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Modeling the Spike Response for Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neurons with Application to a Fuzzy XOR

A. M. E. Ramírez-Mendoza1

CONACYT Research Fellow–State University of Nuevo León (UANL for its acronym in Spanish), Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School (FIME for its acronym in Spanish), Center for Research and Innovation in Aeronautical Engineering (CIIIA for its acronym in Spanish), Carretera a Salinas Victoria km. 2.3, Apodaca, Nuevo León, México.

*Corresponding Author: Abigail María Elena Ramírez Mendoza. Email: email; email.

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2018, 115(3), 295-311.


A spike response model (SRM) based on the spikes generator circuit (SGC) of adaptive fuzzy spiking neurons (AFSNs) is developed. The SRM is simulated in MatlabTM environment. The proposed model is applied to a configuration of a fuzzy exclusive or (fuzzy XOR) operator, as an illustrative example. A description of the comparison of AFSNs with other similar methods is given. The novel method of the AFSNs is used to determine the value of the weights or parameters of the fuzzy XOR, first with dynamic weights or self-tuning parameters that adapt continuously, then with fixed weights obtained after training, finally with fixed weights and a dynamic gain or self-tuning gain for a fine adjustment of amplitude.


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APA Style
Ramírez-Mendoza, A.M.E. (2018). Modeling the spike response for adaptive fuzzy spiking neurons with application to a fuzzy XOR. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 115(3), 295–311.
Vancouver Style
Ramírez-Mendoza AME. Modeling the spike response for adaptive fuzzy spiking neurons with application to a fuzzy XOR. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2018;115(3):295–311.
IEEE Style
A.M.E. Ramírez-Mendoza, “Modeling the Spike Response for Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neurons with Application to a Fuzzy XOR,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 295–311, 2018.

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