Home / Journals / CMC / Vol.47, No.1, 2015
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  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Bending Response of Foldcore Composite Sandwich Beams

    Lixin Cong1, Yuguo Sun1,2, Xinzhu Wang3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 1-14, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2015.047.001
    Abstract In order to solve bending behavior difference of corrugated structure in L andWorientation, bending response for composite sandwich beams with foldcores of three different wall thicknesses were experimentally and numerically investigated. Effect of the cell walls thickness on the strength and failure behavior of the composite sandwich beams with L and W orientations was also examined. The deformation mode was obtained by the numerical method; a constitutive law of laminated material has been incorporated into a finite element (FE) analysis program. Numerical calculations give accurate prediction to the bending response of foldcore composite sandwich beams More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Investigation on a Two-dimensional Generalized Thermal Shock Problem with Temperature-dependent Properties

    Tianhu He1,2,3, Yongbin Ma2,3, Shuanhu Shi3
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 15-29, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2015.047.015
    Abstract The dynamic response of a two-dimensional generalized thermoelastic problem with temperature-dependent properties is investigated in the context of generalized thermoelasticity proposed by Lord and Shulman. The governing equations are formulated, and due to the nonlinearity and complexity of the governing equations resulted from the temperature-dependent properties, a numerical method, i.e., finite element method is adopted to solve such problem. By means of virtual displacement principle, the nonlinear finite element equations are derived. To demonstrate the solution process, a thermoelastic half-space subjected to a thermal shock on its bounding surface is considered in detail. The nonlinear… More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A Macro Element Method to Improve Computational Efficiency in Large-scaled Nonlinear Analysis

    Huan Wang1, Weifeng Yuan2,3, Fei Jia2
    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 31-43, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2015.047.031
    Abstract Compared with dealing with a linear system, solving a nonlinear system equation in numerical simulation requires generally more CPU time since iterative approach is usually used in the latter. To cut down the computing cost, a direct way is to reduce the degree of freedoms (DOF) of the problem under investigation. However, this kind of treatment may result in poorer accuracy. In this manuscript, a macro element method is proposed to improve computational efficiency in large-scaled nonlinear analysis. When this concept is incorporated into finite element analysis (FEA), all the members in the linear zones More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    A New Theory of Strain Hardening and its Consequences for Yield Stress and Failure Stress

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 45-63, 2015, DOI:10.3970/cmc.2015.047.045
    Abstract A new theory of strain hardening is developed. Important in its own right, the strain hardening solution is also of decisive use in rigorously defining the historically broad concepts of yield stress and failure stress. Under ideal conditions yield stress is found to represent a 3rd order transition. Failure stress is an explicit "failure of function" criterion rather than just being the primitive notion of breaking into pieces. Computational extensions and opportunities are discussed. More >

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