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Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) Using a GIS-Based RF Machine Learning Model: The Case of Strandzha Mountains (Thrace Peninsula, Türkiye)

by Emre Ozsahin1,*, Huseyin Sarı2, Duygu Boyraz Erdem2, Mikayil Ozturk2

1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, 59030, Türkiye
2 Department of Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, 59030, Türkiye

* Corresponding Author: Emre Ozsahin. Email: email

Revue Internationale de Géomatique 2024, 33, 341-361. https://doi.org/10.32604/rig.2024.054197


This study assessed and mapped the spatial distribution of soil types and properties developed under the forest cover of the Strandzha Mountains of Türkiye. The study was conducted on a micro-scale in the riparian zone of the Balaban River, which characterizes the soils distributed in the mountainous area. The effect of environmental factors on the spatial distribution of soil types and properties was also determined. To gather data, soil sampling, laboratory analysis, data processing and mapping were sequentially performed. These data were analyzed using the Geographical Information System (GIS) based Random Forest (RF) machine learning technique. Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) was developed with satisfactory performance. DSM suggests that the factors affecting the spatial distribution of soil types and properties in the sample area are, from most important to least important, topography (50.77%), climate (28.14%), organisms (8.22%), parent material (7.24%) and time (5.63%). With the contributions of all these factors in different proportions, it was determined that soils belonging to the Entisol and then Inceptisol orders were the most widespread in the sample area. The study results revealed that the GIS-based RF machine-learning technique can be used as a reliable tool for the development of DSM in mountainous terrains.

Graphic Abstract

Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) Using a GIS-Based RF Machine Learning Model: The Case of Strandzha Mountains (Thrace Peninsula, Türkiye)


1  Introduction

Soil is an essential and primary component of life on earth [1]. It plays a significant role in human life and well-being [2,3]. Soil is the largest terrestrial organic carbon sink [4]. It is a multifunctional system with substantial contributions to ecosystem services such as food production, climate regulation, nutrient cycling, biochemical transformations, and pest control [5,6].

Soil is a heterogeneous system and exhibits spatially diverse properties [7]. These characteristics are key in ecological modeling, environmental forecasting, precision agricultural practices, and natural resource management [8]. Pedogenic processes may lead to the formation of different soil types [9]. Hence, the relationships between the spatial distribution of soil types, soil properties, and environmental factors should be well-comprehended [10] since such relationships are considered key indicators for soil management and sustainable land use [11]. Faster, quantitative, and objective tools and methods have been developed to analyze such relationships [12].

Recently, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based methods have been used to understand better the complex relationship between soil and environment [13] and to reveal information on spatial variability of soil properties. Machine learning (ML) techniques are widely used [1417]. These techniques provide more information about unsampled points by examining non-linear interactions to predict the effects of environmental variables on soil properties and their spatial variation [18]. Widely used ML techniques [19,20] include Random Forest (RF) [21,22], Quantile Regression Forest (QRF) [23], Cubist [24], Regression Tree (RT) [25], Neural Network (NN) [26], Support Vector Machines (SVM) [27] and Bayesian approaches [28].

The Strandzha Mountains are the most important landforms of the Balkan Peninsula, which corresponds to the southeastern part of the European continent. The mountains extend along the Black Sea coast on southeastern Bulgaria and northwestern Türkiye borders and have a privileged forest cover with unique flora [29]. Therefore, the main use of the land in these mountains is forestry [30]. Some soils in these mountains, which form a special ecosystem compared to their surroundings, are considered unique soils of the Balkan Peninsula [31]. It was reported in a previous study that the soils of the Strandzha Mountains differ spatially in their influence on forest vegetation as compared to soils in surrounding areas [32]. Various soil studies have been conducted in Bulgaria [33] and Türkiye [29,30,3437] to determine these differences. Although the relationship between the spatial distribution of soil types and environmental factors has been emphasized especially in studies conducted in Türkiye, there is still an important gap in the literature since no study has analyzed this relationship in detail with Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) developed using a GIS-based RF.

