Open Access
On the Mean Value of High-Powers of a Special Character Sum Modulo a Prime
School of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, China
* Corresponding Author: Xiaodan Yuan. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Application of Computer Tools in the Study of Mathematical Problems)
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023, 136(1), 943-953.
Received 29 May 2022; Accepted 07 September 2022; Issue published 05 January 2023
In this paper, we use the elementary methods, the properties of Dirichlet character sums and the classical Gauss sums to study the estimation of the mean value of high-powers for a special character sum modulo a prime, and derive an exact computational formula. It can be conveniently programmed by the “Mathematica” software, by which we can get the exact results easily.Keywords
Let p be an odd prime, the quadratic character modulo p is called the Legendre symbol, which is defined by
Many mathematicians have studied the properties of the Legendre symbol and obtained a series of important results (see [1–13]). Perhaps the most representative properties of the Legendre’s symbol are as follows:
Let p and q be two distinct odd primes, then one has the quadratic reciprocal formula (see [14]: Theorem 9.8 or [15]: Theorems 4–6)
For any odd prime p with p≡1 mod 4, there exists two non-zero integers αp and βp such that (see [15]: Theorems 4–11)
In fact, the integers αp and βp in Eq. (1) can be represented by the Jacobsthal sums ϕ2(r), which is (see [16]: Definition of the Jacobsthal sums)
where s is any quadratic non-residue modulo p.
Now we consider a sum A(r) be similar to βp. For any integers r with (r,p)=1 and k≥0, let A(r) and Sk(p) be defined as follows:
In this paper, we give an exact computational formula for Sk(p) with p≡1 mod 6, and prove the following result:
Theorem. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 6, for any integer k, we have the identity
where d and b are uniquely determined by 4p=d2+27b2, d≡1 mod 3 and b>0.
From this Theorem, we can immediately deduce the following four Corollaries:
Corollary 1. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 6, then we have
Corollary 2. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 6, we have
Corollary 3. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 6, then we have
Corollary 4. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 6, we have
Some notes: In our Theorem, we only discuss the case p≡1 mod 6. If p≡5 mod 6, the result is trivial, see Proposition 6.1.2 in [16]. In this case, for any integer r with (r,p)=1, we have the identity
Thus, for all prime p with p≡5 mod 6 and k≥1, we have Sk(p)=0.
In addition, our Theorem holds for all negative integers.
Obviously, the advantage of our work is that it can transfer a complex mathematical computational problem into a simple form suitable for computer programming. It means that for any fixed prime p with p≡1 mod 6 and integer k, the exact value of Sk(p) can be calculated by our Theorem and a simple computer program. In Section 4, we give an example to calculate the exact results of the prime number p within 200 satisfying conditions p≡1 mod 6 and d≡1 mod 3. The exact results of calculation are summarised in Table 1.
In this section, we give some simple Lemmas, which are necessary in the proofs of our Theorem. In addition, we need some properties of the classical Gauss sums and character sums, which can be found in many number theory books, such as [14,15] or [17], and we will not repeat them. First, we have the following:
Lemma 1. Let p be a prime with p≡1 mod 3, for any third-order character λ modulo p, we have the identity
where τ(χ)=p−1∑a=1χ(a)e(ap) denotes the classical Gauss sums with e(y)=e2πiy and i2=−1, d is the same as the one in the Theorem.
Proof. See references [18] or [19].
Lemma 2. Let p be an odd prime, for any non-principal character χ modulo p, we have the identity
where χ2=(∗p) denotes the Legendre’s symbol modulo p.
Proof. From the properties of the classical Gauss sums we have
On the other hand, for any integer b with (b,p)=1, from the identity
we also have
From Eqs. (2) and (3) we have the identity
This proves Lemma 2.
Lemma 3. Let p be a prime p with p≡1 mod 6, then for any integer r with (r,p)=1 and three order character λ modulo p, we have the identity
Proof. From the characteristic function of the cubic residue modulo p, we have
Applying Eq. (4) we have
From the properties of the classical Gauss sums, we have
Taking χ=λ in Lemma 2, we have
Note that τ(λ)⋅τ(¯λ)=p, from Eqs. (6) and (7) we have
Similarly, we also have
Combining Eqs. (5), (8) and (9) we can deduce that
This proves Lemma 3.
Lemma 4. Let p be any odd prime with p≡1 mod 6, then for any integers k≥3 and r with (r,p)=1, we have the third order recursive formula
where d is the same as defined in the Theorem.
Proof. Note that λ3=¯λ3=χ0, the principal character modulo p, from Lemma 1 and Lemma 3 we have
Indeed, for any integer k≥3, from Eq. (10) we have the third order recursive formula
This proves Lemma 4.
Lemma 5. Let p be any odd prime with p≡1 mod 6, then we have
Sk(p)=3p⋅Sk−2(p)+(d3−3pd)⋅Sk−3(p)for allk≥4.
Proof. From the definition
and the orthogonality of characters modulo p, we have
From Eq. (10) we also have
If k≥4, then from Lemma 4 we have
Now Lemma 5 follows from Eqs. (11)–(14).
In this section, we complete the proof of our Theorem. It is clear that the characteristic equation of the third order linear recursive formula
Note that 4p=d2+27b2, from Eq. (16) we have
It is clear that the three roots of Eq. (16) are x1=d, x2=−d+9d2 and x3=−d−9d2. Indeed, the general term of Eq. (15) is
From Lemma 5 we have
Solving the Eq. (18) we can get C1=C2=C3=13. From Eq. (17) we have
This proves our Theorem.
Obviously, using Lemma 4 we can also extend k in Lemma 5 to all negative integers, which leads to the Corollary 1 and the Corollary 2.
This completes the proofs of our all results.
In this paper, we give an exact computational formula for Sk(p) with p≡1 mod 6, which is, for any integer k, we have the identity
where d and b are uniquely determined by 4p=d2+27b2, p≡1 mod 6 and b>0.
Meanwhile, the problems of calculating the mean value of high-powers of quadratic character sums modulo a prime are given.
In the end, we use the mathematical software “Mathematica” to program and calculate the exact values of S1(p) to S8(p) of the prime number p within 200 satisfying conditions p≡1 mod 6 and d≡1 mod 3, as shown in Table 1. Its application can also extend to Sk(p) that satisfies conditions p≡1 mod 6 and d≡1 mod 3 (where 4p=d2+27b2) for any k. See the Appendix A for this specific computer program.
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the editor and referees for their suggestions and critical comments that substantially improve the presentation of this work.
Funding Statement: This work was supported by the N. S. F. (12126357) of China.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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Appendix A.
Array[p, 20];
, ]
Array[d, 20];
, ]
S[pi, di, bi, ki]: = (1/3) ∗ (diki + ((−di + 9 ∗ bi)/2)ki + ((−di −9 ∗ bi)/2)ki)
If[Element[b, Integers],
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