Submission Deadline: 12 December 2025 View: 96 Submit to Special Issue
Prof. Dr. Nataliya Kazantseva
Affiliation: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, 620016, Russia
Homepage: http://
Research Interests: Additive technologies, TEM, structure and phase transformation in intermetallic and alloys, severe plastic deformation, mechanical testing, modelling and computer simulation, metamaterials
Dr. Sergey Zelepugin
Affiliation: Tomsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TSC SB RAS), Tomsk, 634055, Russia
Research Interests: Mechanics of solids, advanced materials, dynamic and high velocity impact loading of solids, numerical simulation; Light-weight composites; Mechanical behavior of advanced materials; Applied mathematics, numerical simulation in solid mechanics; Failure, dynamic compaction, temperature effects, phase transitions.
Prof. Dr. Vladimir A. Skripnyak
Affiliation: Department of Mechanics of Deformed Solids, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Research Interests:
1. Computer simulation of materials properties.
2. Physical and mathematical modelling of deformation and fracture of structurally non-homogeneous materials (metals, alloys, ceramics, rocks), composites, metamaterials, plastic strain localization and pre-fracture processes under dynamic and quasi-static loading. The approach is based on the concept of scale and structural levels of deformation and fracture.
3. Ab-initio methods of electronic structure calculations.
The development of new advanced materials is a major part of modern science and engineering. This Special Issue aims to present the latest advances in advanced materials, with a particular emphasis on novel structures, properties, methodologies, modeling and simulation, and potential industrial applications.
The Special Issue collates research concerning different processes of additive manufacturing and modeling of the destruction process under shock-wave and quasi-static loading, including additive manufacturing of large-sized parts using friction stir welding and additive manufacturing of metamaterials. Research on metal production using both laser 3D printers and other additive technologies will be presented, along with investigations into the cellular and light materials. In addition, the Special Issue also includes modeling of the deformation process under dynamical and quisi-static loading of the light alloys and metamaterials.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
· Design, modeling and manufacture of lightweight cellular metamaterials in additive manufacturing
· Modeling of deformation and fracture of promising light alloys under dynamic loading
· Problems of friction stir welding as an additive method for producing large-sized aluminum parts. Structure, properties and computer modeling
· Additive manufacturing for medical uses