This study was conducted to assess and map the spatial distribution of soil types and properties under forest cover in the Strandzha Mountains of Türkiye. The study was conducted on a micro-scale, focusing on the riparian zone of the Balaban River, which more typically characterizes the soils distributed in the mountainous area. Thus, another objective was to distinguish and examine features important for diagnosing soil processes, such as content, quantity, mobility, degree of transformation, and localization [38]. This study is unique in revealing soil types and properties in the forest ecosystem of the Strandzha Mountains with a biodiversity-rich landscape for the European continent, Balkan Peninsula, and Türkiye. So far, although numerous studies [3941] have been conducted with GIS-based RF method for soil mapping in different parts of the world and various climates, the most important contribution of this study to the scientific literature is that it is the first attempt in the Strandzha Mountains in Türkiye’s Thrace. This study also reveals the ongoing pedogenic evolution of a region and the factors affecting this process of evolution.

2  Materials and Methods

2.1 Study Area

The study area corresponds to the riparian zone of the Balaban River in the Strandzha Mountains of Türkiye (Fig. 1). This area, which lies between the river channel and the upland, was chosen because it is a very heterogeneous place in time and space [42] regarding microclimate, topography, and parent material, especially soil, compared to its surroundings. The study area has many ecosystem functions and services and complex biological, chemical, and physical interactions. Therefore, the study area, which functions as a critical transition zone, was delimited as a 500 m wide zone (Fig. 1), taking into account the size and location of the drainage system, hydrological and geomorphological characteristics [43], as reported in the literature [7,44].


Figure 1: Location map of the study area

The study area is located on the Strandzha Massif and commonly consists of Paleozoic-aged metamorphic rocks such as gneiss, metagranitoid, schist, marble, and quartzite [45]. Quaternary alluvium is spread over the river valley floors. The study area has a topography shaped by the Balaban River and its tributaries, originating from the high parts of the Strandzha Mountains. The study area’s elevation varies between 300–555 m [46]. According to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification, “Fully humid temperate, warm summer (temperate oceanic) (Cfb)” climate is dominant in the study area [47]. Based on these climate characteristics, it was determined that the soil moisture regime of the study area and its immediate surroundings is xeric and the temperature regime is thermic [29]. Beech, hornbeam, and oak trees cover a large area within the forest cover of the study area [48], there are also grassland, cropland, bare/sparse vegetation, and built-up land cover [49,50].

2.2 Material

In this study, analysis results of soil samples taken according to the environmental conditions (topographic features, climate, land cover, etc.) affecting soil properties of the study area were used as the primary material. Topographic features were determined by GIS techniques based on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data [46]. Data on climate characteristics were obtained from the WorldClim database [51,52]. The parent material and land cover data were obtained from geology [45] and land cover [49,50] maps, respectively (Table 1).


2.3 Method

DSM was developed using a GIS-based RF. The study was scaled to a high resolution (Resolution: 5 m) due to the extent and possibilities offered by the boundaries of the study area and the data on other environmental factors. The study was carried out in three phases: field works (soil sampling), laboratory analysis of soil samples, and classification and mapping of soil types (Fig. 2).


Figure 2: Methodology flowchart

Soil samples were taken according to the number of samples determined by creating 2.5 km × 2.5 km grids. Because the topography in the study area is very hilly and covered with dense vegetation, such a method was followed [54]. To cover spatial variations, 7 different locations were selected with a systematic approach. A total of 32 different samples were taken from these locations. Identification and sampling were carried out based on genetic horizons. Thus, it was aimed to understand the spatial distribution of soil types and properties of different profile layers [55]. While soil samples were taken during field studies, local data on environmental conditions were also recorded. During the DSM development phase, soil samples were organized into the topsoil (0–30 cm) and the subsoil (30–> cm) layers to be compatible with both Soil Atlas of Europe [56] data and previously reported information in the literature [57].

