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Exocytosis determination of SH-SY5Y single cell stimulated by different stimulants on indium tin oxide (ITO) micro-pore electrode

Hui ZHAO1,2, Fan ZHANG1*, Ling LI1, Pingang HE1, Yuzhi FANG1

Department of Chemistry, East China Norma l University, Shanghai, China
Department of Chemistry, Zhoukou Norma l University, Zhoukou, China

*Corresponding author: Fan Zhang, email

BIOCELL 2013, 37(3), 77-83.


The human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell line has been used as a model to study mechanisms of neurotransmitter release. In order to study the mechanism of SH-SY5Y single cell exocytosis stimulated by different stimulants, including high K+, 3-(1-nitroso-2-pyrrolidinyl) pyridine and nicotine, a type of indium tin oxide (ITO) micro-pore electrode was used to obtain the corresponding amperometric response time. When the cell is stimulated by 0.1 M K+ , almost immediate exocytosis could be detected, due to the rapid depolarization of cell membrane. However, the stimulations with 1 mM nicotine and 3-(1-nitroso-2-pyrrolidinyl) pyridine result in a short delay between stimulation and exocytosis, which can be correlated with the time needed for binding of the stimulant to the nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor and the induction of post-binding phenomena. Thus, the response time of SH-SY5Y single cell exocytosis is significantly affected by the exocytosis mechanisms.


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APA Style
ZHAO, H., ZHANG, F., LI, L., HE, P., FANG, Y. (2013). Exocytosis determination of SH-SY5Y single cell stimulated by different stimulants on indium tin oxide (ITO) micro-pore electrode. BIOCELL, 37(3), 77–83.
Vancouver Style
ZHAO H, ZHANG F, LI L, HE P, FANG Y. Exocytosis determination of SH-SY5Y single cell stimulated by different stimulants on indium tin oxide (ITO) micro-pore electrode. BIOCELL. 2013;37(3):77–83.
IEEE Style
H. ZHAO, F. ZHANG, L. LI, P. HE, and Y. FANG, “Exocytosis determination of SH-SY5Y single cell stimulated by different stimulants on indium tin oxide (ITO) micro-pore electrode,” BIOCELL, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 77–83, 2013.


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