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Effects of the Rayleigh Number and the Aspect Ratio on 2D Natural Convection Flows
Depto. Matemáticas, 3er. Piso Ed. Diego Bricio, UAM-Iztapalapa, 09340 México D.F. México, e-mail:
Facultad de C. de la Computación, BUAP, Pue., México
Depto. Matemáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas, UAM-C; 01120 México D.F., México, correspondence to: Alfredo Nicolás
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2009, 48(1), 83-106.
Numerical results of natural convection flows in two-dimensional cavities, filled with air, are presented to study the effects on the characteristics of the flows as some parameters vary: the Rayleigh number Ra and the aspect ratio A of the cavity. This kind of thermal flows may be modeled by the unsteady Boussinesq approximation in stream function-vorticity variables. The results are obtained with a simple numerical scheme, previously reported for isothermal/mixed convection flows, based mainly on a fixed point iterative process applied to the non-linear elliptic system that results after time discretization. The evolution of the flows, mainly flows converging to a steady state, depends on the variation of the parameters in the range: 105 ≤ Ra ≤ 107, 1/4 ≤ A ≤ 4. The study is complemented with the corresponding heat transfer through the Nusselt numbers as well as the time Tss when the steady state of the flow is reached; in connection with Tss, the flow at different times less than Tss is reported for Ra = 106 with A = 1, some findings become into light about transient phenomenon. The validation of the results is given through mesh size and time-step independence studies complemented with the corresponding independence of some characteristics of the flow; then, the validation process is not depending on the comparison with other works using different dimensionless forms.Keywords
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