Special Issues

Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Diverse Contexts

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024 View: 24 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Rebecca Y. M. Cheung: Associate Professor, School of Psychologyand Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading
Yen Na Cherry Yum: Associate Professor, Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Education University of Hong Kong


The practice of mindfulness and emotion regulation is useful, especially in times of stress. This Special Issue calls for papers that examine mindfulness and emotion regulation in mental health across diverse social-cultural contexts. We encourage a range of submissions on this topic. Quantitative approaches, including meta-analyses, applied research on interventions, development and validation of relevant measures, and longitudinal studies, are particularly welcome. Submissions might focus on the recommended topics under the Keywords section. However, the list is by no means exhaustive. We hope the Special lssue can highlight the research trends in mindfulness and emotion regulation. We also hope to provide theoretical contributions and helpful strategies for researchers and practitioners in the field.


-Digital habits
-Emotion regulation
-Mental health
-Special needs

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