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The effect of right ventricular function on survival and morbidity following stage 2 palliation: An analysis of the single ventricle reconstruction trial public data set


1 Division of Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
2 Division of Translational Research and Statistics, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

* Corresponding Author: Vanessa Marie Hormaza, MD, Children’s Hospital Heart Center, University of Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800386, Charlottesville, VA 22908. Email: email

Congenital Heart Disease 2019, 14(2), 274-279.


Objective: Limited information is known on how right ventricular function affects outcomes after stage 2 palliation. We evaluated the impact of different right ventricular indices prior to stage 2 palliation on morbidity and mortality.
Design: Retrospective study design.
Setting: Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial Public Data Set.
Patient: Any variant of stage 1 palliation and all anatomic hypoplastic left heart syndrome variants in the trial were evaluated. Echocardiograms prior to stage 2 palliation were analyzed and compared between those who failed and those who survived.
Intervention: None.
Outcome measures: Mortality was defined as death, listed for transplant, or transplanted after stage 2 palliation. Morbidity was evaluated as hospital length of stay and duration of intubation.
Results: A total of 283 patients met criteria for analysis. Of those, only 18 patients failed stage 2. Right ventricular fractional area change was less in those who failed (30% vs 34%, P = .039) and right ventricular indexed end‐diastolic volume and end‐ systolic volume were larger in those who failed (142.74 mL/ BSA1.3 vs 111.29 mL/ BSA1.3, P = .023, 88.45 mL/ BSA1.3 vs 62.75 mL/ BSA1.3, P = .025, respectively). Larger right ventricular indexed end‐diastolic and systolic volumes were associated with failure (OR 1.17 [1.01‐1.35] P = .021, OR 1.25 [1.03‐1.52] P = .021, respectively). Every 10% increase in RV ejection fraction had a 63% decrease in length of stay and a 68% decrease in duration of intubation (P = .014, and P = .039, respectively).
Conclusion: Patients with decreased right ventricular fractional area change and larger right ventricular indexed end‐diastolic and systolic volumes were more likely to fail stage 2 palliation. Those with preserved right ventricular function had a shorter hospital length of stay and duration of intubation. Echocardiographic measurements of right ventricular indices during the interstage period can be utilized to determine the prognosis following stage 2 palliation.


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APA Style
Hormaza, V.M., Conaway, M., Schneider, D.S., Vergales, J.E. (2019). The effect of right ventricular function on survival and morbidity following stage 2 palliation: an analysis of the single ventricle reconstruction trial public data set. Congenital Heart Disease, 14(2), 274–279.
Vancouver Style
Hormaza VM, Conaway M, Schneider DS, Vergales JE. The effect of right ventricular function on survival and morbidity following stage 2 palliation: an analysis of the single ventricle reconstruction trial public data set. Congeni Heart Dis. 2019;14(2):274–279.
IEEE Style
V.M. Hormaza, M. Conaway, D.S. Schneider, and J.E. Vergales, “The effect of right ventricular function on survival and morbidity following stage 2 palliation: An analysis of the single ventricle reconstruction trial public data set,” Congeni. Heart Dis., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 274–279, 2019.

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