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Modeling and Analysis the Effects of EMP on the Balise System

Zhiwei Gao1,*, Shuai Zhang1, Li Hao1, Ning Cao2

Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, 17 Northeast Second Inner Ring, Shijiazhuang, 050043, China.
College of Information Engineering, Sanming University, Sanming, China.

* Corresponding Author: Zhiwei Gao. Email: email.

Computers, Materials & Continua 2019, 58(3), 859-878.


Balise system is one kind of high-rate point-mode data transmission equipment. It plays an indispensable role in Chinese Train Control System (CTCS), and it has been immigrated and widely used for passenger dedicated lines and high-speed lines. Thus, its working conditions directly affect train operation safety. However, the balise information transmission system (BITS) is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, and the communication process is susceptible to external electromagnetic interference. Therefore, it is vital to study the influence of transient signal interference on the balise system. This paper builds the up-link model between the vehicle antena and the balise, and verifies the model’s correctness using finite-difference time-domain method and electromagnetic field theory. This paper analyzes the effect of electromagnetic pulses on the transponder's uplink and simulates the coupled current under irradiation. The spectral distribution of the three types of pulse interference is analyzed according to relevant standards. Strong electromagnetic pulses have a strong energy distribution in the working frequency band of the up-link, which will generate in-band interference and bit errors. It will affect the balise communication and threaten the safety of train operation. As we know we are the first to analyze the effects of EMP on Chinese BITS, which will lay a foundation for the research of electromagnetic anti-interference or protection to high-speed railway.


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APA Style
Gao, Z., Zhang, S., Hao, L., Cao, N. (2019). Modeling and analysis the effects of EMP on the balise system. Computers, Materials & Continua, 58(3), 859–878.
Vancouver Style
Gao Z, Zhang S, Hao L, Cao N. Modeling and analysis the effects of EMP on the balise system. Comput Mater Contin. 2019;58(3):859–878.
IEEE Style
Z. Gao, S. Zhang, L. Hao, and N. Cao, “Modeling and Analysis the Effects of EMP on the Balise System,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 859–878, 2019.


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