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Machine Leaning and Internet of Technologies for Environmental Issues

Submission Deadline: 25 May 2021 (closed) View: 24

Guest Editors

Dr. Koteswara Rao Kodepogu, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, India.
Dr. G Lalitha Kumari, PvP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, India.
Dr. J Rama Devi, PvP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, India.
Dr. J Usha Kranthi, RVRJC College of Engineering, India.
Mrs. Y Surekha, PvP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, India.


The most beautiful thing that is created by the almighty God is the nature, to protect nature we need better environment, it means surroundings in particular geographical area particularly affected by human activity. Unscientific approaches has impacted the environment and there by various calamities surfaced like, the classical example is present pandemic in the form of COVID-19, on similar lines nobody knows about what other disaster or calamity can appear in future, hence to protect the environment, technology need to be used for offering solutions to existing problems.In these days of Information Technology epoch software, electronic machines, vehicles have become lifeline of human activity. It may not be hyperbole if someone states that our lives will come to standstill if every machine in the universe stops working.

As per the present environmental context the environmental concerns are

1. Global warming 2.Climate Change 3.Air and water pollution

Predicting Environmental changes due to degradation of quality, many software Giants/organizations are encouraging their research and Development divisions to find the solutions by developing business model in order to generate a separate revenue and creating the opportunities for peers, For example IBM research had a separate wing for finding

1. Innovative solutions to protect our environment and natural resources

2. Real solutions to protect and preserve our environment.

In the world wide today so many countries announced that it will expand its green horizons Initiative Globally, which is an initiative to improve harmonious relationships of human with the environment.

The new horizon engagements apply Machine Learning and IOT technologies to ingest and learn from huge amounts of big data for improving accuracy to create most accurate environmental

Forecasting systems. Inspired by the Research and Development activities of companies across the globe.

I believe Academician can more or less equally contribute to suggest a solution for existing environmental challenges or issues, with this idea back in mind we are proposing a special issue in order to create a platform for academic experts to explore their creative ideas.In these days of Information Technology epoch Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT and Big data became buzz words, ML is an application of AI that provides systems, the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

IoT describes network of physical objects or things that are enabled with sensors, software other technologies For the purpose of connecting and exchanging the data with other devices and systems over the internet.

Now a days most environmental challenging tasks are weather forecasting, Air pollution, Hence authors can submit the papers on

1. Rainfall prediction using Machine Learning

2. Air pollution prediction using Machine Learning and IoT

3. Weather Forecasting using IoT analytics but not linted


Machine Learning
Environmental issues

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