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Promoting Employees’ Affective Well-Being: Comparing the Impact of Career Success Criteria Clarity and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
1 The College of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, China
2 School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China
3 Durham University Business School, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LB, UK
* Corresponding Author: Mengyi Li. Email:
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2018, 20(2), 55-65.
Based on social cognitive career theory, this study examined career success criteria clarity and career decision-making self-efficacy as mediators in the relationship between career exploration and affective well-being. Data were collected from 475 emerging adults in their early career stages in China. The results showed that both career success criteria clarity and career decision-making self-efficacy mediated the relationship between career exploration and affective well-being. Career decision-making self-efficacy exhibited a stronger mediating effect on this relationship than career success criteria clarity. These findings reveal some important mechanisms underlying the role of career exploration in generating affective well-being and contribute to the social cognitive career theory model. Implications both for researchers and practitioners are discussed.Keywords
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