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DOI: 10.32604/cmes.2022.021081


Frenet Curve Couples in Three Dimensional Lie Groups

Osman Zeki Okuyucu*

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Bilecik, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Osman Zeki Okuyucu. Email: osman.okuyucu@bilecik.edu.tr
Received: 26 December 2021; Accepted: 28 March 2022

Abstract: In this study, we examine the possible relations between the Frenet planes of any given two curves in three dimensional Lie groups with left invariant metrics. We explain these possible relations in nine cases and then introduce the conditions that must be met to coincide with the planes of these curves in nine theorems.

Keywords: Curves; lie groups; curvatures; Frenet plane

1  Introduction

The theory of curves has an important role in differential geometry studies. In the theory of curves, one of the interesting problems is to investigate the relations between two curves. The Frenet elements of the curves have an effective role in the solution of the problem.

For example, if the principal normal vectors coincide at the corresponding points of the curves α and β, the curve couple {α,β} is called the Bertrand curve couple in a three-dimensional Euclidean space [1,2]. Similarly, if tangent vectors coincide, the curve couple {α,β} is called the involute-evolute curve couple. Also, if the normal vector of the curve α coincides with the bi-normal vector of the curve β, the curve couple {α,β} is called the Mannheim curve couple [3].

In a three-dimensional Lie group G with a bi-invariant metric, Çiftçi has defined general helices [4]. Also Okuyucu et al. have obtained slant helices and Bertrand curves in G [5,6]. Gök et al. have investigated Mannheim curves in G [7]. Recently, Yampolsky et al. have examined helices in three dimensional Lie group G, with left-invariant metric [8]. Also, many applications of curves theory are studied and still have been investigated in three dimensional Lie groups (see [912], etc.).

Karakuş et al. have examined the possibility of whether any Frenet plane of a given space curve in a three-dimensional Euclidean space is also any Frenet plane of another space curve in the same space [13].

In this study, we examine the possible relations between the Frenet planes of given two curves in three dimensional Lie groups with left invariant metrics.

2  Preliminaries

Let G be a three dimensional Lie group with left-invariant metric , and let g denote the Lie algebra of G which consists of the all smooth vector fields of G invariant under left translation. There are two classes of three dimensional Lie groups:

1.    If the group is unimodular, we have a (positively oriented) orthonormal frame of left-invariant vector fields {e1,e2,e3}, such that the brackets satisfy


where λi are called structure constants. The constants


are called connection coefficients.

2.   If the group is nonunimodular, we have an othonormal frame {e1,e2,e3}, such that


see [14].

Using the Koszul formula the covariant derivatives eiej can be found as in the following tables:


for unimodular and nonunimodular cases, respectively.

The cross-products of the vectors e1,e2,e3 are defined by the following equalities:


in three dimensional case. For unimodular and nonunimodular groups, we have eiek=μ(ei)×ek, and so


for any vector field X, where μ is a affine transformation as follows:


for unimodular and nonunimodular cases, respectively (see [8]).

We have eiek=μ(ei)×ek for both groups, and so


for any vector field X.

Let γ be an arc-lengthed curve on the group and T=γ˙ be the unit tangent vector field. For any vector field ξγ, using the Eq. (1), we get


where the vector field ξ˙=dξidsei is dot-derivative of the vector field ξ along the curve γ. If ξ is the restriction of a left-invariant vector field to the curve γ the ξ˙=0 (see [8]).

Let T, N and B be the vectors of the standard Frenet frame of the curve γ. We get the following equations with the help of Eq. (2):


Along the curve γ, we can define a new frame {τ,v,β}, which is called dot-Frenet Frame, by


where k0=|T˙|. By definition ϰ0=|β˙|.

Proposition 2.1. The dot-Frenet frame {τ,v,β} satisfies dot-Frenet formulas, namely


The Frenet and the dot-Frenet frames are connected by


where α=α(s) is the angle function (see [8]).

Proposition 2.2. The transformation μ(T) can be given by


with respect to the Frenet frame {T,N,B}.

Define a group-curvature kG and a group-torsion ϰG of a curve by


respectively. As a consequence of (4), the dot-curvature and the dot-torsion of a curve can be expressed in terms of the group-curvature kG, group-torsion ϰG of a curve, and angle function α by


(see [8]).

