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A Novel Broadband Microstrip Antenna Based on Operation of Multi-Resonant Modes

Taohua Chen1, Yueyun Chen1,*, Rongling Jian1, Zushen Liu2, Alan Yang3

University of Science & Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China.
The 41st Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Bengbu, 233006, China.
Amphenol AssembleTech, Houston, 77070, United States.

* Corresponding Author: Yueyun Chen. Email: email.

Computers, Materials & Continua 2019, 60(1), 335-349.


A novel broadband microstrip antenna under operation of TM1/2,0, TM10 and TM12 modes through a shorting wall and slots is proposed in this paper. Initially, an inverted U-shaped slot is adopted around the feeding point, which achieves a good impedance matching on TM10 mode and separates the patch into two parts. Additionally, a shorting wall is added underneath the edge of smaller patch to excite another one-quarter resonant mode, i.e., TM1/2,0 mode of smaller patch close to TM10 mode to expand the impedance bandwidth. Further, the antenna width is enlarged and two symmetrical vertical rectangular slots are cut on the patch to reduce the frequency of TM12 mode to form a broadband. Based on the arrangements above, a wide impedance bandwidth with three minima can finally be achieved. The results show that the impedance bandwidth of proposed antenna for |S11|<-10 dB is extended to 26.5% (23.5-30.67 GHz), which is three times of the conventional antenna at same profile. Moreover, a stable radiation pattern at broadside direction is realized over the operating band.


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APA Style
Chen, T., Chen, Y., Jian, R., Liu, Z., Yang, A. (2019). A novel broadband microstrip antenna based on operation of multi-resonant modes. Computers, Materials & Continua, 60(1), 335–349.
Vancouver Style
Chen T, Chen Y, Jian R, Liu Z, Yang A. A novel broadband microstrip antenna based on operation of multi-resonant modes. Comput Mater Contin. 2019;60(1):335–349.
IEEE Style
T. Chen, Y. Chen, R. Jian, Z. Liu, and A. Yang, “A Novel Broadband Microstrip Antenna Based on Operation of Multi-Resonant Modes,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 335–349, 2019.


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