Special Issues
Table of Content
Editorial Board
  • Prof. Manuel A. Barbieri

    Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, USA

    Research Interests: endocytosis, signal transduction, small GTPase rab5, oncogene ras, phagocytosis, phagosome maturation

  • Prof. Alfredo Castro-Vazquez

    IHEM, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, ARGENTINA

    Research Interests: comparative morphology, physiology and evolution

Associate Editor-in-Chief
  • Prof. Ye Zeng

    Institute of Biomedical Engineering, West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University, CHINA

    Research Interests: pathogenesis, cardiovascular diseases, tumor microenvironment, endothelial cell regulation, therapeutic mechanisms, microcirculation disorders

Associate Editors
  • Prof. Qingjia Chi

    Department of Mechanics and Engineering Structure, Wuhan University of Technology, CHINA

    Research Interests: bioinformatics, mechanisms of drug action, gene expression regulation, pathological mechanisms, cell-cell interactions

  • Prof. Abdelwahab Omri

    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Novel Drug and Vaccine Delivery Systems Facility, Laurentian University, CANADA

    Research Interests: liposomal delivery, antisense oligonucleotides, p-glycoprotein function, multidrug resistance, antimicrobial agents, bacterial pathogens

  • Dr. Giovanni Tossetta

    Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, ITALY

    Research Interests: pregnancy complications, preeclampsia, preterm birth, ovarian cancer, early marker of pregnancy complications, oxidative stress, chemoresistance

  • Prof. Jinxi Wang

    Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sport Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA

    Research Interests: biomaterial-carried osteogenic proteins, osteoblast differentiation, bone regeneration, pathogenetic mechanisms of osteoarthritis, chondrocyte differentiation and cartilage repair

Editorial Board Members
  • Prof. Alejandro Aballay

    Department of Genetics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

    Research Interests: host-pathogen interactions, neural-immune communications, neuroinflammation, infections, bacterial pathogenesis, organismal response to infections

  • Dr. Oscar Bello

    Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza (IHEM)-UNCuyo-CONICET-Ciudad Universitaria, ARGENTINA

    Research Interests: biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics

  • Dr. Nаtalia V. Belosludtseva

    Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: neurodegeneration, diabetes mellites, cardiovascular diseases, mitochondrial dysfunction, ion transporters, bioenergetics, oxidative stress, membrane transport

  • Prof. Biao Cai

    School of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, CHINA

    Research Interests: Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative disease, cognitive dysfunction, molecular biology, signaling pathway

  • Dr. Alejandro Arturo Canales-Aguirre

    Unidad de Evaluación Preclínica, Biotecnología Médica Farmacéutica, CONACYT Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco (CIATEJ), MEXICO

    Research Interests: Alzheimer's disease, regenerative medicine, exosomes, iPSC, neurodegenerative diseases, miRNA, neuroplasticity

  • Dr. Yunfeng Chen

    Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

    Research Interests: mechanobiology, platelets, hemostasis and thrombosis, integrin, vascular biology, molecular binding

  • Dr. Biyi Chen

    Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, USA

    Research Interests: cardiovascular physiology, cardiovascular pharmacology, electrophysiology, biophysics, membrane biology, ion channels metabolism

  • Prof. Lukui Chen

    Neuroscience Center, Southern Medical University, CHINA

    Research Interests: neural stem cell transplantation, nerve repair, neurorestoratology

  • Prof. Cheng-Hao Jin

    College of Life Science & Technology, HeiLongJiang BaYi Agricultural University, CHINA

    Research Interests: cell apoptosis, cell cycle, cell signaling transduction, cell biology, tumor biology, rheumatoid arthritis, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology

  • Dr. William Cho

    Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, CHINA

    Research Interests: cancer research, biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and treatment, cancer therapy

  • Sandra Costa

    Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho, Campus Gualtar, Braga, 4710-057, PORTUGAL

    Research Interests: lung, fibrosis, acute, injury, differentiation, repair, regeneration, macrophages

  • Prof. Zong Jie Cui

    College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, CHINA

    Research Interests: photodynamic activation, cholecystokinin receptors, calcium oscillations, miniSOG, pancreatic acinar cells, mast cells, neutrophils, salivary glands, G protein coupled receptors, NADPH oxidases, secretory cells, receptor pharmacology, photobiophysics, cellular signaling

