Open Access
Meshless BEM for Three-dimensional Stokes Flows
Department of Civil Engineering & Hydortech Research Institute, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, TAIWAN. Fax: +886-2-23639258, Email:
Corresponding author,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 38677, USA
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2002, 3(1), 117-128.
This paper describes a combination of the dual reciprocity method (DRM) and the method of fundamental solution (MFS) as a meshless BEM (DRM-MFS) to solve three-dimensional Stokes flow problems by the velocity-vorticity formulation, where the DRM is based on the compactly supported, positive definite radial basis functions (CS-PD-RBF). In the velocity-vorticity formulation, both of the diffusion type vorticity equations and the Poisson type velocity equations are solved by DRM-MFS. Here a typical internal cubic cavity flow and an external flow past a sphere are presented. The results are acceptable. Furthermore, this paper provides a preliminary work for applications to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations.Keywords
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