Submission Deadline: 01 October 2021 (closed) View: 170
To prevent data from being illegally downloaded, shared, or used to track and punish copyright violators, many traditional content protection technologies are used, such as encryption, Digital Rights Management (DRM), watermarking, and forensic watermarking (digital fingerprinting). Today, computers can improve & record data automatically with the help of experienced Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thus, developers working on AI-assisted systems have come forth to align AI with cryptographic techniques, Blockchain and internet-of-things (IoT) to address the wide range of privacy concerns arising out of this technological boom. AI models are usually trained by allocating significant computational resources to process massive amounts of training data. Therefore, the built models are considered the owner’s intellectual property (IP) and need to be protected to preserve the competitive advantage. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is required to protect intellectual property for collaborative working between the institutions.
Blockchain technology is widely used to design a decentralized and transparent multimedia distribution system. Here, the Blockchain works as a distributed digital ledger of cryptographically signed transactions grouped into blocks. Recently, its footprint can be observed in intellectual property or copyright protection applications The main attributes of the Blockchain technology, i.e., transparency, decentralization, reliable database, collective maintenance, trackability, security and credibility, the digital cryptocurrency, and programmable contracts—provide innovative ideas for protecting digital intellectual property and ensuring traceability, thus ensuring Digital Rights Management (DRM).