Open Access
A Stochastic Model to Assess the Epidemiological Impact of Vaccine Booster Doses on COVID-19 and Viral Hepatitis B Co-Dynamics with Real Data
1 Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 460114, Nigeria
2 Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Government College University, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan
3 Department of Mathematics, Government College University, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan
4 Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Labanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
5 Institute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania
6 Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, 40402, Taiwan
* Corresponding Author: Andrew Omame. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Mathematical Aspects of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics-II)
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2024, 138(3), 2973-3012.
Received 02 March 2023; Accepted 04 August 2023; Issue published 15 December 2023
A patient co-infected with COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B can be at more risk of severe complications than the one infected with a single infection. This study develops a comprehensive stochastic model to assess the epidemiological impact of vaccine booster doses on the co-dynamics of viral hepatitis B and COVID-19. The model is fitted to real COVID-19 data from Pakistan. The proposed model incorporates logistic growth and saturated incidence functions. Rigorous analyses using the tools of stochastic calculus, are performed to study appropriate conditions for the existence of unique global solutions, stationary distribution in the sense of ergodicity and disease extinction. The stochastic threshold estimated from the data fitting is given by: . Numerical assessments are implemented to illustrate the impact of double-dose vaccination and saturated incidence functions on the dynamics of both diseases. The effects of stochastic white noise intensities are also highlighted.Keywords
According to the report issued on April 24, 2023, by Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Center: The “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19) caused by the “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2” (SARS-CoV-2) has infected 676,609,955 individuals which resulted in 6,881,955 deaths globally, and 13,338,833,198 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered [1]. Viral hepatitis B virus (HBV) poses a great threat to public health globally [2]. The “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” has estimated that over 290 million individuals are infected with HBV with nearly 0.9 million deaths globally [3]. HBV is among the high-risk factors for chronic liver infections: cirrhosis, liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. It is worth mentioning that HBV is responsible for more than 40% of hepatocellular carcinoma cases and more than 25% of liver cirrhosis cases [4]. The “Global Burden of Disease” has reported that HBV infection is one of the leading causes of adult mortality worldwide with more than 750,000 deaths annually associated with it [5]. The prevalence of HBV cases differs across different countries and regions [6]. Most HBV cases have been reported in the Middle East countries, Asia, and Africa [7]. In many of these countries, most of the reported cases are transmitted via mother-child [7]. Particularly, in Pakistan, the prevalence of viral hepatitis B is around 5 million [8]. Recent studies have indicated that between 2% and 11% of individuals infected with COVID-19 were already suffering from the liver infection and about 25% of liver problems are linked with COVID-19 [9]. SARS-CoV-2 infection can be a big risk factor for severe illness among under-diagnosed patients with viral hepatitis B [10].
According to the report issued by the “McGill COVID-19 vaccine tracker” system on December 02, 2022; 50 out of 242 developed vaccines were approved and are now available in over 200 countries [11]. Some of the approved against COVID-19 include: “BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech), AZD-1222/ChAdOx1-nCoV (Oxford/AstraZeneca), NVX-CoV2373 (Novavax), CoronaVac (Sinovac), mRNA-1273 (Moderna), rAd26-S+rAd5-S (Sputnik V), and Ad26.COV2.S (Janssen)” [12]. The effectiveness of many recommended vaccines ranges between 60% and above 90% [12]. Although antiviral agents can treat HBV, medicines alone cannot eradicate the virus from a host. Thus, vaccination has become an important resource to eliminate HBV infections [13]. That is why, different countries like China and the USA have made infant and adult vaccination programme a government priority [13,14]. This measure has significantly reduced the prevalence of HBV, as reported by Zheng et al. [14] and Zhao et al. [13]. However, developing nations in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are still far away from achieving the target of mass vaccination, especially among the adult population.
