Special Issues

Exploring the Impact of School Bullying, Aggression and Childhood Trauma in the Digital Age: Influencing Factors, Interventions, and Prevention Methods

Submission Deadline: 01 January 2025 View: 272 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Ye Baojuan, School of Psychology, Center of Mental Health Education and Research, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China
Ye Baojuan, PhD, is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and postdoctoral co-supervisor of Jiangxi Normal University, a visiting scholar in the University of California, Irvine and the University of Notre Dame. Currently, her research primarily focuses on aggression, depression, anxiety, internet addiction, and well-being. She has led over 20 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of the Ministry of Education, among others. Ye has published more than 100 papers in both Chinese and English. She serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Social Psychology Association. She is an editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology and the Chinese Journal of Health Psychology. She also acts as a special reviewer for over 40 professional journals.

Yin Huazhan, School of Educational Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China
Yin Huazhan, PhD, is a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Hunan Normal University. Currently, his research primarily focuses on the influence of emotion on time perception, the social mentality of disadvantaged adults, and the developmental psychology of learning ability. He has led over 40 projects funded by the National Natural Science Fund, and National Social Science Fund, among others. Yin has published 6 volumes of popular science reading “Primary and Secondary School Mental Health Education”, and more than 100 papers in authoritative journals in both Chinese and English such as IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TOP 10% in computer science), Journal of industrial information integration (TOP 10% in decision science), Medical Image Analysis (TOP 10% in hygiene), Child Abuse and Neglect (top 10% in psychology), Sleep Medicine (top 10% of medical citations), etc.

Duan Wenjie, School of Social and Public Administration, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Professor and Doctoral Supervisor in the Department of Social Work at East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). Currently, his research primarily focuses on evidence-based practice, social indicators, project and policy evaluation, and the promotion of quality of life/life quality. He has led over 20 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and the Shanghai Natural Science Fund, among others. Duan has published seven academic monographs and translations in both Chinese and English, written four chapters for academic books, and has authored more than 80 SSCI-indexed papers. He serves as a lifetime committee member of the World Association for Chinese Quality of Life (WACQOL). Additionally, he is the Associate Editor for China for Child & Family Social Work (2022-2024) and is on the editorial board for Research on Social Work Practice (2018-2025) and Journal of Evidence-based Social Work (2020-2025). He also acts as a special reviewer for over 50 professional journals.


School bullying and childhood trauma represent significant negative life events occurring in two of the most critical external environments for the development of children and adolescents: school and family. Bullying, whether experienced as an aggressor or a victim, can have serious adverse effects on mental health and behavior. Different types of aggression (active and passive) and their motivations form distinct associations with school bullying. Traumatic experiences in childhood can cause damage to an individual’s physiological, emotional, and cognitive processes, often predicting externalizing behavior problems, especially aggressive behavior. School bullying is strongly linked to childhood trauma, with children who experience trauma being at higher risk of peer victimization during adolescence.


This special issue of the International Journal of Mental Health Promotion aims to explore the influencing factors, changing characteristics, intervention, and prevention methods of school bullying and childhood trauma in the context of the digital age. The relationship between these factors and the Internet will also be examined to identify scientific methods for promoting the healthy growth of children and adolescents.


To ensure a comprehensive understanding and robust findings, the following methodological approaches are encouraged:

1. Mixed-Methods Research: Combining quantitative and qualitative methods to gain a multifaceted understanding of the phenomena.

2. Longitudinal Studies: Investigating the long-term effects of childhood trauma and school bullying on mental health and behavior.

3. Cross-Cultural Comparisons: Examining differences and similarities in bullying and trauma experiences across different cultures and societies.

4. Intervention Studies: Assessing the effectiveness of various intervention programs designed to prevent and mitigate the effects of bullying and trauma.

5. Digital Analytics: Utilizing digital tools and platforms to analyze patterns and trends in cyberbullying and online behaviors linked to trauma and aggression.


Suggested Topics:

1. Cyberbullying and Its Psychological Impact:

• The prevalence of cyberbullying among different age groups.

• Psychological outcomes of cyberbullying victims and aggressors.

• Effective digital interventions to combat cyberbullying.

2. Internet Addiction and Childhood Trauma:

• Correlation between childhood trauma and the propensity for Internet addiction.

• Impact of Internet addiction on mental health and social behavior.

• Prevention and intervention strategies for Internet addiction in traumatized youth.

3. Aggressive Behavior, Trait Aggression and Digital Media Exposure:

• Examining the controversial relationship between exposure to video games or videos and aggressive behavior.

 • Identifying risk factors and protective factors of aggressive behavior and trait aggression, such as moral disengagement, empathy, aggressive normative belief, etc.

• Evaluating the role of parental and educational guidance in mitigating negative effects.

4. Digital Platforms for Bullying Prevention and Support:

• Effectiveness of online platforms and apps designed for bullying prevention and victim support.

• Role of social media in both exacerbating and alleviating bullying behaviors.

• Case studies of successful digital intervention programs.

5. Resilience Building Through Digital Interventions:

• Innovative digital tools and resources for building resilience in children and adolescents.

• Role of online communities in providing support and fostering resilience.

•   Assessing the impact of digital resilience programs on long-term mental health outcomes.

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