dependent on the formation of the mesh, We apply higher-order compact scheme at the system in Eq. (1) with a uniform mesh at images. Scheme description is as follows:

Interior Boundary Points:

The compact schemes at interior boundary points are as follows:


Above schemes in Eq. (25) constitute images family of tridiagonal structure with parametric values images. For images, we get fourth-order accurate scheme while using images11, the scheme becomes sixth-order accurate which leads to images [3639]. Also, near boundary points, we have to construct a sixth-order compact scheme to sustain accuracy throughout the two-dimensional domain [3639].

First Boundary Point 1:

At the first boundary point, the six order compact scheme is of the following form.


Above system in Eq. (26), the coefficients can be found by matching Taylor’s series expansion comparing with various orders up to order O7, as a result, construction of the linear system is obtained. By constructing the linear system values of ds, which can be solved in the usual way to get the following along l direction, images [36,37]. Others ones can found in the same way.

2nd Boundary Point 2:


Above system in Eq. (27), by constructing the linear system values of ds, which can be solved in the usual way to get the following along l direction, images [3639]. Others ones can found in the same way.

Nth Boundary Point:

At Nth boundary point of six order compact scheme is of the following way:


Above system in Eq. (28), by constructing the linear system values of ds, which can be solved in the usual way as done in boundary point 1 and 2.

Implementation Algorithm:

By arranging Eqs. (26)(28) in the following algorithm:


where P are mentioned in Eq. (1), also matrices A and B are images sparse with triangular nature along C and D are images sparse with triangular in shape.


The truncation error in the compact six order finite difference scheme for equations in the system (1) is,


4.1 Error Analysis

The convergence benchmark, efficiency and accuracy of the proposed scheme in terms of norms can be defined as:




where images denoted as an analytical solution while images represents the numerical solution by mesh points (images). In this experiment images, where images is an eigenvalue of images respectively.

4.2 Stability Analysis

The stability is concerned with the growth or decay of the error produced in the finite-difference solution. For the representation of theoretical analysis, we set P = 0 in Eq. (1). Assuming the boundary conditions are accurately propagating, we can apply the Fourier analysis method to our proposed equation.

images For a time-dependent PDE, the corresponding difference scheme is stable in the norm images if there exists a constant M such that


where M is independent of images and initial condition e0.

Following the Von Neumann stability analysis criteria, fix the non-linear terms so that for linear stability, the numerical solution can be displayed in the following way:


where images is the amplitude at time level images is called the imaginary unit. images leads to wave number in l, and m directions with images are phase angles. The amplification factor is defined by


By using Eqs. (30) and (35) and dividing by r.h.s of Eq. (35) and simplifying, we have the following form:


where images and Eq. (37) is of the following way:


where R & S are the compact forms of Eq. (37). For stability, it has to satisfy the following condition:


After simplification to an aforementioned condition which holds true. Therefore, images [3841]. Hence the scheme is unconditionally stable.

5  Experimental Results

The novel numerical scheme is compared with the analytical results of Eq. (1) by using tanh-coth method. For this objective, we consider the same parameter images, and varying images. Numerical and analytic solutions are compared and justified in term of error norms to magnify the importance of higher accuracy.

Furthermore, to avoid turbulence, by varying images values in the Tab. 1 with grid size images, dt = 0.001 and grid space =0.3125 with respect to time = 1 is observed. Improvement in accuracy is noted by varying the values of images parameter. Also, the BH equation produced the best results by using six order compact finite difference scheme. At different images values, Tab. 2 indicates error which increased at a very low rate by changing the values of images from high to low which make the comparison to previous work give authentication for accuracy [34]. The truncation error is calculated in Tab. 3, using images and images with fixed grid size images. By changing time steps dt = 0.001 with the same grid size showed results in the Tab. 4. The approximate results using six order compact scheme correspond to error norm are shown in the Tab. 6. In this, table the comparison of fourth-order and six order are analyzed by refining the temporal space, which shows this scheme is better than the corresponding fourth-order. In the Tab. 7 six order and fourth-order compact finite difference scheme comparison is carried out which measured in term of images norm. Different parameters are also observed under the same scheme. In the Tab. 8 scheme efficiency encountered using images, L2 & images norms. Graphical representation of numerical schemes on BH equation is observed. Comparison of analytical and numerical results by using fourth and sixth-order compact finite difference scheme has been analyzed. At t = 2, images, dt = 0.0001, images can be seen from the Fig. 1. While six order scheme at images with time-space dt = 0.0001 and grid space images is seen from the Fig. 2 which shows more accurate and refine results as compared with Fig. 1 using the same parameter. In Figs. 3 and 4, analysis shows that the error norm using fourth-order scheme at images. While in Fig. 5, we choose images using a higher-order scheme to analyze error profile at grid size images. In summary, it is aspirant from the figures and tables; the analytical and numerical solutions are best fitted with generation encrypting. In the end, the novel six order compact scheme is the best agreement with the analytical solution.