On the other hand, mathematical modeling play a significant role not only in understanding the dynamics of the disease but also in suggesting the cost effective measures to eliminate the disease. Different epidemiological models have been proposed and analyzed to understand the dynamics of COVID-19 [15–21], Hepatitis B virus [22,23] as well as the co-infection both diseases [24–26]. Specifically, the authors [24] considered an HBV-COVID-19 model in resource limitation settings. Omame et al. [25] investigated the impact of incident co-infection in a model for HBV and COVID-19, and showed that this phenomenon could trigger backward bifurcation. Din et al. [26] investigated a co-dynamical model for HBV and COVID-19 with a bilinear incidence rate. Mathematical modelling can mainly be classified into deterministic and stochastic modelling. Though, deterministic models have their own merits and advantages but stochastic models have a potential to incorporate uncertainties and randomness and to explain the dynamics of epidemics more effectively. This is why, stochastic models have been applied successfully in understanding the patterns of diseases in recent years [27–32].
As a matter of fact, the nature of epidemic growth and spread is random due to the unpredictability in human-to-human contacts [33]. Therefore, handling the variability and randomness in the different states of the disease dynamical system is a big challenge [34] (see also, [35]). In many such cases, stochastic models could best describe the randomness of infectious contacts which takes place at different infectious stages [36]. It has been shown that stochastic models provide a higher level of realistic outputs when compared with their deterministic counterparts [37]. It was shown in [37] that an endemic equilibrium appearing in a deterministic model could disappear in its corresponding stochastic model because of stochastic fluctuations. Also, the authors in [38] explained that stochastic models give better interpretation to the question of disease extinction than their deterministic equivalents. Nasell [39] pointed out that stochastic models present better approaches in describing epidemics given large range of realistic parameter values when compared with the corresponding deterministic models.
Vaccination has become an important measure in managing the co-spread of both COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B; a feature that has not been considered by previous studies. This is the main motivation behind this work which aims to fill the gap in the existing studies by proposing a robust stochastic model for the two viral diseases co-dynamics incorporating vaccine booster doses, logistic growth and saturated incidence rates. The logistic growth deals with the population growth over time taking the carrying capacity into consideration when there is limited resources whereas, in exponential growth assumption, the population of interest grows over time and the carrying capacity is not considered which is not realistic and hence the logistic growth is most suitable [40]. Also, effective contacts between infected and uninfected humans may saturate at high infection peaks as a result of the crowding effect of infected individuals or as a result of control measures by the uninfected individuals [41]. The saturated incidence function best explains this, and has been adopted successfully in many epidemic models [42–44]. In biological models which deal with high co-endemicity of two diseases, this serves as the best incidence rate.
This study develops and analyzes the model using stochastic calculus tools. It seeks to suggest comprehensive intervention measures against the two viral diseases with the inclusion of vaccination programs for both infections. The study’s findings contribute significantly to aid in the battle against COVID-19 and viral hepatitis.
This paper contributes in the following:
(i) A novel comprehensive stochastic model incorporating the logistic growth and saturated incidence rates is designed to assess the epidemiological effect of vaccine booster doses on the co-dynamics of viral hepatitis B and COVID-19.
(ii) The perturbed system is fitted to the real data from Pakistan and stochastic thresholds for both diseases are estimated.
(iii) Rigorous analysis using the tools of stochastic calculus are performed to establish appropriate conditions needed for existence of unique global solution, stationary distribution in the sense of ergodicity and disease extinction.
(iv) The optimal levels for COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B primary and booster vaccination rates that eliminate both infections are determined.
(v) Numerical assessments are carried out which highlight the impact of saturated incidence functions and stochastic white noise intensities on the dynamics of both diseases.
We shall now recall some basic tools of stochastic calculus required in the sequel.
