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Notes on Curves at a Constant Distance from the Edge of Regression on a Curve in Galilean 3-Space
1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Bitlis Eren University, Bitlis, 13000, Turkey
2 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, 24002, Turkey
3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, 24002, Turkey
* Corresponding Author: Ali Çakmak. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: On Innovative Ideas in Pure and Applied Mathematics with Applications)
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023, 135(3), 2731-2742.
Received 31 May 2022; Accepted 09 August 2022; Issue published 23 November 2022
In this paper, we define the curve at a constant distance from the edge of regression on a curve r(s) with arc length parameter s in Galilean 3-space. Here, d is a non-isotropic or isotropic vector defined as a vector tightly fastened to Frenet trihedron of the curve r(s) in 3-dimensional Galilean space. We build the Frenet frame of the constructed curve with respect to two types of the vector d and we indicate the properties related to the curvatures of the curve . Also, for the curve , we give the conditions to be a circular helix. Furthermore, we discuss ruled surfaces of type A generated via the curve and the vector D which is defined as tangent of the curve in 3-dimensional Galilean space. The constructed ruled surfaces also appear in two ways. The first is constructed with the curve and the non-isotropic vector D. The second is formed by the curve and the non-isotropic vector D. We calculate the distribution parameters of the constructed ruled surfaces and we show that the ruled surfaces are developable. Finally, we provide examples and visuals to back up our research.Keywords
Klein pronounced a different definition of geometry in his introductory speech at the University of Erlangen in 1872. He explained that geometry, given by a subgroup
One of the important research areas in differential geometry is the theory of curves examined in various spaces. In particular, it has been examined in a lot of papers and remarkable results have been obtained in the 3-dimensional Galilean space [4–10].
The notion of the curves at a constant distance from the edge of regression has been introduced by Vogler. He has studied the curves traced on a torse at a constant distance from its edge of regression. The torse of a space curve in
This subject has been studied in Euclidean 3-space since the 1970s, and it is a method that generates a new curve from the curve through the Frenet frame of the curve. For the first time, we will discuss this issue in 3-dimensional Galilean space. While the curve is produced by using the unit vector which is defined by the Frenet frame apparatus of a curve in Euclidean 3-space, we will have produced the curve by considering two situations in the Galilean 3-space. This is because, in Galilean space, vectors are treated in two ways, isotropic and non-isotropic.
In this paper, we first recall the essential preliminaries on the Galilean 3-space. Then, we define curves in the Galilean 3-space and give the curvature properties of these curves. In the main part of our study, we define a curve noted by
Let us consider a curve
Figure 1: The curve α and the curve Cv
The Galilean space
Now, let us consider the basic definitions and notions.
The Galilean vector product of two vectors in
A vector
Definition 2.1. An angle
If the vectors
If the vectors
2.1 Curves in Galilean 3-Space
In this case, the functions
The using Eq. (4), then the tangent vector of
If we take the derivation of Eq. (5), we get
And from Eqs. (5) and (7), we write
Using Eqs. (7) and (8), we write
As a consequence, the unit binormal vector B(x) of
and then the frame
Proposition 2.1. The Frenet formulae of a unit speed curve
is the curvature of
is the torsion of
3 Curve at a Constant Distance from the Edge of Regression on a Curve in Galilean 3-Space
Definition 3.1. Suppose that r is a curve in Galilean 3-space and {T, N, B} is the Frenet frame at the point P = r(s) of r. Let
such that
Now, let us construct the Frenet frame of
Case 3.1. d is non-isotropic. In this case,
where d(s) = T(s).
Theorem 3.1. If r(s) is a curve with arc length parameter s, then the arc length parameter of the curve
Proof. By differentiating Eq. (14)
If we take the norm of two sides of Eq. (15), we have
which completes the proof.
Theorem 3.2. Let
Proof. By differentiating Eq. (14) and using Eq. (11), we have
which gives us Eq. (16). If we take derivation of Eq. (21) according to s, we get
Using Eq. (22) in Eq. (12), then we get Eq. (19). From Eq. (9), we easily obtain the Eq. (17) and from Eq. (10), we get Eq. (18). Considering Eq. (13), we obtain Eq. (20).
In these calculations we used
Corollary 3.1. Let
Proof. We know that if the curvatures
In this case, we have
Case 3.2. d is isotropic. In this case,
Theorem 3.3. If r(s) is a curve with arc length parameter s, then the arc length parameter of the curve
Proof. By differentiating Eq. (23), we have
If we take the norm of two sides of Eq. (24), we have
Theorem 3.4. Let
Proof. By differentiating Eq. (23) and using Eq. (11), we obtain
In these calculations, we use
Corollary 3.2. Let
Proof. If the curvatures of r are constants,
In this case, we have
4 Ruled Surfaces Generated by the Curve
The ruled surfaces in
4.1 Ruled Surface of Type A Generated by
A ruled surface of type A in
where Frenet trihedron
Additionally, the parameter of distribution
We know that if
Theorem 4.1. Suppose that (
Proof. By taking derivative of
If we take
Now, we consider that v is a constant in the ruled surface
Finally considering Eq. (1), the angle
4.2 Ruled Surface of Type A Generated by
Similarly to Section 4.1, a ruled surface of type A in
where the curve
Thus, the following theorem can be written:
Theorem 4.2. Suppose that (
Proof. By taking derivative of
We take as
Example 5.1. Consider the curve given by the parametrization
The Frenet frame fields of the curve of
Figure 2: The red curve is ϕ(σ), the blue curve is ϕλ (σ) and the green curve is ϕr(σ)
Considering Eq. (14), the curve
Example 5.2. Let us consider the curve given by Eq. (38) in Example 5.1. The ruled surface
In Eq. (39), the curve
is generator. For
Figure 3: The surface XA(σ, v), for −π ≤ σ ≤ π, −1 ≤ v ≤ 1
Example 5.3. Let us consider the curve given by Eq. (38) in Example 5.1. The ruled surface
In Eq. (40), the curve
is directrix and the non-isotropic vector
is generator. For
Figure 4: The surface XA(σ, v), for −π ≤ σ ≤ π, −1 ≤ v ≤ 1
In this study, we present a method that generates a new curve from the curve using the Frenet frame of a curve that is parameterized by arc length in
Acknowledgement: The authors wish to express their appreciation to the reviewers for their helpful suggestions which greatly improved the presentation of this paper.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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