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    François PINET, Didier JOSSELIN, Alain BOUJU
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 239-240, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.239-240
    Abstract This article has no abstract. More >

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    Implementation of a solar model and shadow plotting in the context of a 2D GIS

    A validation based on radiometric measurements

    Thomas Leduc, Xenia Stavropulos-Laffaille, Ignacio Requena-Ruiz
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 241-263, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.241-263
    Abstract The adaptation of public spaces to episodes of intense heat is now a major challenge for cities. With this in mind, this article presents a contribution aimed at delineating and handling the shadows on the ground or in a horizontal plane at a given height, whether it comes from buildings, street furniture or the tree cover. After a comparison with shadows obtained via two reference tools, we present two urban sites that mix shadows of different origins and, in addition, different indicators. The results of the simulations are compared with pyranometric surveys carried out on More >

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    Clustering building morphometrics using national spatial data

    Alessandro Araldi1, David Emsellem2, Giovanni Fusco1, Andrea Tettamanzi3, Denis Overal2
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 265-302, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.265-302
    Abstract The identification and description of building typologies play a fundamental role in the understanding of the overall built-up form. A growing body of research is developing and implementing sophisticated, computer-aided protocols for the identification of building typologies. This paper shares the same goal. An innovative data-driven procedure for the unsupervised identification and description of building types and organization is here presented. After a specific pre-processing procedure, we develop an unsupervised clustering combining a new algorithm of Naive Bayes inference and hierarchical ascendant approaches relying on six morphometric features of buildings. This protocol allows us to More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Classification and clustering of buildings for understanding urban dynamics

    A framework for processing spatiotemporal data

    Perez Joan1, Fusco Giovanni1, Sadahiro Yukio2
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 303-328, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.303-328
    Abstract This paper presents different methods implemented with the aim of studying urban dynamics at the building level. Building types are identified within a comprehensive vector-based building inventory, spanning over at least two time points. First, basic morphometric indicators are computed for each building: area, floor-area, number of neighbors, elongation, and convexity. Based on the availability of expert knowledge, different types of classification and clustering are performed: supervised tree-like classificatory model, expert-constrained k-means and combined SOM-HCA. A grid is superimposed on the test region of Osaka (Japan) and the number of building types per cell and More >

  • Open AccessOpen Access


    Extraction et mise en contexte spatial des propositions relatives au transport dans le Grand Débat National

    Jacques Fize1, Lucile Sautot2, Martin Lentschat3, Laurence Dujourdy4, Ludovic Journaux5, Mohamed Hilal6
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 329-354, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.329-354
    Abstract Le Grand Débat National, lancé début 2019 par Emmanuel Macron, président de la République, pour répondre au mouvement social des « Gilets jaunes », a permis de collecter les contributions de citoyens sur la transition écologique via une plateforme en ligne. Dans cet article, nous exploitons le corpus constitué par ces contributions pour identifier des zones où les participants demandent le développement de pistes cyclables et d’équipements ferroviaires. Pour cela, nous avons créé un modèle de classification permettant d’identifier les contributions traitant de la thématique du transport et proposé une méthode d’extraction de contributions traduisant More >

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    NAMO Géoweb

    Une plateforme pour valoriser la narration et la modélisation de l’espace géographique et des territoires

    Jean-Pierre Chery1, Marie Gradeler1, Vincent Bonnal2,3,4
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 355-376, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.355-376
    Abstract Les besoins de valoriser et de partager des informations génériques et originales de différents projets de recherche, ont conduit à concevoir une plateforme géoweb dédiée, dénommée NAMO. Sa conception utilise des fonctionnalités ouvertes, libres et gratuites qui montrent leur souplesse dans une démarche agile et itérative. C’est en particulier le développement de deux dimensions de valorisation et de positionnement en géoweb 2.0 qui est souligné : la cartographie narrative et la modélisation systémique. Les dispositifs d’usage de l’information géographique, en particulier dans les démarches de co-construction et de science ouverte, peuvent ainsi être mieux outillés. More >

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    Spatio-temporal pattern detection in spatio-temporal graphs

    Use case of invasive team sports and urban road traffic

    Kamaldeep Singh Oberoi1, Géraldine Del Mondo2
    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.31, No.2, pp. 377-399, 2022, DOI:10.3166/rig31.377-400
    Abstract Spatio-temporal (ST) graphs have been used in many application domains to model evolving ST phenomenon. Such models represent the underlying structure of the phenomenon in terms of its entities and different types of spatial interactions between them. The reason behind using graph-based models to represent ST phenomenon is due to the existing well-established graph analysis tools and algorithms which can be directly applied to analyze the phenomenon under consideration. In this paper, considering the use case of two distinct, highly dynamic phenomena - invasive team sports, with a focus on handball and urban road traffic,… More >

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