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A Framework for Comprehensive Impact Assessment in the Case of an ExtremeWinter Scenario, Considering Integrative Aspects of Systemic Vulnerability and Resilience
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Tampere, Finland
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Energy Department, Vienna, Austria
University of Naples Federico II, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, Naples, Italy
University of Naples Federico II, Study Centre Plinivs, Naples, Italy
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2015, 109-110(2), 131-158.
In northern regions, society can be seriously interrupted by a prolonged electricity network blackout due to a winter storm that cuts off power, communication and road networks. Due to hard winter weather it is essential to enhance the resilience of society to avoid danger to life. This can be achieved by developing new models to enhance preparedness for coming disaster events and to support rescue and other authorities to focus their resources on the most vulnerable targets in actual cases of emergencies. This paper presents a part of the results of activities performed within the EU project ‘CRISMA – Modelling crisis management for improved action and preparedness’. It focuses on improved resilience by proposing a framework for systemic vulnerability and impact analyses. The described work is conceptually based on risk-hazard and socio-constructive approaches. It is illustrated by means of a scenario consisting of a prolonged blackout together with an extreme winter storm in northern Finland. Scenario components include the integrative analysis of rapidly cooling houses and exposed vulnerable people as well as estimations of the potential costs of the crisis situation. The model can be extended to handle passable routes and the deployment of available rescue and snow ploughing equipment.Keywords
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