Soil samples were air-dried in the laboratory and then prepared for analysis by applying a series of procedures. Soil color was determined in dry and moist soil samples using the Munsell color chart [12]. Soil reaction (pH) was determined with a glass-electrode pH meter [58]. Electrical conductivity (EC) was measured with a glass-electrode EC-meter [59]. Soil texture was determined by the hydrometer method and described using the international texture triangle [60]. Lime was determined using the volumetric calcimeter method [61]. A Wheatstone Bridge concentrator measured salt in soil suspensions [62]. Soil organic matter (SOM1) was calculated according to the Modified Walkley Black Method [64]. Cation exchange capacity (CEC2) was determined by the ammonium acetate method [66]. Macro and micronutrients were determined by diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid, inductively coupled plasma (DTPA ICP), and ammonium acetate, inductively coupled plasma (AAc, ICP) extraction methods [67].

Soils in the study area were classified using Soil Taxonomy [68]. This classification was based on the spatial distribution of different soil types in the study area, soil forming factors, visual observation, and determination. The mapping of soil types and properties was carried out using GIS-based techniques. These techniques are substitutes for soil surveying and are widely used to empirically reveal the spatial distribution of key soil types and properties [69]. Thus, raster maps of the sub-variables and variables used in the DSM development were created.

The spatial distribution of soil properties in the study area was realized using the interpolation method. Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) was determined as the most appropriate model for the distribution since its root mean square error (RMSE) is lower than other interpolation methods [70]. This estimation method assumes that the relationship between two points is directly proportional to the distance between them and the effect of the mapped variable decreases as it moves away from the sampled location [71]. Soil types in the study area were mapped using DSM or Digital Soil Assessment (DSA) techniques [72]. This model, which examines the relationship between data obtained from soil observations and auxiliary data representing the factors of soil formation, is a simplified form of the complex relationships between soil distribution patterns and variables that contribute to soil formation and development [73].

The DSM for the study area was developed in two stages. The importance of variables and soil properties (physical, chemical, and nutrients) that contribute to soil formation and development was determined in the first stage. RF algorithm was utilized, one of the most successful methods widely used in recent DSM research [74]. This algorithm is an advanced ML method to analyze high-dimensional complex data [75]. The importance ratings obtained from this algorithm were used to measure the effect of independent variables on dependent variables [76]. Thus, the importance of different factors affecting the dependent variable was easily determined [77,78]. The method used Forest-based Classification and Regression tools in ArcGIS Pro Spatial Analyst extension. During the application, importance and percentages were determined according to the decision tree created using randomly generated parts of the original (training) data (soil sample).

In another stage of DSM development, a suitability model was created to represent the distribution of soil types best. The model was applied using the ArcGIS Pro Suitability Modeler tool. For this purpose, the sub-variables whose importance levels were determined first, and then the variables were combined with the suitability model, and the DSM was obtained. DSM was grouped at the sub-group level according to soil classification results.

DSM was validated by comparing traditional soil maps [79,80] with values observed at locations with known soil properties [29,30,81]. Validation was performed based on 100 validation points randomly taken from the study area and using the coefficient of determination (R²) and RMSE, which are considered the most commonly used validation measures [82]. R² is the coefficient of determination of the model’s accuracy and a high value indicates a good prediction relationship. Since RMSE is a measure of error, a lower value indicates high performance [83]. ArcGIS Pro (Version 3.0.1) was used to apply the methods and techniques used in the study and to prepare various thematic maps.

3  Results

3.1 Variables Contributing to Soil Formation and Development

Soil formation and development is a highly complex process controlled by primary (parent material, climate, topography, microorganisms, time), and subordinate variables [84,85]. Understanding this process is important for producing soil maps, often used to visualize or predict soil types and properties [86]. Therefore, soil formation and development in the study area were explained depending on the spatially mapped sub-variables of topography (landforms, aspect, slope, altitude, curvature, TWI), climate (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation), parent material (lithology), organisms (land cover) and time (soil development) factors (Table 2).


