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QoS-Aware and Resource-Efficient Dynamic Slicing Mechanism for Internet of Things

Wenchen He1,*, Shaoyong Guo1, Yun Liang2, Rui Ma3, Xuesong Qiu1, Lei Shi4

1 State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, 100876, China.
2 Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing, China.
3 State Grid Information & Telecommunication Co., Ltd., Beijing, China.
4 Carlow Institute of Technology, Ireland.
* Corresponding Author: Wenchen He. Email:

Computers, Materials & Continua 2019, 61(3), 1345-1364.


With the popularization of terminal devices and services in Internet of things (IoT), it will be a challenge to design a network resource allocation method meeting various QoS requirements and effectively using substrate resources. In this paper, a dynamic network slicing mechanism including virtual network (VN) mapping and VN reconfiguration is proposed to provide network slices for services. Firstly, a service priority model is defined to create queue for resource allocation. Then a slice including Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement and routing with optimal cost is generated by VN mapping. Next, considering temporal variations of service resource requirements, the size of network slice is adjusted dynamically to guarantee resource utilization in VN reconfiguration. Additionally, load balancing factors are designed to make traffic balanced. Simulation results show that dynamic slicing mechanism not only saves 22% and 31% cost than static slicing mechanism with extending shortest path (SS_ESP) and dynamic slicing mechanism with embedding single path (DS_ESP), but also maintains high service acceptance rate.


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APA Style
He, W., Guo, S., Liang, Y., Ma, R., Qiu, X. et al. (2019). Qos-aware and resource-efficient dynamic slicing mechanism for internet of things . Computers, Materials & Continua, 61(3), 1345–1364.
Vancouver Style
He W, Guo S, Liang Y, Ma R, Qiu X, Shi L. Qos-aware and resource-efficient dynamic slicing mechanism for internet of things . Comput Mater Contin. 2019;61(3):1345–1364.
IEEE Style
W. He, S. Guo, Y. Liang, R. Ma, X. Qiu, and L. Shi, “QoS-Aware and Resource-Efficient Dynamic Slicing Mechanism for Internet of Things ,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1345–1364, 2019.


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