Special Issues
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Industry 4.0 in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2022 (closed) View: 24

Guest Editors

Dr. Van Thanh Nguyen, Van Lang University, Vietnam.
Dr. Phan Nguyen Ky Phuc, International University, Vietnam.
Dr. Nguyen Huu Tho, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Vietnam.


As you all might have been experiencing, Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, is currently taking over many of today’s industries and always find a way to be implemented for the improvement of our systems. From certain technologies of Internet of things (IoT), Internet of Services (IoS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), data science, and cloud computing, the industrial revolution have continuously improved our lifestyles in every single dimension from working to entertainment, to commuting and shopping which have led to a change in mindsets and behaviors socially. Supply chain management is one of the key industries where Industry 4.0 have greatly affected on from improving almost all actors of the supply chain from suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers that handles our smart products more efficiently. With the digitalization of every information, integration of modern technologies have allowed processes, systems and enterprises to grow exponentially. This have led to more sustainable and profitable businesses, efficient and virtualized manufacturing systems, along with transparent and timely services. With this integration, the supply chain management industry in being transformed to what is now known as Supply Chain 4.0.

Supply Chain 4.0 is the supply chain that is integrated with Industry 4.0 technologies and environments which assists in optimizing, designing and managing every aspects of the supply chain that ensures maximized customer satisfaction and profitability with minimal environmental and operational costs. Although better technologies are being implemented, it is important that the operations of Supply Chain 4.0 remain visible, transparent, sustainable and optimal with its coordination around its actors. Surely there are a lot of research topics that are relentlessly solving the problems in implementation and optimization. How do we incorporate AI into solving optimization problems? How can image processing or data handling assist in improving the quality of our products, detect deficiencies, and alarm the production system in case of errors? How can we utilize modern selection techniques in choosing our suppliers and customers in order to maximize profitability? What techniques should be implemented to further improve the coordination and collaboration between all parties of the supply chain? This Special Issue calls for academic publication that addresses these issues with answers which hopes to solve these challenges in Supply Chain 4.0 today. Original papers of the following topics are welcome:

• Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making/Multicriteria Decision Making

• Big data analytics in Logistics and Supply chain

• Data-driven sales & operations planning (S&OP)

• Digital supply chain management

• Intelligent demand forecasting

• Intelligent manufacturing systems

• Intelligent transportation systems

• Inventory track and trace

• Resilient supply chain management

• Smart products

• Smart factories

• Supplier selection intelligence

• Supply chain analytics

• Supply chain optimization

• Supply chain visibility and connectivity

• Sustainable supply chain management


• Industry 4.0
• Logistics and supply chain management
• Operation research and optimization
• Supply Chain 4.0
• Multicriteria Decision Making tools
• Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Model
• supply chain synchronization and coordination

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