Theorem 1.1. [45] Let ε(t) be a “one-dimensional Ito process” on t≥0 with “stochastic differential” given by:
where, p∈ℒ1(R+×R;R), g∈ℒ2(R+×R;R), and Bt is a “one-dimensional Brownian motion”. If ℋ∈𝒞2(R+×R;R+). Then ℋ(t,ε(t)) is another Ito process whose “stochastic differential” is given by:
The “infinitesimal generator” ℒ associated with system (1) [45] is given by:
Lemma 1.1. [45] If ℒ applies to a function ℋ(t,ε(t))∈C2(R+×R;R+), then
Also, the one dimensional Ito’s lemma [44] can be re-written as:
The compartments for the formulation of the proposed model are defined as follows: S(t): susceptibles, Va(t): those vaccinated against COVID-19, Vb(t): those vaccinated against viral hepatitis B, Ia(t): infected with COVID-19, Ib(t): infected with viral hepatitis B, Icb(t): infected with the dual infections, Ra(t): those who have recored from COVID-19, Rb(t): those who have recovered from viral hepatitis B, Rab(t): those who have recovered from the dual infections, and at any time t, the total population is given by N(t)=S(t)+Va(t)+Vb(t)+Ic(t)+Ia(t)+Iab(t)+Ra(t)+Rb(t)+Rab(t). As the constant recruitment rate which has been used in many epidemic models is unrealistic, this study assumes the logistic growth in the proposed model, where r denotes per capita birth rate, K stands for the carrying capacity of the environment. The COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B transmission rates are defined as: βa and βb, respectively. Unlike several existing models dealing with COVID-19 and hepatitis B which assume the bilinear or standard incidence rates, the saturated incidence functions are used in this model, where the saturation effects associated with COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B are denoted by α1 and α2, respectively. This form of incidence has been considered most favorable when dealing with disease models involving large number of infectives. COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B primary vaccination rates are defined by ψ and ρ. The parameters: θc and θh denote the COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B booster dose vaccination rates. Immunity due to COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B vaccines are not lifelong, and wanes at the rates δa and δb, respectively. It is assumed that Individuals who recovered from COVID-19 are immune to re-infection. Similar assumption is made for individuals who have recovered from viral hepatitis B. However, infection with the other disease is possible. Due to the imperfect nature of the COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B vaccines, vulnerable or unvaccinated individuals have reduced rates of getting infected with either of the viral diseases with σ(0<σ<1) and γ(0<γ<1) denoting the COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B vaccine inefficacies. The model flow chart is given in Fig. 1, and parameters description is given in Table 1. The proposed model (both unperturbed and equivalent perturbed form) is described by the nonlinear systems defined by Eqs. (6) and (7), respectively.
The stochastic model analogue of the above deterministic model is given by:
where, Bi(t), i=1,…,9 denote “independent Brownian motions” with Bi(0)=0, and ζi, i=1,…,9 are the intensities of white noise which reflects all random components that could impact the disease dynamics in each compartment.
3 Analysis of the Unperturbed System (6)
In this section, we now present the analysis of the unperturbed system (6).
3.1 Unperturbed System’s Reproduction Number
The disease free equilibrium (DFE) for the deterministic system is:
Associated transfer matrices are:
F=(βa(S0+σV0a+V0b+R0b)000βa(S0+V0a+γV0b+R0a)0000), andV=(ξa+ηa+μ000ξb+ηb+μ000ξab+ηab+μ).(9)
The basic reproduction employing the approach in [51] is: ℛ0=ρ(FV−1)=max{ℛ0a,ℛ0b}, where ℛ0b and ℛ0a denote the deterministic reproduction numbers for viral hepatitis B and COVID-19, and are given by:
3.2 Local Asymptotic Stability the Unperturbed System’s DFE (6)
Theorem 3.1. The unperturbed system’s DFE, Q0, “is locally asymptotically stable” whenever ℛ0<1, and unstable for ℛ0>1.
Note that, the stability within neighbourhood of DFE for unperturbed system (6) is analyzed with the help of its Jacobian matrix evaluated at DFE given by:
The first seven eigenvalue are given by:
Φ1=−μ(with multiplicity of three),Φ2=−(r−μ+ψ+ρ),Φ3=−(δa+θa+μ)Φ4=−(δb+θb+μ),Φ5=−(ξab+ηab+μ),
and the solutions of these equations:
As all parameters of the model are positive, it is concluded that the equations in (11) will both possess roots with negative real parts whenever ℛ0=max{ℛ0a,ℛ0b}<1. Thus, the unperturbed system’s DFE, Q0 is locally asymptotically stable if ℛ0=max{ℛ0a,ℛ0b}<1.
