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A New Insight into the Differential Quadrature Method in Solving 2-D Elliptic PDEs

Ying-Hsiu Shen1, Chein-Shan Liu1,2

Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Corresponding author. E-mail:

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2011, 71(2), 157-178.


When the local differential quadrature (LDQ) has been successfully applied to solve two-dimensional problems, the global method of DQ still has a problem by requiring to solve the inversions of ill-posed matrices. Previously, when one uses (n-1)th order polynomial test functions to determine the weighting coefficients with n grid points, the resultant n ×n Vandermonde matrix is highly ill-conditioned and its inversion is hard to solve. Now we use (m-1)th order polynomial test functions by n grid points that the size of Vandermonde matrix is m×n, of which m is much less than n. We find that the (m-1)th order polynomial test functions are accurate enough to express the solutions, and the novel method significantly improves the ill-condition of algebraic equations. Such a new DQ as being combined with FTIM (Fictitious Time Integration Method) can solve 2-D elliptic type PDEs successfully. There are some examples tested in this paper and the numerical errors are found to be very small.


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APA Style
Shen, Y., Liu, C. (2011). A new insight into the differential quadrature method in solving 2-D elliptic pdes. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 71(2), 157–178.
Vancouver Style
Shen Y, Liu C. A new insight into the differential quadrature method in solving 2-D elliptic pdes. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2011;71(2):157–178.
IEEE Style
Y. Shen and C. Liu, “A New Insight into the Differential Quadrature Method in Solving 2-D Elliptic PDEs,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 157–178, 2011.

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