3  Frenet Curve Couples in Three Dimensional Lie Groups

Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be curves with arc-length parameter s and s¯, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. We denote Frenet apparatus of the curves ζ and η with {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively. We know that Sp{T,N}, Sp{N,B} and Sp{T,B} are the osculating plane, the normal plane and the rectifying plane of the curve ζ, respectively. And similarly, Sp{T¯,N¯}, Sp{N¯,B¯} and Sp{T¯,B¯} are the osculating plane, the normal plane and the rectifying plane of the curve η, respectively. Now we investigate the possible cases and the relations between the Frenet planes of any given two curves in three dimensional Lie groups with left invariant metrics in a step by step manner:

Case 1: We assume that, osculating plane of the curve ζ is the osculating plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,N}=Sp{T¯,N¯}. As in Fig. 1, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 1: Osculating planes of the curves ζ and η

So we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (5) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that B is parallel to B¯, since B=Sp{T,N}=Sp{T¯,N¯}=B¯. If we multiply the Eq. (6) with B, we get


And so, we have


By using Eq. (7), we can set


where ψ is smooth angle function between T and T¯ on I and



By using the Eqs. (9) and (10), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (8) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (11), with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (12) and (13), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.1. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The osculating planes of these curves coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that


where ψ is the angle between T and T¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 2: We assume that, osculating plane of the curve ζ is the normal plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,N}=Sp{N¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 2, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.

Thus, we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (14) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.


Figure 2: Osculating plane of the curve ζ and normal plane of the curve η

We know that B is parallel to T¯, since B=Sp{T,N}=Sp{N¯,B¯}=T¯. If we multiply the Eq. (15) with T, N and B, respectively, we get


And so, we have the equation T¯(s¯)=B(s). If we calculate the dot-derivative of this equation with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (16) with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



where ψ is the smooth angle function between T and N¯. By using the Eqs. (17) and (18), we obtain


that is


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.2. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The osculating plane of the curve ζ and the normal plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that:


where ψ is the angle between T and N¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 3: We assume that, osculating plane of the curve ζ is the rectifying plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,N}=Sp{T¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 3, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 3: Osculating plane of the curve ζ and rectifying plane of the curve η

Thus, we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (19) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that B is parallel to N¯, since B=Sp{T,N}=Sp{T¯,B¯}=N¯. If we multiply the Eq. (20) with B, we get


And so, we have


By Eq. (21), we can set


where ψ is smooth angle function between T and T¯ on I and



By using the Eqs. (23) and (24), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (22) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (25), with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (26) and (27), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.3. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The osculating plane of the curve ζ and the rectifying plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that


where ψ is the angle between T and T¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 4: We assume that, normal plane of the curve ζ is the osculating plane of the curve η, that is Sp{N,B}=Sp{T¯,N¯}. As in Fig. 4, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 4: Normal plane of the curve ζ and osculating plane of the curve η

So we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (28) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that T is parallel to B¯, since T=Sp{N,B}=Sp{T¯,N¯}=B¯. If we multiply the Eq. (29) with T, we get


And so, we have


By the Eq. (30), we can set


where ψ is smooth angle function between T¯ and N on I and



By using Eqs. (32) and (33), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (31) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (34), with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (35) and (36), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.4. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The normal plane of the curve ζ and the osculating plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that


where ψ is the angle between T¯ and N at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 5: We assume that, normal plane of the curve ζ is the normal plane of the curve η, that is Sp{N,B}=Sp{N¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 5, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 5: Normal planes of the curves ζ and η

Thus, we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (37) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that T is parallel to T¯, since T=Sp{N,B}=Sp{N¯,B¯}=T¯. If we multiply the Eq. (38) with T, N and B, respectively, we get


And so, we have the equation T¯=T. If we calculate the dot-derivative of this equation with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (39) with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



where ψ is the smooth angle function between N and N¯. By using the Eqs. (40) and (41), we obtain


that is


This means that,


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.5. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The normal planes of these curves coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that:


where ψ is the angle between N and N¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 6: We assume that, normal plane of the curve ζ is the rectifying plane of the curve η, that is Sp{N,B}=Sp{T¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 6, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 6: Normal plane of the curve ζ and rectifying plane of the curve η

