Guest Editors

Dr. Hans-Uwe Dahms, Kaohsiung Medical University,

Dr. Mei-fang CHO, Southern Taiwan University of Technology and Science,
Biomarkers are measurable indicators of biological conditions at different levels of integration. Biomarkers in OMICs studies are used and evaluated to study normal biological processes, pathological processes, or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention.
This special issue is focusing on the challenges toxicology is faced with in terms of regulation, effect, and mechanisms of action related to interactions of compounds, cells, organisms, and human individual and public health.
We welcome molecular biologists, chemists, physicists, and medical researchers to contribute original experimental or theoretical research articles and reviews on related topics.
Toxicology, Pharmacology, Biomarker, Bioassay, Bioindication, Biomedicine, Physiology, Bioinformatics, Chemcomputation, Modeling
Published Papers