Open Access
Radiative Properties Estimation with the Luus-Jaakola and the Particle Collision Algorithm
Agencia Nacional de Transportes Terrestres, ANTT, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil. Graduate Student at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ/COPPE, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil –
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy, Instituto Politécnico, IPRJ, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo-RJ, Brazil – e-mail:
Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, UFOPA, Santarém-PA, Brazil – e-mail:
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2009, 54(2), 121-146.
The inverse analysis of radiative transfer in participating media has several practical applications. In most cases, the inverse problem is formulated implicitly and the solution is given by the minimization of an objective function. Gradient based methods have largely been used for that purpose, but it has been observed in recent years an increasing interest in the use of stochastic methods. In this work, it is proposed the use of the Luus-Jaakola method and the Particle Collision Algorithm. The former is a random search optimization method that has been successfully employed mainly in chemical engineering, and the latter is a novel stochastic method inspired by the physics of the interaction of nuclear particles inside nuclear reactors. The solutions obtained with these methods are analyzed and compared for different test cases.Keywords
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