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How Employees React to a Narcissistic Leader? The Role of Work Stress in Relationship between Perceived Leader Narcissism and Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors to Supervisor

Mingze Li, Huili Ye, Guanglei Zhang*

School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430070, China

* Corresponding Author: Guanglei Zhang. Email: email

International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2018, 20(3), 83-97.


This study aims to understand how leader narcissism predicts employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors to supervisor (OCB-S). Based on the transactional model of stress, we argue that perceived leader narcissism triggers employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. We also consider how employees’ self-monitoring moderates the relationship between perceived leader narcissism and OCB-S. By collecting data from a matching questionnaire survey 48 leaders and 183 employees, we tested our conceptual model using adopted hierarchical regression method and plug-in Process. The results showed that perceived leader narcissism imposed a negative effect on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. Moreover, we found that self-monitoring moderated the relationship between perceived leader narcissism and employees’ OCB-S, as well as the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress. Specifically, when the level of self-monitoring was low, the positive relationship between perceived leader narcissism and hindrance stress as well as the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress got stronger. When the level of self-monitoring was high, perceived leader narcissism had a negative effect on hindrance stress, and the indirect effect of perceived leader narcissism on employees’ OCB-S through hindrance stress became weaker. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.


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APA Style
Li, M., Ye, H., Zhang, G. (2018). How employees react to a narcissistic leader? the role of work stress in relationship between perceived leader narcissism and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors to supervisor. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 20(3), 83–97.
Vancouver Style
Li M, Ye H, Zhang G. How employees react to a narcissistic leader? the role of work stress in relationship between perceived leader narcissism and employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors to supervisor. Int J Ment Health Promot. 2018;20(3):83–97.
IEEE Style
M. Li, H. Ye, and G. Zhang, “How Employees React to a Narcissistic Leader? The Role of Work Stress in Relationship between Perceived Leader Narcissism and Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors to Supervisor,” Int. J. Ment. Health Promot., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 83–97, 2018.


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