Topography was identified as the most effective (50.77%) environmental variable in the spatial distribution of soil types and properties (Table 3), because there is a clear connection between topography and soil [87]. This connection is especially strong in mountainous areas where highly different environmental conditions are observed over short distances [88]. Sub-variables of the topography were distributed as slope (12.77%), aspect (12.45%), curvature (9.27%), landforms (6.69%), altitude (6.45%) and TWI (3.14%), respectively (Table 3).


The climate was identified as another factor that has a relatively high influence on the spatial distribution of soil types and properties (28.14%). This is related to the local patterns of climate characteristics of mountainous areas and varies spatially as a function of topography and other factors [89]. Therefore, sub-variables of climate factors were distributed as precipitation (10.45%), temperature (9.85%), and solar radiation (7.83%) (Table 3).

The effect of organisms on land cover [90] and parent material on lithology [91] and the impact of time on soil development in different soils [92] were explained by sub-variables. These sub-variables played an influential role by 8.22% (land cover), 7.24% (lithology), and 5.63% (soil development), respectively (Table 3).

Morpho-dynamic processes related to high relief energy and the differences in microclimate conditions that develop accordingly contributed more to the spatial distribution of soil types and properties. Therefore, the effect of topography and climate on soil types and properties was greater than the effect of biophysical parameters.

3.2 Soil Properties

The top and subsoil layers had different physical and chemical properties and nutrients (Tables 46). Both were spatially different horizontally in terms of environmental factors and vertically within the layers of the soil profile.




Soil properties are interrelated at a spatial scale [93]. To analyze and interpret this relationship, the importance and percentage of the variables belonging to the properties in different soil profile layers were determined (Table 7).


Texture was identified as the most influential variable on the physical properties of both top (63.00%) and subsoils (62.89%). Environmental factors (topography, hydrological process, and climatic conditions) and especially texture affect the spatial variation of soil physical properties [94]. Therefore, considering the importance and percentage of both parameters and the other variables, it was seen that soil physical properties exhibited a heterogeneous distribution.

SOM was identified as the most effective variable on the chemical properties of top soils (25.79%) and salinity on the chemical properties of subsoils (22.08%). SOM of topsoils should be related to the presence of forest land cover with high organic matter accumulation and the salinity of subsoils should be related to the topography and soil characteristics of the site. It was reported that SOM dynamics largely depend on land cover, climate conditions, and soil types [95], while salinity depends on landforms, land cover, soil types, and soil texture [96].

Cu (14.42%) in the topsoil and Mg (17.30%) in the subsoil were found to be the most effective variables on soil nutrients. The presence and importance of different nutrients depend mainly on the parent material [97]. Therefore, the distribution of parent material consisting of lithologies containing Cu and Mg minerals has made these minerals more important in the top and subsoils. Present soils also reflected the characteristics of bedrock. Cangir et al. [29] suggested that soils of the Strandzha Mountains show a shallow soil character with an undeveloped profile structure and physico-chemical properties and nutrients of different soil layers depend on the mineralogical structure of the sediments forming the parent material or the sequence formed by the lithological discontinuity, if any.

The remaining soil properties’ different importance and percentages are shown in Table 6. As the layers of soil profiles deepen, the significance and percentage of some variables increased while others decreased. Comparisons within and between the layers revealed that changes in soil properties were mostly realized under the influence of topography, climate, and time in topsoils and under the influence of topography, parent material, and time conditions in subsoils. Assuming the study area is relatively homogeneous in terms of organism factors related to the land cover characteristics, it was seen that soil types and properties occurred under the control of topography with the joint effect of climate, parent material, and time factors. Therefore, some environmental conditions had a more prioritized impact on the spatial distribution of soil properties of the study area.

3.3 Spatial Distribution and Mapping of Soil Types

Spatial distribution and mapping of soil types are significant for a more rational study and management of soil resources [98]. Therefore, the distribution of soil orders developed under different environmental conditions and with varying soil properties was determined. Accordingly, in the study area where only Brown Forest soils are found in the genetic system, soils belonging to Entisol, Inceptisol, and Alfisol orders were distributed (Fig. 3).