  • Prof. Mikhail V. Dubinin

    Department of Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Microbiology, Mari State University, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: mitochondria, muscles, heart, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, diabetes mellitus, calcium, ROS, energy metabolism

  • Dr. Sonia Fantone

    Scientific Direction, IRCCS INRCA, 60124 Ancona, ITALY

    Research Interests: cell culture, immunohistochemistry, oxidative stress, cancer, aging, senescence, inflammation, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, antioxidants

  • Dr. Giovanni Fiorito

    Clinical Bioinformatics Unit, IRCCS Giannina Gaslini Institute, Genoa, ITALY

    Research Interests: epigenetics, DNA methylation, multi-omic, pediatric diseases, gene-environment interaction, molecular surrogate of risk factors, diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers

  • Prof. Marilia Goulart

    Universidade Federal de Alagoas, BRAZIL

    Research Interests: bioelectrochemistry, electroanalysis, food chemistry, oxidative and carbonylic stresses, nutrition and clinical studies

  • Dr. Elisabetta Grillo

    Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Università degli Studi di Brescia, ITALY

    Research Interests: kinases, membrane receptors, VEGF/VEGFR family, growth factors, adipocyte metabolism, fibrosis, extracellular matrix, mechanobiology

  • Dr. Jinming Han

    Department of Neurology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, CHINA

    Research Interests: immunotherapy, clinical neurology, innate immunity, microglia, macrophages

  • Prof. Azizul Haque

    Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, USA

    Research Interests: cancer immunology and immunotherapy, inflammation and CNS injury, neuronal degeneration and regeneration

  • Prof. Weiqi He

    Cambridge-Suda (CAM-SU) Genomic Resource Center, Soochow University, CHINA 

    Research Interests: intestinal stem cell, inflammatory bowel diseases, organoids, mucosal barrier function, circadian clock

  • Prof. Yi Hu

    Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CHINA

    Research Interests: mitochondrial thermogenesis, mitochondrial metabolism, SIRT5, AMPK, mTOR

  • Prof. Marcello Iriti

    Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences, Milan State University, ITALY

    Research Interests: natural products, bioactive phytochemicals, phytotherapeutics, herbal remedies, nutraceuticals, functional foods, ethnopharmacology

  • Dr. Manu M. Joseph

    Department of Life Sciences, School of Science, CHRIST University, INDIA

    Research Interests: cancer biology, targeted drug delivery system, nanomedicine, biomaterials, biosensors, glycobiology, phytomedicine, diagnostics, theragnostics

  • Prof. Kazuo Katoh

    Laboratory of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tsukuba University of Technology, 305-8521 Tsukuba, JAPAN

    Research Interests: cell biology, signal transduction, cell adhesion, cell movement, cytoskeleton, stress fiver, focal adhesion, actomyosin

  • Dr. Kesari Kavindra

    Department of Applied Physics, School of Science, Aalto University, FINLAND

    Research Interests: cancer, cell biology, male reproduction, toxicology, biomaterial science, hydrogel

  • Prof. Jangho Kim

    Department of Convergence Biosystems Engineering, Chonnam National University, KOREA

    Research Interests: biomaterials, BioMEMS, mechanobiology, tissue engineering, bionanotechnology

  • Prof. Soochong Kim

    College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Chungbuk 28644, Republic of Korea

    Research Interests: signal transduction, exosome, precision medicine, regenerative medicine, digital pathology

  • Prof. Kamil Kuca

    University of Hradec Kralove, CZECH REPUBLIC

    Research Interests: drug design and development, pharmacology & toxicology, pharmacoeconomics, health economics, military toxicology, toxins, medical devices, technology transfer

  • Prof. Xinhua Liao

    School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, CHINA

    Research Interests: molecular basis of maintenance, activation and tissue regeneration of skin and hair follicle stem cells, stem cell and gene therapy for treating skin diseases; regulation of cancer stem cells and targeted drugs development

  • Dr. Yong-Xin Liu

    Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CHINA

    Research Interests: bioinformatics, microbiome, metagenomics, pipeline, data analysis

