Special Issues
Editorial Board
  • Joseph Tak-fai LAU

    The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CHINA
    School of Mental Health, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, CHINA

    Research Interests: Inter-disciplinary behavioral health research including behavioral health theories, behavioral interventions and mental health related to risk and preventive behaviors

  • Li Chen

    School of Mental Health, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, CHINA

    Research Interests: Marriage and Family Psychology, Psychological Health and Behavioral Problems of Special Children, and Psychosomatic Medicine

  • Phoenix Kit-han MO

    The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CHINA

    Research Interests: psychological aspects in disease prevention and management; health literacy; mental health in minorities and disease populations; theory-based behavioral or mental health interventions

  • Liye Zou

    Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, CHINA

    Research Interests: lifestyle, exercise, mindfulness, health psychology

Associate Editors
  • WU Man Sze, Anise

    Department of Psychology, University of Macau, Macau, CHINA

    Research Interests: behavioral addiction, alcohol and other substance use, posthumous organ donation, physical and mental wellbeing of Chinese elderly

  • Kevin Ka Shing Chan

    The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CHINA

    Research Interests: stigma, mental illness recovery, autism, mindfulness, self-compassion, well-being

  • Hui Chen

    School of Psychology, Zhejiang University, CHINA

    Research Interests: cognitive psychology

  • Ruyi Ding

    Depaprtment of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, 510006, CHINA

    Research Interests: promotion of social-emotional competence in youth

  • Yiqun Gan

    Peking University, Beijing, CHINA

    Research Interests: stress coping, healthy psychology

  • Li Hu

    Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

    Research Interests: cognitive neuroscience of pain

  • Danhua Lin

    School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, CHINA

    Research Interests: positive youth development; mental health promotion and prevention

  • Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez

    Universidad de Granada, SPAIN

    Research Interests: affective-sexual and gender diversities

  • Juan Gómez Salgado

    Juan Gómez Salgado, University of Huelva, SPAIN

    Research Interests: population, mental health, health care, public health, occupational safety and health

  • Benjamin Tari

    Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK

    Research Interests: dementia. physical activity, acute and chronic brain injury

  • Hadi Tehrani

    Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, IRAN

    Research Interests: mental health promotion, chronic disease

  • Wei Xu

    School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, CHINA

    Research Interests: Mind and Brain Health, Mindfulness Intervention

Editorial Board Members
  • Yuanyuan An

    Nanjing Normal University, CHINA

    Research Interests: trauma psychology, crisis intervention, resilience

  • Jordana Bayer

    Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

  • Aiguo Chen

    Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing, CHINA

    Research Interests: theory and practice of sports psychology

  • I-Hua Chen

    Chinese Academy of Education Big Data, Qufu Normal University, CHINA

    Research Interests: Mental health, internet addiction, digital learning

  • Rebecca Y. M. Cheung

    Xi' an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, CHINA

    Research Interests: family dynamics, mental health, mindfulness, emotion regulation, social-emotional development across the lifespan

  • Paolo Marcello Cunha

    Metabolism, Nutrition and Exercise Laboratory, Londrina State University, BRAZIL

  • Ali Derakhshan

    Golestan University, Gorgan, IRAN

    Research Interests: positive psychology, teacher education, learner individual differences, and cross-cultural interpersonal factors in educational psychology, interlanguage pragmatics, and intercultural communication

  • Wenjie Duan

    East China University of Science and Technology, CHINA

    Research Interests: psychological resilience, psychological support, mindfulness, positive psychology, well-being

  • Stefano Eleuteri

    Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, ITALY

    Research Interests: counseling, psychopathology, sexuality, urology, andrology, psychiatry, gender studies, human sexuality, psychotherapeutic processes, sexual behavior

  • Pengfei Han

    Southwest University, CHINA

    Research Interests: neuroimaging, ingestive behavior

  • Bret Hart

    North Metropolitan Health Service, AUSTRALIA

    Research Interests: prevention of mental health problem

  • Moshe Israelashvili

    Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL

    Research Interests: mental health treatment participation and adherence

  • Rachel Jenkins

    WHO Collaborating Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry, ENGLAND

    Research Interests: mental health and clinical psychiatry

  • Hyun-Shik Kim

    Faculty of Sport Science, Sendai University, Sendai, JAPAN

    Research Interests: children's health, physical activity, 24-hour movement guidelines

  • Faruk Kurhan

    Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, TURKEY

    Research Interests: biological psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and psychopharmacology

  • Dusica Lecic-Tosevski

    School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, SERBIA

    Research Interests: psychotherapy, mental health

  • Regina Lai Tong Lee

    Professor (Practice in Child Health), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, CHINA

    Research Interests: unstructured free play in early learning policy, child and adolescent health nursing

  • John Orley

    The Clifford Beers Foundation, GUERNSEY

  • Nebojša Petrović

    University of Belgrade, SERBIA

    Research Interests: political and peace psychology

  • Colin Reed

    The Clifford Beers Foundation, Stafford, ENGLAND

  • David Seedhouse

    Centre for Health and Social Ethics, University of Auckland, NEW ZEALAND

  • John Tsiantis

    Athens University Medical School, Athens, GREECE

    Research Interests: mental health promotion and anxiety release

  • Jin-Liang Wang

    Southwest University, Chongqing, CHINA

    Research Interests: mental health; psychological health; psychological well-being of youth

  • Chuanyi Wang

    Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA

    Research Interests: Educational mental health

  • Katherine Weare

    University of Southampton, ENGLAND

    Research Interests: cognitive and emotional mechanisms of psychopathology

  • Mark D. Weist

    Center for School Mental Health Assistance University of Maryland, USA

    Research Interests: mental health-education system partnerships, school behavioral health (SBH), trauma, violence and youth, evidence-based practice, cognitive behavioral therapy

  • André de Oliveira Werneck

    School of Public Health, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

  • Yutao Xiang

    University of Macau, CHINA

    Research Interests: mental Health in the poor and sick health service research, clinical studies in severe mental illness, particularly schizophrenia and mood disorders psychiatric epidemiology

  • Yanhui Xiang

    Department of Psychology, Hunan Normal University, CHINA

    Research Interests: psychological development of children and adolescents

  • Baoguo Xie

    Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, CHINA

    Research Interests: career behavior, career management, employment and entrepreneurship of college Students

  • Yi Yang

    Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, CHINA

    Research Interests: occupational mental health and employee motivation

  • Feng Yu

    Wuhan University, CHINA

    Research Interests: moral psychology, positive psychology

  • Jie Yu

    College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, CHINA

    Research Interests: motor skills assessment and intervention, physical activity and health

  • Antonio Zayas

    Department of Psychology, Universidad de Cádiz, SPAIN

    Research Interests: Promotion of Psychological Well-being and prevention of psychopathological disorders in people in vulnerable situations. Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, Dispositional Optimism and other psychosocial factors as protectors of mental health in people with chronic illnesses, victims of harassment for reasons of LGTBIphobia

  • Yanjie Zhang

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Shenzhen, CHINA

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