4 Analysis of the Perturbed System (6)
In this section, we study appropriate conditions for the existence of a unique global solution to the stochastic system with the help of well defined stochastic Lyapunov functions. We now present the following result:
Theorem 4.1. Given the initial conditions
the perturbed system (7) has a unique global solution
for t≥0, which is invariant in ℳ with unit probability, where,
For given initial states 𝒢0=(S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0))∈ℳ, unique local solution 𝒢t=𝒢(t)=(S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t)) exists for t∈[0,τe) with τe denoting explosion time [45]. Suppose ϕ0>0 is such that
S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0) stay within [1ϕ0,ϕ0]. Then, for every ϕ≥ϕ0, we define the stopping time [29]:
Note that, τϕ increases as ϕ→∞. Therefore, τ∞=limϕ→∞τϕ. It is to be shown that τ∞=∞ a.s., so that τe=∞ and
(S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t))∈ℳ a.s for all t≥0.
If τ∞<∞, then ∃ T>0 and ϑ∈(0,1) such that P{τ∞≤T}>ϑ. Thus, there is an integer ϕ1≥ϕ0 such that
Define a 𝒞2 stochastic Lyapunov function ℋ1:R9+→R+ as:
Applying Ito’s lemma [45] to (14), we have
On simplification, we obtain that
Thus, we have
If both sides of Eq. (16) are integrated from 0 to τλ∧T, then we have
On taking expectation on both sides of the above inequality, we obtain that
Let Ωϕ={τϕ≤T}∀ϕ≥ϕ1. Then, by (13), we have P(Ωϕ)≥ϑ. Note that, for every ω∈Ω, at the least one of S(τϕ,ω) or Va(τϕ,ω) or Vb(τϕ,ω) or Ia(τϕ,ω) or Ib(τϕ,ω) or Iab(τϕ,ω) or Ra(τϕ,ω) or Rb(τϕ,ω) or Rab(τϕ,ω) is equivalent to ϕ or 1ϕ. Thus,
is not less than
ϕ−1−lnϕor1ϕ−1−lnϕ(which equals:1ϕ−1+lnϕ).
Finally, we have
where, 1Ωϕ(ω) is “indicator function” of Ωϕ(ω). If ϕ→∞, then
∞>ℋ1(S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0))+ΨT=∞, which is a contradiction and hence τ∞=∞.
The following notation and results are stated first:
Theorem 4.2 (“Strong Law of Large Numbers”). [45] Let G={Gt}t≥0 be continuous and real valued local martingale vanishing at t=0 and ⟨G,G⟩t be its quadratic variation. Then
limt→∞⟨G,G⟩t=∞, a.s. ⇒ limt→∞Gt⟨G,G⟩t=0, a.s. and,limt→∞sup⟨G,G⟩tt<0, a.s. ⇒ limt→∞Gtt=0, a.s.(19)
Lemma 4.1. Let (S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t)) be a solution of perturbed system (7) subject to
(S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0))∈(R)9+, then
Moreover, if μ>(ζ21∨ζ22∨ζ23∨ζ24∨ζ25∨ζ26∨ζ27∨ζ28∨ζ29)2, then
This Proof follows using the arguments similar to those given in Lemmas (2.1) and (2.2) in [32] and is omitted.
The threshold parameter ℛS0 for the perturbed system (7) is given as:
The theorem below provides necessary requirement for disease extinction from a population.
Theorem 4.3. Given the initial states (S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0))∈R9+, the solution
(S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t)) of the stochastic system (7) has the properties defined below: If
(a) (i) ζ24>β2a[μ(δa+θa+μ)(δb+θb+μ)+μσψ(δa+θa+μ)+ρ(μ+θb)(δa+θa+μ)]2(S0)22(δa+θa+μ)μ2(δb+θb+μ)2, then COVID-19 goes extinct “almost surely” (a.s).
