Open Access
A Precise Integration Method for Modeling GPR Wave Propagation in Layered Pavement Structure
College of Water Conservancy & Environmental Engineering, Zhengzhou University. Zhengzhou 450001, China.
Collaborative Innovation Center of Water Conservancy and Transportation Infrastructure Safety, Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450001, China.
corresponding author. E-mail:
Faculty of infrastructure engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2014, 99(6), 473-490.
Construction of electromagnetic wave propagation model in layered pavement structure is a key step in back analysis of ground penetrating radar (GPR) echo signal. The precise integration method (PIM) is a highly accurate, efficient, and unconditionally stable algorithm for solving 1-order ordinary differential equations. It is quite suitable for dealing with problems of wave propagation in layered media. In this paper, forward simulation of GPR electromagnetic wave propagating in homogeneous layered pavement structure is developed by employing PIM. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, simulated GPR signal is compared with the measured one. Excellent agreement is achieved.Keywords
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