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The Effect of Online Wellness Coaching for Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Lockdown on Well-Being: A Qualitative Study

by Şeyma Zehra Altunkurek*

Department of Public Health Nursing, Gulhane Faculty of Nursing, University of Health Sciences Turkey, Etlik, 06010, Turkey

* Corresponding Author: Şeyma Zehra Altunkurek. Email: email

International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2021, 23(4), 577-588.


Aim: The aim of this study was to explore and describe the lived experience of 3rd-year nursing students who participated in an online wellness coaching program during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Methods: This qualitative research study on an online wellness coaching program included 30 female students, aged 21 to 30 years, who were confined to their home during the COVID-19 outbreak for two months. The students were asked to describe their feelings and responses during the COVID-19 lockdown. Results: Four thematic clusters emerged in the data analysis: what the students felt during the quarantine period, what the wellness coaching practice added to the students’ lives, what changes resulted from the application and whether the students would like the application to continue and recommend the application. The study showed that students had a high level of stress, fear and anxiety at home during the COVİD-19 outbreak. With the online wellness coaching application, they experienced a decrease in social isolation, an improved ability to cope with stress, and improved positivity and well-being. Conclusion: Findings from this study demonstrate that online wellness coaching during the COVID-19 quarantine has a positive effect on students’ well-being.


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APA Style
Altunkurek, Ş.Z. (2021). The effect of online wellness coaching for nursing students during the COVID-19 lockdown on well-being: A qualitative study. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 23(4), 577–588.
Vancouver Style
Altunkurek ŞZ. The effect of online wellness coaching for nursing students during the COVID-19 lockdown on well-being: A qualitative study. Int J Ment Health Promot. 2021;23(4):577–588.
IEEE Style
Ş. Z. Altunkurek, “The Effect of Online Wellness Coaching for Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Lockdown on Well-Being: A Qualitative Study,” Int. J. Ment. Health Promot., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 577–588, 2021.

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