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Mathematical Analysis of Waiting Times for Reaching Therapeutic Effects
CMUC-Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra. E-mail:
CMUC-Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra. E-mail:
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Coimbra Institute of Engineering. E-mail: This work was partially supported by Project: PTDC/MAT/74548/2006.
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2011, 76(3&4), 163-174.
In two previous papers the authors presented mathematical models that simulate the mass of drug delivered, in vitro Ferreira, Oliveira, Silva, Carreira, Gil and Murta (2010) and in vivo Ferreira, Oliveira, Silva and Murta (2011), from a therapeutic contact lens. In the present paper the time it takes to reach an equilibrium state is studied. A closed formula based on the concept of effective time is derived and the influence of the parameters of the model is analyzed.Cite This Article

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