Open Access
Image Feature Computation in Encrypted Domain Based on Mean Value
1 Department of Mathematics and Computational Science, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, 410205, China
2 Department of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, 410205, China
* Corresponding Author: Mingfang Jiang. Email:
Journal of Cyber Security 2020, 2(3), 123-130.
Received 15 January 2020; Accepted 23 July 2020; Issue published 14 September 2020
In smart environments, more and more teaching data sources are uploaded to remote cloud centers which promote the development of the smart campus. The outsourcing of massive teaching data can reduce storage burden and computational cost, but causes some privacy concerns because those teaching data (especially personal image data) may contain personal private information. In this paper, a privacy-preserving image feature extraction algorithm is proposed by using mean value features. Clients use block scrambling and chaotic map to encrypt original images before uploading to the remote servers. Cloud servers can directly extract image mean value features from encrypted images. Experiments show the effectiveness and security of our algorithm. It can achieve information search over the encrypted images on the smart campus.Keywords
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