(ii) ζ25>β2b[μ(δb+θb+μ)(δa+θa+μ)+μργ(δa+θa+μ)+ψ(μ+θa)(δb+θb+μ)]2(S0)22μ2(δb+θb+μ)(δa+θa+μ)2, viral hepatitis B goes extinct a.s.
(b) (i) ℛS0a<1, then COVID-19 is eliminated from the population with unit probability.
(ii) ℛS0b<1, then viral hepatitis B is eliminated from the population with unit probability.
Thus, if the requirements (a) and (b) above are satisfied, then
That is, both viral diseases will be eliminated with probability one.
(a) If Ito′s lemma is applied to the 2nd equation of (7), then we have
Re-writing (24) in the form of integral gives that
This can also be written in the form given by:
Dividing by t, we get that
Using the “Strong Law of Large numbers”, limt→∞1t∫t0ζ4dB4(ν)=0.a.s.,
ζ24>β2a[μ(δa+θa+μ)(δb+θb+μ)+μσψ(δa+θa+μ)+ρ(μ+θb)(δa+θa+μ)]2(S0)22μ2(δa+θa+μ)2(δb+θb+μ)2, and on taking “limit superior on both sides of” (25), we have
That is, limt→∞Ia(0)=0.
Similarly, it can be shown that
which implies that limt→∞Ib(0)=0.
(b) Also, if Eq. (24) is integrated over the interval [0,t] and divided by t, we obtain
Moreover, G(t)=ζ4t∫t0dB4(ν) is “locally continuous and G(0)=0”. Employing the Lemma (4.1) on taking t→∞, we get that
If ℛS0a<1, then Eq. (26) becomes
Eq. (28) implies
Applying Itˆo Lemma to the 5th equation of system (7), we have
Note that G(t)=ζ4t∫t0dB4(ν), is “locally continuous martingale” and G(0)=0. By applying Lemma (4.1) with t→∞, we obtain
If ℛS0b<1, then Eq. (30) results in
Eq. (32) gives
Using the last equation of the stochastic system, we have
From the first equations of system (7), we get that
Considering the bound for N, and recalling (29) and (33), gives
Dividing by t and taking limt→∞, we obtain that
which can be re-written as:
On taking t→∞, the above becomes
Following the similar arguments to those given above, the following expressions can also be obtained from the stochastic system (7):
Solving the Eqs. (38) and (39) simultaneously, the following bounds are obtained
4.3 Existence of Ergodic Stationary Distribution
Definition 4.1. [52] “The transition probability function P(s,ε,t,A) is said to be time-homogeneous (and the corresponding Markov process is called time-homogeneous) if the function P(s,ε,t+s,A) is independent of s, where 0≤s≤t, t∈Rq, A∈ℬ and ℬ denotes the σ-algebra of Borel sets in Rq”.
Let Y(t) represent a “time-homogeneous regular Markov” process in R9+ defined by the SDE below:
The corresponding diffusion matrix is defined as:
Lemma 4.2. [52] “Suppose there exists a bounded open domain ℳ⊂R9+ having regular boundary Γ, with the following properties”:
A1: “there exists a positive number G such that ∑qi,j=1aij(ε)ρiρj≥G|ρ|2,ε∈ℳ,ρ∈Rq”.
A2: “there exists a non-negative 𝒞2-function ℋ such that ℒℋ is negative for any Rq∖ℳ”.
“Then the Markov process Y(t) have a unique ergodic stationary distribution μ()”. That is
with p(ε) denotes an integrable function relative to measure μ.
Theorem 4.4. Define the threshold
Then the perturbed system (7) has a “unique ergodic stationary distribution” μ(⋅) whenever ˉℛS0>1.
For (S(0),Va(0),Vb(0),Ia(0),Ib(0),Iab(0),Ra(0),Rb(0),Rab(0))∈R9+, we have unique solution
(S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t))∈R9+. Moreover, the diffusion matrix of (7) is given as:
Suppose that G=min{ζ21S2,ζ22V2a,ζ23V2b,ζ24I2a,ζ35I2b,ζ26I2ab,ζ27R2a,ζ28R2b,ζ29R2ab}.
where, (S(t),Va(t),Vb(t),Ia(t),Ib(t),Iab(t),Ra(t),Rb(t),Rab(t))∈¯D∈R9+
Then we have
Therefore, the requirement A1 of Lemma (4.2) is fulfilled.
