Open Access
Structured Adaptive Control for Poorly Modeled Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Distinguished Professor, holder of the George Eppright Chair, Aerospace Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 77843-3141, Tel. (979) 845-3912, FAX: (979) 845-6051,
Graduate Assistant Research, Aerospace Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA 77843-3141.
Researcher, Knowledge Based Systems Inc., College Station, TX, USA 77840,
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2000, 1(4), 99-118.
Model reference adaptive control formulations are presented that rigorously impose the dynamical structure of the state space descriptions of several distinct large classes of dynamical systems. Of particular interest, the formulations enable the imposition of exact kinematic differential equation constraints upon the adaptation process that compensates for model errors and disturbances at the acceleration level. Other adaptive control formulations are tailored for redundantly actuated and constrained dynamical systems. The utility of the resulting structured adaptive control formulations is studied by considering examples from nonlinear oscillations, aircraft control, spacecraft control, and cooperative robotic system control. The theoretical and computational results provide new insights and provide a basis for optimism regarding practical adoption of adaptive control methodology in advanced implementations.Cite This Article

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