  • Prof. Zhaoying Liu

    College of Veterinary Medicine, Hunan Agricultural University, CHINA

    Research Interests: drug metabolism, liquid chromatography, traditional Chinese medicine gelsemium, bacterial resistance, anti-inflammatory mechanism, toxicology

  • Prof. Yongting Luo

    Key Laboratory of Precision Nutrition and Food Quality, Department of Nutrition and Health, China Agricultural University, CHINA

    Research Interests: vascular biology, vascular remodeling, cardiovascular disease

  • Dr. Walter Manucha

    National University of Cuyo, ARGENTINA

    Research Interests: pharmacology, cardiovascular disease, mitochondria, inflammation, cellular stress

  • Dr. Abhay Prakash Mishra

    Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Science, University of Free State, SOUTH AFRICA

    Research Interests: cancer cell signalling, biofilm formation and inhibition, antidiabetic assays, molecular modeling, cosmetics and natural products research, phytopharmaceuticals

  • Dr. Seyed Reza Mohebbi

    Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN

    Research Interests: viral hepatitis, enteric viruses, genetic variations and host-virus interactions

  • Prof. Madhav P. Nepal

    Department of Biology and Microbiology, South Dakota State University, USA

    Research Interests: plant molecular phylogenetics, gene family evolution, bioinformatics, plant population genetics, ecological genomics, map kinase, mads-box, r-genes

  • Dr. Xiaochun Peng

    Department of Pathophysiology, School of Basic Medicine, Health Science Center, Yangtze University, CHINA

    Research Interests: molecular mechanism of tumor immune targeted therapy

  • Dr. Marco Piccoli

    Laboratory of Stem Cells for Tissue Engineering, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, ITALY

    Research Interests: cardiovascular diseases, ischemia and reperfusion injury, sialidases, sphingolipids, sialic acid

  • Prof. Egor Y. Plotnikov

    Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: ischemia, oxidative stress, kidney, brain, mitochondria

  • Prof. Susana Puntarulo

    Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular (IBIMOL), CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

    Research Interests: antioxidants, cellular signaling, environmental contaminants, free radical biochemistry, iron, redox balance

  • Prof. Albert Anatolyevich Rizvanov

    OpenLab Gene and Cell Technology, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan Federal University, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: regenerative medicine, gene therapy, cell therapy, precision medicine, personalized medicine, rare diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases

  • Prof. Virginie Sottile

    Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, ITALY

    Research Interests: stem cell biology, cell differentiation, regenerative medicine, cell therapy, tissue repair

  • Prof. Juan Carlos Stockert

    Institute of Oncology “Angel H. Roffo” and Institute of Research and Technology in Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

    Research Interests: fluorescence histochemistry, fluorescence vital probes, melanin research, organelle staining and labeling, photodynamic therapy of cancer, photothermal therapy of cancer

  • Prof. Marco Tatullo

    University of Bari, ITALY

    Research Interests: dental stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, stem cells in clinical practice, regenerative medicine, regenerative dentistry, translational biomedicine

  • Prof. Dahms Hans Uwe

    Department of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung Medical University, TAIWAN

    Research Interests: integrated and molecular biology of environmental toxicants, research on identification, origin, pathways, sinks, risks and mechanisms of environmental compounds

  • Dr. Dan Weng

    School of Environment and Biological Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, CHINA 

    Research Interests: cell death, RIPK1, inflammation, liver, metabolism, toxicology

  • Prof. Qiang-Sheng Wu

    College of Horticulture and Gardening, Yangtze University, CHINA

    Research Interests: mycorrhiza, glomalin, drought stress, citrus, polyamine

  • Prof. Junhua Wu

    Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Medical School of Nanjing University, CHINA

    Research Interests: tumor biology, tumor immunology, tumor therapy, tumor immunotherapy, oncolytic virus

  • Dr. Kang Xu

    College of Pharmacy, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, CHINA

    Research Interests: pharmacology, aortic valve calcification, cardiovascular biology, inflammation, osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, tissue repair and regeneration, cancer prevention

  • Prof. Yongmin Yan

    School of medicine, Jiangsu University, CHINA

    Research Interests: extracellular vesicles, acute and chronic liver diseases, mesenchymal stem cells

  • Prof. Wan-Xi Yang

    College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, CHINA

    Research Interests: molecular mechanisms during spermatogenesis, reproductive and developmental biology