Table 1: Fourth-order compact scheme


Table 2: Six order compact scheme


Table 3: O(images)


Table 4: O(images)



Figure 1: Results obtained by using 4th order scheme at dt = 0.00011 & images at images


Figure 2: Results which obtained by using 6th order scheme at dt = 0.0001, & images at a time level 2


Figure 3: Results for error estimation by using 4th order scheme at dt = 0.001 & images at time 1


Figure 4: Results for error estimation by using 6th order scheme at dt = 0.001 & images at time 1


Figure 5: Results obtained by using 6th order scheme at images at time level 0.5

Comparison between approximation and analytical solutions is made at the final time of computation time = 2 s at the critical point images using fourth-order compact scheme at grid size images.

Comparison between approximation and analytical solutions is made at the final time of computation time = 1 at the critical point images using fourth-order compact scheme at grid size images.

Tab. 3 shows error profile data by using fourth-order compact scheme at images for unknown value images. Self time: is the time spent in a function excluding the time spent in its child functions while images is the time to execute the algorithm.

Tab. 4 shows error profile data by using Six order compact scheme at images for unknown value images.

Tab. 5 shows a comparison of two schemes at images and images for unknowns images.

Table 5: Error comparison


Tab. 6 shows a comparison of two schemes at images for unknowns images.

Table 6: Error comparison


6  Central Processing Unit Performance

A combinatorial logic circuit executes the mathematical operation for each function in the algorithm within the central processing unit. To establish the platform of CPU performance along physical memory transmission capacity is observed when the higher-order compact scheme is developed by using MATLAB software [35,39,42,43]. By increasing the grid size, the number of calculations is increased, and it is difficult to overcome such issue which can take a longer time to execute. Because of numerical schemes efficiency, the computational experiment is done on two different computer machines like Lenovo 6th generation having 2.4 GHz 8 cores and 16 GB memory along 5th generation Dell machine having 4 physical cores and 16 logical cores. Different feathers involved in two computational experiments can be analyzed from the following data tables.

Tab. 7 shows results for the different grid using 6th order compact scheme on Lenovo CPU oriented computational machine (MATLAB software).

Table 7: Central processing unit performance


Tab. 8 shows results for the different grid using 6th order compact scheme on DELL CPU oriented computational machine (MATLAB software).

Table 8: Central Processing Unit Performance


To check the relative performance and execution time, here in this algorithm which used two machines, Dell and Lenovo, as follows:




The execution time of the Lenovo machine at images grid size is 170.579 s, and Dell machine execution time at the same grid size is 165.123 s. To calculate the relative performance we have


Results conclude that Dell machine is 1.033 faster than the Lenovo machine.

images can be defined as:


where images. For CPU time, the clockrate = 2 GHz, of Lenovo machines and clock rate, is 10 s, by increasing the clockrate means increase images. The clockrate of Lenovo machine images. To calculate the clockrate we have images.2. So


Clock rate performance of Dell machine is, images

Comparison is performed to analyze Dell with Lenovo machines with both clock rate performance and relative performance. Thus MATLAB handles problems with care, and we can analyze results at each point of the loop and any iteration during computations.

7  Conclusion

Higher-order schemes for determining the two dimensional Burgers Huxley equation was developed in this paper. As it was not studied before by using such schemes of diffusive dissipation of errors. We came to know that the BH equation in two dimensional which is studied to find efficiency, accuracy and stability and by comparing with analytical and numerical approaches in terms of images & relative errors. It is evident from the fact that computed numerical experiments of two dimensional Burgers Huxley equation, solutions obtained by fourth and six order schemes are in good agreement with the analytical solutions. Figures and tables clearly show the tendency of fast and monotonic convergence of the results toward the analytical solution. Also, the computational discretization of the proposed model results in a sparse tridiagonal structure of the matrix, which can be overcome by the Thomas algorithm. Results lead to a remarkable improvement in accuracy, efficiency and computer performance which can be seen from data tables.

Acknowledgement: The authors are thankful to the anonymous referee for their suggestions and helpful comments that improved this article. We are also grateful to Vice-Chancellor, Air University, Islamabad, for providing an excellent research environment and facilities.

Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.


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