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To celebrate the 95th birthday of Professor Karl Stark Pister

Advances in Computational Mechanics and Optimization
To celebrate the 95th birthday of Professor Karl Stark Pister

Edited by: Prof. Loc Vu-Quoc, Prof. Shaofan Li

To celebrate the 95th birthday of Professor Karl Stark Pister, we invite some of Professor Pister’s former students, friends and colleagues to contribute a paper to a special issue in the Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences.

To reflect the contributions of Prof. Pister’s academic career, the theme of the special issue is the advances in Computational Mechanics and Optimization.


The deadline for the submission is set as 2021 Mar 31, and it will accommodate some requests to extend the deadline in this special time.

Advances in Computational Mechanics and Optimization

To celebrate the 95th birthday of Professor Karl Stark Pister


2021 ISBN: ISBN(Hbk): 978-1-7340206-2-5 ISBN(PDF): 978-1-7340206-3-2