Open Access
2D Incompressible Viscous Flows at Moderate and High Reynolds Numbers
Depto.Matemáticas, 3er. Piso Ed.Diego Bricio, UAM-Iztapalapa, 09340 México D.F. México,
Facultad de C. de la Computación, BUAP, Pue., México, e-mail:
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2004, 6(5), 441-452.
2D incompressible vicous flows from the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations in stream function-vorticity variables are presented. The results are obtained using a simple numerical procedure based on a fixed point iterative process to solve the nonlinear elliptic system that results once a second order time discretization is performed. Flows on the unregularized unit driven cavity are reported up to Reynolds numbers Re=5000 to compare them with those reported by other authors and supposed to be correct. Various long time computations are presented for Re=10000 to see its evolution as time-dependent flow. Moreover, results are reported for Re=10000, Re=15000 and Re=20000 to see how their flow looks like close from its departure t=0; with these kind of results transition to turbulence is observed as time or Reynolds number increases because of the increment of new small structures (subvortices or eddies).Cite This Article

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