Submission Deadline: 10 September 2020 (closed) View: 380
The world faced different types of epidemic in the past decades. Even from the December 2019 the world facing a new epidemic COVID-19. The situation report given by World Health Organization (WHO) says globally 7533177 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 422770 deaths as of June 13th, 2020. The total new cases in the last 24 hours are 122667 confirmed cases and 4476 deaths. The number of affected cases on COVID-19 and death will be expected to continue more.
Over the past decade the data creation is increasing exponentially. The collection of data, technology and methodologies called as Big Data. The effective decision making can be achieved when analysis the data. The data collection is analyzed interpretation and communication of meaningful patterns. Intelligent algorithms interact with the environment intelligently. Big data and Intelligent algorithms combine can accomplish complex tasks beyond the human skills. Both can collect the data, organize and analyze the data, large varied data sets to create the patterns. This pattern can help to address the different problems which are able to give solutions to the COVID-19 issue. The offering solutions can predict and prevention of the spread of diseases. The best solutions can be provided with the help of the Big Data.
It is important to make the availability of data and access the data from anywhere with the global collaboration with more security. Artificial intelligence help to give high performance solutions, running big data directly from the enterprise storage etc., The aim of this special issue proposal is to invite researchers to contribute papers to create effective methods and tools can help to track the spread of the COVID-19 disease and to determine the prediction of the spread of the virus. The different methods to prevent the pandemic and to stop further spreading. The theoretical studies and practical applications are welcome for submission. This special issue can be a forum for the researchers from all over the world to present their work related to COVID-19.