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An Implicit Integration Scheme for a Nonisothermal Viscoplastic, Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Model

M. Akamatsu1, K. Nakane2, N. Ohno1,2

Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2005, 10(3), 217-228.


In this study, a fully implicit integration scheme is developed for a nonisothermal viscoplastic, nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Nonlinear dynamic recovery in addition to strain hardening is assumed for the evolution of multiple back stresses so that ratcheting and mean-stress relaxation can be properly simulated. Temperature dependence of back stress evolution is also taken into account in the constitutive model. By discretizing a set of such advanced constitutive relations using the backward Euler method, a tensor equation is derived and linearized to iteratively achieve the implicit integration of constitutive variables. The fully implicit integration scheme developed is programmed as a subroutine in a finite element code by assuming a power-law of dynamic recovery. Nonisothermal numerical examples are then given to demonstrate the performance of the implicit integration scheme.


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APA Style
Akamatsu, M., Nakane, K., Ohno, N. (2005). An implicit integration scheme for a nonisothermal viscoplastic, nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 10(3), 217–228.
Vancouver Style
Akamatsu M, Nakane K, Ohno N. An implicit integration scheme for a nonisothermal viscoplastic, nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2005;10(3):217–228.
IEEE Style
M. Akamatsu, K. Nakane, and N. Ohno, “An Implicit Integration Scheme for a Nonisothermal Viscoplastic, Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Model,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 217–228, 2005.

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