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An Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Protocol with Dense Coding on Single Photons

Hao Xiao1,*, Jun Zhang2, Wenhua Huang3, Mi Zhou4, Wencheng Hu5

School of Information Engineering, Huzhou University, Huzhou, 313000, China.
School of Information Engineering, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Nanjing, 21100, China.
College of Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou, 313000, China.
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Virginia, 23284, USA.
College of Science, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, 450007, China.

*Corresponding Author: Hao Xiao. Email: email.

Computers, Materials & Continua 2019, 61(2), 759-775.


Combined with the dense coding mechanism and the bias-BB84 protocol, an efficient quantum key distribution protocol with dense coding on single photons (QDKD-SP) is proposed. Compared with the BB84 or bias-BB84 protocols based on single photons, our QDKD-SP protocol has a higher capacity without increasing the difficulty of its experiment implementation as each correlated photon can carry two bits of useful information. Compared with the quantum dense key distribution (QDKD) protocol based on entangled states, our protocol is more feasible as the preparation and the measurement of a single-photon quantum state is not difficult with current technology. In addition, our QDKD-SP protocol is theoretically proved to be secure against the intercept-resend attack.


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APA Style
Xiao, H., Zhang, J., Huang, W., Zhou, M., Hu, W. (2019). An efficient quantum key distribution protocol with dense coding on single photons. Computers, Materials & Continua, 61(2), 759–775.
Vancouver Style
Xiao H, Zhang J, Huang W, Zhou M, Hu W. An efficient quantum key distribution protocol with dense coding on single photons. Comput Mater Contin. 2019;61(2):759–775.
IEEE Style
H. Xiao, J. Zhang, W. Huang, M. Zhou, and W. Hu, “An Efficient Quantum Key Distribution Protocol with Dense Coding on Single Photons,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 759–775, 2019.


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