Now, consider a C2− function V:R9+→R+:
ℋ3=−lnS− lnVa−lnVb−ω1lnIa−ω2lnIb+(S+Va+Vb+Ia+Ib+Iab+Ra+Rb+Rab),
where ω1>0 and ω2>0 are to be determined. Applying Ito’s Lemma, we have
Thus, we get that
Since the arithmetic mean is always greater than or equal to the geometric mean, it implies that
Consequently, we have
It implies that
Moreover, define
Now, consider a
Applying Ito’s Lemma, we have
which results in
Define the domain
Next, we show that
Case 1. Suppose
Similarly, it can also be shown that
Case 2. If
If we take,
Similarly, we can obtain that
Hence, there exist
Therefore, we have
Taking expectation, applying Dynkin’s formula [53] and integrating both sides of Eq. (50) over
Following arguments similar to those in the proof of the Theorem (4.4), we can show that
5 Numerical Scheme/Simulations
The perturbed system (7) shall now be experimented numerically in this section. The higher order scheme by Milstein [55] shall be used and is defined below:
5.1 Impact of Primary and Booster Vaccination Rates
Numerical assessments of the epidemiological impact of COVID-19 and viral hepatitis B vaccination strategies are presented in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. The solution profiles for infected components at different primary and booster vaccination rates for COVID-19 are shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that increasing primary and booster dose vaccination rates greatly caused reduction in infected classes with COVID-19 (Fig. 6a as expected). This measure also brought about reduction in the infected individuals with viral hepatitis B and the compartment co-infected with both diseases (as can be noted in Figs. 6b and 6c). It is interesting to observe that, stepping up the COVID-19 primary vaccination rate to,
5.2 Impact of Saturation Effects
The numerical investigation of the epidemiological impact of saturation effect
In this paper, a comprehensive stochastic model was developed to assess the epidemiological effect of vaccine booster doses on the co-dynamics of viral hepatitis B and COVID-19 using the real data from Pakistan. The proposed model incorporates logistic growth and saturated incidence functions. Rigorous analyses employing the tools of stochastic calculus have been carried out to find appropriate conditions required for the existence of unique global solutions, stationary distribution in the sense of ergodicity and disease extinction. The stochastic threshold estimated from the data fitting is given by:
(i) The perturbed system was fitted to the real COVID-19 data from Pakistan (depicted by Fig. 2) with stochastic threshold estimated at
(ii) Increasing the COVID-19 primary vaccination rate to
(iii) It is noted from the experiments that increasing primary and booster dose vaccination rates for viral hepatitis B not only caused reduction in infected classes with viral hepatitis B (as seen in Fig. 7a, which is expected) but also brought about a noticeable reduction in the infected individuals with COVID-19 and the co-infection of both diseases (as can be seen in Figs. 7b and 7c).
However, further investigations to improve the present study with fewer limitations can lead to some new avenues of research. More efficient algorithms can be developed for the proposed model with some more realistic assumptions. The model can also consider time dependent contact rates and time delay. Asymptomatic classes can also be considered for both viruses, and data for both diseases to be used for more accurate model fittings. In the future, we shall consider the impact of quadratic Levy noise and variable diffusion rates on the dynamics of both diseases [57–59].
Acknowledgement: The authors wish to express their appreciation to the reviewers for their helpful suggestions which greatly improved the presentation of this paper.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Author Contributions: The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception and design: A. O., M. A., D. B.; data collection: A. O., M. A., D. B.; analysis and interpretation of results: A. O., M. A., D. B.; draft manuscript preparation: A. O., M. A., D. B. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Availability of Data and Materials: All data used for the fitting of the model are available at “Pakistan: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile. Available online: (accessed on 19/02/2023)”.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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