Submission Deadline: 08 March 2025 View: 1306 Submit to Special Issue
The increased interest in privacy-driven distributed computations has necessitated greater scrutiny of the security and optimality of these distributions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of heterogeneous digital devices embedded with sensors and software for various automation and monitoring purposes. The power of a blockchain network is that (ideally) every node maintains its own copy of the ledger and takes part in validating the transactions. Integrating IoT and blockchains brings promising applications in many areas, including education, health, finance, agriculture, industry, and the environment. However, the complex, dynamic and heterogeneous computing and communication needs of IoT technologies, optionally integrated by blockchain technologies (if mandated), draw several challenges on scaling, interoperability, and security goals. In recent years, numerous models integrating IoT with blockchain have been proposed, tested, and deployed for businesses. Furthermore, the increased presence of portable smart devices, coupled with the explosive growth in computing power, offers an untapped resource for these computations. Importantly, blockchain technology is an elegant example of distributed computation which decentralizes information. There is no doubt that the implications of blockchain for distributed systems are of profound influence.
This Special Issue aims to benefit the research community with a collection of articles emphasizing the challenges and solutions to distributed secure computing for models integrating IoT with blockchain. This Special Issue will also focus on state-of-the-art fast and efficient privacy-enhancing techniques for achieving secure distributed computations in IoT and blockchain networks. We welcome both original research articles as well as review articles discussing the current state of the art.
In this Special Issue, original research articles and reviews are welcome. Research areas may include (but not limited to) the following:
Verifiable computation in outsourced environments in IoT
User authentication and authorization for IoT devices
Secure behaviour modelling of IoT devices
Privacy-enhancing technologies for distributed environments
Privacy-preserving machine learning in smart mobile IoT networks
Integrate blockchain technology with an existing IoT
Distributed key generation with smart contracts
Privacy-preserving smart contracts
Secure storing of secret keys for blockchain wallet
Secure authentication for blockchain wallet
Threshold-optimal signatures and applications to blockchain wallet
Various applications atop blockchain, such as e-voting and e-action