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Solving a Class of PDEs by a Local Reproducing Kernel Method with An Adaptive Residual Subsampling Technique

H. Rafieayan Zadeh1, M. Mohammadi1,2, E. Babolian1

Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Kharazmi University, 50 Taleghani Ave., Tehran 1561836314, Iran
Corresponding author

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2015, 108(6), 375-396.


A local reproducing kernel method based on spatial trial space spanned by the Newton basis functions in the native Hilbert space of the reproducing kernel is proposed. It is a truly meshless approach which uses the local sub clusters of domain nodes for approximation of the arbitrary field. It leads to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) for the time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs). An adaptive algorithm, so-called adaptive residual subsampling, is used to adjust nodes in order to remove oscillations which are caused by a sharp gradient. The method is applied for solving the Allen-Cahn and Burgers’ equations. The numerical results show that the proposed method is efficient, accurate and be able to remove oscillations caused by sharp gradient.


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APA Style
Zadeh, H.R., Mohammadi, M., Babolian, E. (2015). Solving a class of pdes by a local reproducing kernel method with an adaptive residual subsampling technique. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 108(6), 375–396.
Vancouver Style
Zadeh HR, Mohammadi M, Babolian E. Solving a class of pdes by a local reproducing kernel method with an adaptive residual subsampling technique. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2015;108(6):375–396.
IEEE Style
H.R. Zadeh, M. Mohammadi, and E. Babolian, “Solving a Class of PDEs by a Local Reproducing Kernel Method with An Adaptive Residual Subsampling Technique,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 108, no. 6, pp. 375–396, 2015.

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