Open Access
Coupled Wavenumbers in an Infinite Flexible Fluid-Filled Circular Cylindrical Shell : Comparison between Different Shell Theories
Vibro-Acoustics Lab, Facility for Research in Technical Acoustics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012, India
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2011, 81(2), 119-156.
Analytical expressions are found for the wavenumbers in an infinite flexible in vacuo / fluid-filled circular cylindrical shell based on different shell-theories using asymptotic methods. Donnell-Mushtari theory (the simplest shell theory) and four higher order theories, namely Love-Timoshenko, Goldenveizer-Novozhilov, Flügge and Kennard-simplified are considered. Initially, in vacuo and fluid-coupled wavenumber expressions are presented using the Donnell-Mushtari theory. Subsequently, the wavenumbers using the higher order theories are presented as perturbations on the Donnell-Mushtari wavenumbers. Similarly, expressions for the resonance frequencies in a finite shell are also presented, using each shell theory. The basic differences between the theories being what they are, the analytical expressions obtained from the five theories allow one to see how these differences propagate into the asymptotic expansions. Also, they help to quantify the difference between the theories for a wide range of parameter values such as the frequency range, circumferential order, thickness ratio of the shell, etc.Keywords
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