  • Prof. Zhiling Yu

    Centre for Cancer and Inflammation Research, School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, CHINA

    Research Interests: melanoma, atopic dermatitis, cancer, skincare, pharmacology, inflammation

  • Prof. Yewang Zhang

    School of Pharmacy, Jiangsu University, CHINA

    Research Interests: heparinase, chondroitinase, protein engineering, synthetic biology, enzyme engineering, cell surface modification

  • Prof. Xing Zhang

    Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, School of Aerospace Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, CHINA

    Research Interests: mitochondria, metabolism, cardiovascular disease, aging, cardioprotection

  • Prof. Weijiang Zhao

    Department of Cell Biology, Wuxi School of Medicine, Jiangnan University, CHINA

    Research Interests: neuregulin, ErbB4, Alzheimer's disease, neuroregeneration, neuroinflammation, small molecule compound, pituitary, hypothalamus

Early Career Editorial Board Member
  • Dr. Ángelo Torres Arévalo

    Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Santo Tomás, CHILE

    Research Interests: immunology, macrophage polarity, lung fibrosis, extracellular adenosine signaling, diabetic nephropathy, cancer stem cells

  • Dr. Tao Jia

    Principal Investigator (PI), team of molecular pharmacology of vascular and respiratory diseases, West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, CHINA

    Research Interests: FGF/FGFR targeting, novel biomarker discoveries, RNA splicing, endothelial cell biology, lung cancer cell biology, high throughput screening and drug discovery, DNA damage response, G4 targeting ligands, data visualization

  • Dr. Yang Jiao

    Department of Stomatology, the Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, CHINA

    Research Interests: tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, cell therapy, inflammation and immunity

  • Dr. Alberto Fernando O. Justo

    Physiopathology in Aging Laboratory, Department of Internal Medicine, University of São Paulo Medical School, BRAZIL

    Research Interests: vascular pharmacology, neurologic pharmacology, physiology, molecular medicine

  • Dr. Maria Kercheva

    Cardiology Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: myocardial infarction, macrophage, cardiogenic shock, inflammation, heart failure

  • Dr. Ilya Klabukov

    National Medical Research Radiological Center; Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, RUSSIA

    Research Interests: cell biology, mesenchymal stromal cells, regenerative biology, regenerative medicine, stem cells, tissue engineering

  • Dr. Chen Li

    Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy, Free University of Berlin, GERMANY

    Research Interests: cancer metabolism; cancer immunotherapy; adipose tissue; diabetes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

  • Dr. Satyabrata Nanda

    MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Centurion University of Technology and Management, INDIA

    Research Interests: functional genomics, plant protection, plant-pest interactions, RNAi, genome editing

  • Dr. Charupong Saengboonmee

    Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, THAILAND

    Research Interests: cancer metabolism, diabetes mellitus, nutritional biochemistry, cell cycle, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, lung cancer, metabolic disorder

  • Dr. Ram Sagar

    Department of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

    Research Interests: neurology/neuroscience, stroke, neurodegenerations, induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs), 2D/3D disease modelling, genetics, blood-biomarkers, molecular biology, gene editing, drug development, extracellular vesicles, lipidomics, transcriptomics, GWAS, epidemiology and population-based study

  • Dr. Anton Tkachenko

    1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, CZECH REPUBLIC

    Research Interests: apoptosis, cancer biology, cell signaling, eryptosis, nanoparticles, nanotoxicity, regulated cell death, ROS biology

  • Dr. Xiao Wei

    School of Preclinical Medicine, Chengdu University, CHINA

    Research Interests: cancer therapy, anti-multidrug resistance, multifunctional nanomaterial, phototherapy, ferroptosis inducer, immunogenic cell death, immunotherapy

  • Dr. Zhenshan Yang

    Lund University Cancer Centre, SWEDEN

    Research Interests: cancer research, cell signaling, embryo implantation, decidualization, ovarian cancer

  • Dr. Zongmeng ZHANG

    The School of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangdong University of Technology, CHINA

    Research Interests: adipokines, adiponectin, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, omega-3 pufas, kidney injury, bone marrow suppression

  • Dr. Rongjun Zou

    Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, CHINA

    Research Interests: mitochondrion, ischemia-reperfusion injury, myocardial infarct, heart failure, aortic dissection

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