Thus, we have following relations between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (42) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that T is parallel to N¯, since T=Sp{N,B}=Sp{T¯,B¯}=N¯. If we multiply the Eq. (43) with T, we get


And so, we have


By the Eq. (44), we can set


where ψ is smooth angle function between T¯ and N on I and



By using Eqs. (46) and (47), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (45) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (48), with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (49) and (50), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.6. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The normal plane of the curve ζ and the rectifying plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that:


where ψ is the angle between T¯ and N at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 7: We assume that, rectifying plane of the curve ζ is the osculating plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,B}=Sp{T¯,N¯}. As in Fig. 7, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 7: Rectifying plane of the curve ζ and osculating plane of the curve η

So we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (51) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that N is parallel to B¯, since N=Sp{T,B}=Sp{T¯,N¯}=B¯. If we multiply the Eq. (52) with N, we get


And so, we have


By the Eq. (53), we can set


where ψ is smooth function between T and T¯ on I and



By using Eqs. (55) and (56), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (54) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (57) with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (58) and (59), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.7. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The rectifying plane of the curve ζ and the osculating plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that:


where ψ is the angle between T and T¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 8: We assume that, rectifying plane of the curve ζ is the normal plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,B}=Sp{N¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 8, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 8: Rectifying plane of the curve ζ and normal plane of the curve η

Thus, we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (60) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that N is parallel to T¯, since N=Sp{T,B}=Sp{N¯,B¯}=T¯. If we multiply the Eq. (61) with T, N and B, respectively, we get


And so, we have the equation T¯(s¯)=N(s). If we calculate the dot derivative of this equation with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (62) with N¯(s¯) and B¯(s¯), respectively, we get



where ψ is the smooth angle function between the T and N¯. By using Eqs. (63) and (64), we obtain


that is


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.8. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The rectifying plane of the curve ζ and the normal plane of the curve η coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that


where ψ is the angle between T and N¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

Case 9: We assume that, rectifying plane of the curve ζ is the rectifying plane of the curve η, that is Sp{T,B}=Sp{T¯,B¯}. As in Fig. 9, this relationship exists at the corresponding points of along the curves ζ and η.


Figure 9: Rectifying planes of the curves ζ and η

Thus, we have following relation between the curves ζ and η:


where a and b are real-valued non-zero functions of s.

Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (65) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


where r=ds¯ds.

We know that N is parallel to N¯, since N=Sp{T,B}=Sp{T¯,B¯}=B¯. If we multiply the Eq. (66) with N, we get


And so, we have


By the Eq. (67), we can set


where ψ is smooth angle function between T and T¯ on I and



By using Eqs. (69) and (70), we obtain




Calculating the dot-derivative of the Eq. (68) with the help of Eqs. (3) and (4), we get


If we multiply the Eq. (71) with N¯ and B¯, respectively, we get



By using Eqs. (72) and (73), we obtain


Thus we introduce the following theorem:

Theorem 3.9. Let ζ:IRG and η:I¯RG be two arc-length parametrized curves with the Frenet apparatus {T,N,B,k0,ϰ0,α} and {T¯,N¯,B¯,k¯0,ϰ¯0,α¯}, respectively, in three dimensional Lie group G with left-invariant metric. The rectifying planes of these curves coincide if and only if there exist real valued non-zero functions a and b on I, such that


where ψ is the angle between T and T¯ at the corresponding points of ζ and η.

4  Conclusions

It is well known that every smooth curves have a moving Frenet frame. This paper examines the relations between Frenet planes of two smooth curves in three dimensional Lie groups with left-invariant metric. There are nine possible relations that can occur. For each cases, we give conditions by nine theorems as above. These results are generalizations for relations between Frenet planes of two curves in three dimensional Euclidean spaces. By the paper's results, one will be able to investigate of special curve couples in three-dimensional Lie groups with left-invariant metric and correlate their results.

Funding Statement: The author received no specific funding for this study.

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.


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