Figure 3: Soil map of the study area

Entisols were the most widespread at the ordo level (39.81%). This is followed by Inceptisol (37.47%) and Alfisol (22.72%) soil orders from largest to smallest. Typic Xereorthent belonging to the Entisol order had the largest area at the sub-group level (Table 8). The others are listed as Typic Humixerept (20.28%), Typic Haploxerept (17.19%), Typic Haploxeralf (13.48%) and Inceptic Haploxeralf (9.24%) sub-groups, respectively (Table 8).


Validation of DSM revealed R2 as 0.66 and RMSE as 1.75. Accordingly, since the R2 value is in the range of 0.60<==R2<0.75 and the RMSE value is 1.0<RMSE<=2.0, DSM was considered to have a satisfactory performance. Therefore, the methods and techniques used in this study were proven to predict the DSM accurately.

4  Discussion

Sustainable and functional soil management and planning require detailed information on the spatial distribution of soil types and properties [10,11]. This need is most accurately met through soil surveying, which involves field sampling, laboratory analysis, data processing, and mapping [99]. Thus, soil types and properties in a given area can be classified and a soil map can be produced to understand their spatial distribution [100]. The recent increase in demand has encouraged the production of more detailed and accurate soil maps to understand the spatial variability of soil properties [101]. DSM has emerged as an established practice [102]. This has produced detailed soil maps showing the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties consistent with the landscape [103].

DSM created with various methods such as machine learning, geostatistics and deep learning approaches based on GIS techniques has become more popular with the developments in spatial information technologies [18]. DSM provides a great advantage in mapping and monitoring soil properties in a repeatable way due to its power to show detail and a higher accuracy rate, thus it is widely used for various purposes such as decision-making and policy implementation [104]. It has also made it easier for soil scientists to make inferences to test hypotheses to understand the spatial distribution of soil types, properties, and pedogenic processes [86]. In this study, DSM was produced using the GIS-based RF method. RF was preferred because it has a higher ability to learn or accurately predict the interactions between different variables [105]. Manteghi et al. [106] found that the RF model is the best-performing model compared to other models used in the DSM generation. However, the limited number of samples available due to the study budget prevented the DSM validation result from being good to very good. Biswas et al. [101] emphasized that the sample size determined according to the available budget is of great importance as it affects the results of laboratory measurements and data analysis. They reported that care should be taken to choose the right sample size to meet the purpose of the study. Zhang et al. [12] argued that samples taken without representing the entire soil profile due to their cost may jeopardize the accuracy of the study and lead to large sampling uncertainty. On the other hand, the rugged topography of the study area also played a decisive role in limited sampling. Camera et al. [107] reported that the DSM would show lower reliability due to a lack of data based on mountainous areas’ topographical, geological, geomorphological, and climatic conditions. Gelsleichter et al. [108] reported that the DSM product will be produced with fewer samples because sampling, which can affect the spatial estimation of soil types and properties, is even more difficult in mountainous areas with limited access and transportation.

Mountainous areas are extraordinary ecosystems defined as biomes due to various environmental conditions in vertical and horizontal gradients [109]. Mountain soils distributed in these ecosystems are very important for the functioning and preserving of ecological features [88]. Since the study area has a mountain character, it has an extremely complex topography. This character of topography has played a dominant role in horizontal and vertical variation of soil properties. Therefore, the topography factor affected the spatial distribution of soil samples in the study area more dominantly. Climate factors follow this at a significant rate. Variations of local topographical features in short distances caused the climate characteristics to change. Such a case has triggered spatial differentiation of soil types and properties. Cangir et al. [29] suggested that spatial variations in topography, climate, and parent material characteristics effectively formed soil types in the Strandzha Mountains. Therefore, the study results showed that the generation of DSM using the GIS-based RF method to prepare maps of soil classes in high-relief areas helps reduce time and cost and increase accuracy. However, it was also found that the RF model, which can be used to prepare maps of soil classes in low-relief areas, is more advantageous [107].

