Open Access
Two-Phase Flow Simulation by AMMoC, an Adaptive Meshfree Method of Characteristics
University of Leicester
Department of Mathematics
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
University of Trento
I-38050 Trento, ITALY
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2005, 7(2), 133-148.
Petroleum reservoir modelling requires effective multiscale methods for the numerical simulation of two-phase flow in porous media. This paper proposes the application of a novel meshfree particle method to the Buckley-Leverett model. The utilized meshfree advection scheme, called AMMoC, is essentially a method of characteristics, which combines an adaptive semi-Lagrangian method with local meshfree interpolation by polyharmonic splines. The method AMMoC is applied to the five-spot problem, a well-established model problem in petroleum reservoir simulation. The numerical results and subsequent numerical comparisons with two leading commercial reservoir simulators, ECLIPSE and FrontSim, show the good performance of our meshfree advection scheme AMMoC.Cite This Article

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