Submission Deadline: 31 January 2021 (closed) View: 238
Intelligent decision support system (IDSS) for Complex healthcare applications investigates the massive quantity of complex medical data to help physicians, academicians, pathologists, doctors and other healthcare professionals. Decision support system (DSS) is an intelligent system, which offers excellent assistant in diverse levels of health-related disease diagnosis. Besides, it is a dynamic information model as important data is added on a uniform basis. Internet of Things, embedded devices, sensors, mobile applications, manual data entry and online sources are few complex data sources for IDSS. The data supported by IDSS considerably aid in early diagnosis of diseases and corresponding treatments. Intelligent DSS make use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to improvise the process of complex making decisions. AI tools such as Metaheuristic, Fuzzy Logic, Case based Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, and Intelligent Agents can be integrated to DSS for healthcare diagnosis.
Meta-heuristics optimization algorithm can handle real-world application such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, data analysis, image processing etc. Those algorithms are developed from the behavior of birds, animals, insects, or from any specific characteristics. To reduce the complexity of research work, recently algorithms are used for the purpose of prediction, identification, classification, and detection of diseases via various analysis tools. This special issue focuses on the development of latest and advanced metaheuristic algorithms for intelligent DSS in complex healthcare applications. It serves as a platform for dissemination as well as sharing of the latest scientific contributions from metaheuristic algorithms. We invite authors to contribute original research articles as well as review articles on recent advances in these active research areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Advances in Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms based IDSS for Complex Disease prediction methods and techniques.
• Advances in Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms based IDSS for Complex Data mining and knowledge discovery algorithms.
• Intelligent decision-making systems for Computer-aided diagnostic system.
• Advances in Swarm intelligence based IDSS models for Complex healthcare applications.
• Advances in Nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization based IDSS models for Complex healthcare applications.
• Advances in Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms based IDSS for Big healthcare and rehabilitation data analytics.
• Advances in Metaheuristic based clinical imaging techniques for Complex disease diagnosis.
• Collection, integration, and analysis of Complex clinical data using machine learning techniques with advanced Metaheuristic Algorithms.
• Modified or improved metaheuristic optimization based IDSS models for Complex healthcare applications.
• New metaheuristic optimization based IDSS models for Complex healthcare applications.
• Advances in Hybrid metaheuristic optimization based IDSS models for Complex healthcare applications.