In the last century, due to various global problems such as climate change, land use and land cover change (LUCC), deforestation, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and erosion, studies on the spatial distribution of soil types and properties of natural landscapes have gained momentum [110]. Although only Brown Forest soils were distributed in the genetic system in the present study area, some other soil groups belonging to Entisol, Inceptisol, and Alfisol orders existed. Such a case was because only soil formation factors in the genetic system are considered in classifying soil types. In contrast, soil properties and morphology are considered in soil taxonomy [111].

In the study area, the most common soil type was found to be Entisol. Dinç et al. [112] reported that Entisols, one of the most widespread soil orders in Türkiye and the Thracian Peninsula, occur on sloping lands of mountainous or newly deposited areas. Cangir et al. [29] reported that entisols are encountered in the forested regions of the Strandzha Mountains, especially near river beds. On the other hand, the second dominant soil order of the study area was identified as Inceptisols. Haktanır et al. [113] suggested that Inceptisols are the most commonly observed soil order in Türkiye after Entisols.

5  Conclusion

Mountainous areas, which form a special ecosystem compared to their surroundings, have a complex and fragile ecosystem. Soils in these special ecosystems are highly dynamic systems that can respond more sensitively to environmental changes. Therefore, assessing and mapping the spatial distribution of the types and characteristics of mountain soils is crucial for a better understanding of the orobiomes of our planet. This study used a GIS-based RF machine-learning model to estimate spatial variability of soil types and properties under forest cover of the Strandzha Mountains of Türkiye. For this purpose, environmental factors and soil properties affecting soil formation and development were analyzed. DSM was developed for the study area by associating the findings with the soil survey results. DSM suggests that the factors affecting the spatial distribution of soil types and properties in the sample area are, from most important to least important, topography (50.77%), climate (28.14%), organisms (8.22%), parent material (7.24%) and time (5.63%). With the contributions of all these factors at different rates, it was determined that Entisols were the most widespread in the study area at the ordo level (39.81%). The other soil orders, Inceptisol (37.47%) and Alfisol (22.72%) have a smaller spatial distribution. Present findings may be useful in making inferences about the spatial distribution of soil types and properties of similar landscapes and explaining the factors affecting this distribution. It was also concluded that the number of samples should be increased to obtain more reliable results from DSM. However, it was confirmed that a GIS-based RF machine learning model could reliably be used to produce DSM.

Acknowledgement: This study did not receive public and commercial funding support from agencies.

Funding Statement: This study was funded by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Tekirdag Namık Kemal University. Project Number: NKUBAP.03.YLGA.21.324.

Author Contributions: The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: Emre Ozsahin: Conceived and designed the analysis, collected the data, and performed the analysis; Huseyin Sarı: Grant recipient, collected the data & other contributions; Duygu Boyraz Erdem: Contributed data and analysis, wrote the paper & other contributions; Mikail Ozturk: Survey data collection & other contributions. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Availability of Data and Materials: Data will be made available on request.

Ethics Approval: Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.

1Soil organic matter (SOM) is the organic material found in soil [63].

2Cation exchange capacity (CEC) measures the soil’s ability to hold positively charged ions [65].


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Cite This Article

APA Style
Ozsahin, E., Sarı, H., Erdem, D.B., Ozturk, M. (2024). Digital soil mapping (DSM) using a gis-based RF machine learning model: the case of strandzha mountains (thrace peninsula, türkiye). Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 33(1), 341–361. https://doi.org/10.32604/rig.2024.054197
Vancouver Style
Ozsahin E, Sarı H, Erdem DB, Ozturk M. Digital soil mapping (DSM) using a gis-based RF machine learning model: the case of strandzha mountains (thrace peninsula, türkiye). Revue Internationale de Géomatique. 2024;33(1):341–361. https://doi.org/10.32604/rig.2024.054197
IEEE Style
E. Ozsahin, H. Sarı, D. B. Erdem, and M. Ozturk, “Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) Using a GIS-Based RF Machine Learning Model: The Case of Strandzha Mountains (Thrace Peninsula, Türkiye),” Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 341–361, 2024. https://doi.org/10.32604/rig.2024.054197

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