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Emerging Trends in Soft Computing Techniques for Metamaterial Design and Optimization

Balamati Choudhury11, Sanjana Bisoyi1, R M Jha1

CSIR-NAL, Bangalore, India

Computers, Materials & Continua 2012, 31(3), 201-228.


Soft computing methods play an important role in the design and optimization in diverse engineering disciplines including those in the electromagnetic applications. The aim of these soft computing methods is to tolerate imprecision, uncertainties, and approximations to achieve a quick solution, which is both robust and economically viable. Soft computing methods such as genetic algorithm, neural network and fuzzy logic have been widely used by researchers for microwave design since the last decade. The metamaterial multilayer concept in conjunction with transformation optics leads to exciting applications in the microwave regime with such examples as invisible cloak, frequency selective surfaces (FSS), radomes, etc. An important aspect of these metamaterial applications is the design and optimization towards actual hardware realization. This paper identifies the emerging trends and suitability of different soft computing techniques for various metamaterial design and optimization applications.


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APA Style
Choudhury1, B., Bisoyi, S., Jha, R.M. (2012). Emerging trends in soft computing techniques for metamaterial design and optimization. Computers, Materials & Continua, 31(3), 201–228.
Vancouver Style
Choudhury1 B, Bisoyi S, Jha RM. Emerging trends in soft computing techniques for metamaterial design and optimization. Comput Mater Contin. 2012;31(3):201–228.
IEEE Style
B. Choudhury1, S. Bisoyi, and R.M. Jha, “Emerging Trends in Soft Computing Techniques for Metamaterial Design and Optimization,” Comput. Mater. Contin., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 201–228, 2012.

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